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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-09-29 共3582字


  摘 要
  With the rapid development of knowledge economy, reading has become thefundamental approach for collecting and dealing with information, as well as knowing theworld. Additionally, for the children, reading plays a more important role in people'sacquiring knowledge and exploring world, developing thinking and achieving aestheticexperience. In advocating national reading today, the status quo of China's ruralleft-behind children in reading not only related to their healthy growth, but also greatlyaffect the national overall citizen reading level and citizen quality. Therefore, thedevelopment of education for rural children in reading is an important issue related to theoverall quality of national and the development of nation as well.
  Their parents always stay outside for the job, so they can't accompany beside thechildren with children's growing up. this is a common problem facing the current ruraleducation. education is closely related to reading environment problem, rural education isno exception. rural left-behind children's reading environment influence factors arevarious, including family, school and society. this research is start from the family readingenvironment, school reading environment and social reading environment directions andfind the mental and physical influence factors. The mental factors include the guardian,teachers and others attitude, guidance, reading habits and activities to left-behindchildren's reading. The physical factors include the library resources, fixed the time andspecific place of left-behind children's reading activities. With reference to the influencefactors of all aspects to formulate and improve the questionnaire and interview schedule.
  Through the questionnaire and case interviews and observation of the physicalenvironment, the author made a deep research on the family, school and social readingenvironment about three primary and middle schools in Dongshan Town, Yueyang city.
  Base on the field investigation, the rural left-behind children reading environment isnot optimistic. There are at least three problems: One is that home reading environmentare bad. Parents habits of reading is not so good, not enough support on left-behindchildren's reading activities, reading devices is not ideal. Second, school readingenvironment are not good. leaders and teachers ignore the importance of reading, there arebooks and materials are not enough, cultural activities on campus is inefficient insupporting reading, teacher's reading habits are not ideal and they do not provide guidanceto student's reading, etc. Three is the social reading environment is poorer. rural culture isweak, related cultural activities is lack, farm house doesn't work properly. Based on thesefindings, measures are proposed to improve the reading environment of left-behindchildren, from the three perspectives of the family, school and social.
  Keywords: Left-behind Children; Reading Problem; Reading Environment;Rural Education

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景
  1.2 研究目的及意义
  1.2.1 研究目的
  1.2.2 研究意义
  1.3 研究综述
  1.3.1 国内研究现状
  1.3.2 国外研究现状
  1.3.3 小结
  1.4 研究思路与内容
  1.4.1 研究思路
  1.4.2 研究内容
  1.5 研究方法
  1.6 研究创新与不足
  1.6.1 研究创新
  1.6.2 研究不足
  第 2 章 农村留守儿童阅读环境建设理论基础
  2.1 核心概念界定
  2.1.1 农村留守儿童
  2.1.2 阅读环境
  2.1.3 农村留守儿童阅读环境
  2.2 基本理论概述
  2.2.1 阅读循环圈理论
  2.3 构建农村留守儿童良好阅读环境的原则
  2.3.1 丰富性和趣味性原则
  2.3.2 便捷性原则
  2.3.3 因地制宜原则
  2.3.4 示范性原则
  2.3.5 因材施教原则
  第 3 章 东山镇农村留守儿童阅读环境现状实证研究
  3.1 东山镇农村留守儿童阅读环境因素的提取
  3.1.1 家庭阅读环境因素的提取
  3.1.2 学校阅读环境因素的提取
  3.1.3 社会阅读环境因素的提取
  3.2 调查基本情况介绍
  3.2.1 调查方式
  3.2.2 调查设计思路
  3.2.3 样本选取说明
  3.2.4 样本基本情况分析
  3.3 农村留守儿童阅读环境现状──以岳阳市东山镇地区调研为基础
  3.3.1 东山镇农村留守儿童阅读兴趣的调查
  3.3.2 东山镇农村留守儿童阅读目的的调查
  3.3.3 东山镇农村留守儿童阅读习惯的调查
  3.3.4 东山镇农村留守儿童阅读时间及频率的调查
  3.3.5 东山镇农村留守儿童阅读材料类型的调查
  3.3.6 东山镇农村留守儿童阅读方式、方法的调查
  3.3.7 东山镇农村留守儿童阅读场所的调查
  第 4 章 东山镇农村留守儿童阅读环境问题分析
  4.1 家庭阅读环境不良
  4.1.1 监护人对支持留守儿童阅读活动的行动力堪忧
  4.1.2 监护人对留守儿童的阅读活动指导不足
  4.1.3 监护人缺乏良好的阅读习惯,示范作用不强
  4.1.4 家庭提供的阅读条件不理想
  4.2 学校阅读环境欠佳
  4.2.1 应试教育根深蒂固,学校领导及教师漠视阅读教
  4.2.2 学校图书室建设投入不足,儿童读物极度匮乏
  4.2.3 学校极少开展以阅读为主题的文化活动
  4.2.4 教师阅读素养有待提升,对学生阅读指导是心有余而力不足
  4.3 社会阅读环境较差
  4.3.1 农村文化氛围薄弱,缺少相关的文化活动
  4.3.2 在东山镇农村地区几乎没有书店
  4.3.3 农家书屋工作运转不正常,阅读推广不力
  第 5 章 改善农村留守儿童阅读环境的策略
  5.1 创设家庭阅读环境的策略
  5.1.1 加强留守儿童监护人的监护责任,提高其阅读意识
  5.1.2 强化留守儿童监护人的阅读认知,创设理想的家庭阅读环境
  5.1.3 倡导亲子阅读,营造良好的家庭阅读氛围
  5.2 营造学校阅读环境的策略
  5.2.1 转变学校的教育理念,保障留守儿童的阅读权益
  5.2.2 以班为单位设立班级图书角,确保留守儿童的阅读时间
  5.2.3 学校定期组织开展阅读活动,提高留守儿童的阅读兴趣
  5.2.4 教师以身示范,增强对留守儿童的阅读影响力
  5.3 营造社会阅读环境的策略
  5.3.1 积极推进“农家书屋”工程, 填补社会阅读环境空白
  5.3.2 以市县级公共图书馆为依托,加大对农村地区的图书支援
  5.3.3 发扬公益机构、企业的公益精神,助力农村留守儿童阅读
  5.3.4 大力发展农村经济,构建社会主义新农村
  第 6 章 总结与展望
  6.1 本文工作总结
  6.2 展望
  致 谢