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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-06-24 共2677字
第1部分 传统调解制度与中国传统社会的关系研究
第2部分 传统调解制度的法社会学分析绪论
第3部分 中国传统调解概述
第4部分 传统调解正当性论证
第5部分 传统社会调解的评价与反思
第6部分 我国传统纠纷调解的评述结语与参考文献


  摘 要






  关键词: 传统调解;政治制度;地域文化;调解正当性


  Society is the foundation of system's structure. The form of man ' s thought mainlydepends on absorbing the experience of the society. A specified period of social factorsinfluence the judicial system and judicial practice. While the fundamental spirit of thejudicial system and judicial practice reacts to the continuation and development of thesociety.

  Disputes as a social phenomenon, its form of expression always associated with thematerial life level, social and economic development and specific regional culture andcustoms. Recalling the history, both abroad and home, none can be exceptional. There isno doubt that the generation of disputes cause harm to people's life and social order. Sothat resolve disputes become inevitable. As we all know that Mediation is one of themost ancient way to settle disputes. The Chinese traditional mediation system is a kindof “local knowledge” which rooted in Chinese traditional society. From ancient times tomodern time, mediation is an important mechanism in our country evolved from civilmediation, civil mediation approved by the government, government mediation tomodern people's mediation, administrative mediating and court mediation. Although theform and content are different to some extent, China's old mediation tradition has beenkept all the time. Although the rule of law is the foundation of the modern society, thejudge trial in accordance with the law is the basic principle to solve this dispute. But thetrial is not the only path. In a particular situation, the effect of the mediation conforms tothe requirements of society better than other dispute settlement mechanism.

  In recent years, the mediation as a dispute resolution mechanism attract extensiveattention. Our perception of mediation can't just focus on its surface. At present, theacademic circles some scholars understanding of mediation too one-sided, they can notgrasp the essence and characteristics of mediation system. The conciliation procedure isthe product of human civilization development. And any human civilization will finallyreturn to the problem of human civilization. This paper studies the relationship betweenthe traditional mediation system and the civilization of the ancient China.

  There are their deep philosophical and social background in the establishment anddevelopment of the ancient mediating system in China. Mediation originates from thelegal culture without litigation, reflects the ideal of ancient ruler on setting up aharmonious society. Mediating system adapts to family's society of patriarchal clansystem under small-scale peasant economy in China. Meanwhile, it is an importantapproach that ruler of feudal society implements his political regime that “Emphasizingmoral education and complemented by penalty”. Above all Mediation is a a specialcultural phenomenon based on specific social economic, political and culturalbackground.In this article, the author's dissertation aims is to study the Mediation basedon sociology of law.

  Key words: The traditional mediation; Political system; Culture; The legitimate ofmediation

  目 录

  第一章 绪 论

  第一节 研究的背景及意义

  第二节 国内外研究理论综述:调解研究的基本路径及其问题

  第三节 研究内容、方法及创新点

  第二章 中国传统调解概述

  第一节 传统社会调解的概念厘定

  第二节 传统调解产生与发展

  第三节 传统调解的分类

  第三章 传统调解正当性论证

  第一节 传统调解四重语境

  第二节 社会语境下中国传统熟人社会调解之实践

  第三节 传统调解之要素解构

  第四章 传统社会调解的评价与反思

  第一节 传统调解之合理性与局限性

  第二节 传统调解之现代性反思

  第三节 现代调解制度构建之完善

  结 语


  致 谢
