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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-06-29 共3503字


  摘 要





  Doctor-patient relationship is one of the most important interpersonal relationships insocial relations, which contains a wealth of moral, political and psychological factors. Withthe rapid economic and social development, China's health service has made remarkableachievements, while the doctor-patient relationship status has become the focus of publicconcern. Medical disputes, doctor-patient self-defense as well as a lack of trust andcommunication directly affect the construction of a harmonious doctor-patient relationship.

  Ideological and political education communication focuses on emotionality and subjectivityand tends to be more humane and effective, which becomes carriers of these characteristics.

  Whether or not it can be introduced to medical and health field to strengthen thecorresponding education and guidance of medical staff as the main body makes ideologicaland political education communication a vital subject to give its functions and values a fullplay in specific areas. Applications of ideological and political education communication inthe current doctor- patient relationship are still in the exploratory stage and have noauthoritative and systematic works. This article aims at making use of ideological andpolitical education communication to solve and build doctor-patient relationships, suggestingthat medical health superstructure pays attention to the uniqueness and effectiveness ofideological and political education communication, to promote harmony among subjects fromsystem and mechanism, means of education, communication and cultural construction; toenhance communication awareness of medical workers, communication skills andcommunication arts, and enter into the deep communication phase with humanistic careacross a simple and direct exchange of medical communication between doctors and patients,therefore, resolving the confrontation problem doctors and patients faced with due to a singleprofessionalism and relations of consumption. To this end, this article starts with the currentstatus of doctor-patient relationship, and further comprehensively explores the effects,directions, goals and paths of ideological and political education communication under thecurrent doctor-patient relationship.

  This essay is made up of five parts. The first part consists of the background, meaning,definition of doctor-patient relationship and the current situation of the study both in Chinaand the abroad; It mainly analyzes the condition between doctors and patients, its conflict andthe lack of ideological and political education communication in the second part; In the thirdpart, the use of ideological and political education communication is elaborated in the modernsituation; It tells the principles and goals of ideological and political educationcommunication in the fourth part; In the last part, the approaches of ideological and politicaleducation communication are explained in detail under the modern circumstance. In this essay,the author systematically analyzes the big problem in current doctor-patient relationship andthe necessity of ideological and political education communication in hospital, applying themethods and views of Marxism, comprehensively using documentation method,comprehensive analysis method, the connection of theory and practice method and elaboratesthe importance ideological and political education communication has on building theharmonious doctor-patient relationship.

  Key words: ideological and political education in the hospital; the relationship betweendoctors and patients; conflict between doctors and patients; doctor-patient relationship;the communication of ideological and political education ; medical ethics

  目 录

  摘 要


  1 绪论

  1.1 研究的背景与意义

  1.1.1 研究的背景

  1.1.2 研究的意义

  1.2 文献综述

  1.2.1 国内研究现状

  1.2.2 国外研究现状

  1.3 相关概念及范围界定

  1.3.1 当前医患关系及分析

  1.3.2 思想政治教育沟通

  1.3.3 医患关系中的一般沟通与思想政治教育沟通

  1.4 论文的研究方法、特色及创新之处

  1.4.1 研究方法

  1.4.2 研究特色

  1.4.3 创新之处

  2 当前医患关系与思想政治教育的关系

  2.1 医患案例的启示

  2.2 医患冲突的原因分析

  2.2.1 个体差异导致医患冲突

  2.2.2 医患双方缺乏信任与沟通

  2.2.3 媒体等因素的反向作用

  2.2.4 相应教育的缺位与滞后

  2.3 当前医患关系对思想政治教育沟通的需求

  2.3.1 需要达成主体自身的和谐

  2.3.2 需要构建主体间的和谐

  2.3.3 需要疏导促进社会和谐

  3 当前医患关系下思想政治教育沟通的内涵与作用

  3.1 当前医患关系下思想政治教育沟通的内涵

  3.1.1 主体间搭建双向互动的桥梁

  3.1.2 主体间建立平等的沟通机制

  3.1.3 主体间形成相互理解的有利局面

  3.2 当前医患关系下思想政治教育沟通的作用

  3.2.1 对“以病人为中心”医学模式的导向作用

  3.2.2 对“以人为本”医学文化的构建作用

  3.2.3 对患者心理的疏导作用

  3.2.4 对医生职业道德的提升作用

  4 当前医患关系下思想政治教育沟通的方向与目标

  4.1 思想政治教育沟通的方向

  4.1.1 树立正确的价值观

  4.1.2 培养积极的情感

  4.1.3 寻求理性的认同

  4.2 思想政治教育沟通的目标

  4.2.1 医患双方互利共赢

  4.2.2 医患双方平等尊重

  4.2.3 就医环境得到改善

  5 当前医患关系下思想政治教育沟通的路径

  5.1 提高思想政治教育沟通的认识

  5.1.1 提高卫生行政部门的关注和意识

  5.1.2 制定思想政治教育沟通分层制度

  5.1.3 加强医院文化建设

  5.1.4 加强人文关怀教育

  5.2 营建促进思想政治教育沟通的氛围

  5.2.1 善用媒体增进正向信息对等流动

  5.2.2 开放患者应知权益的信息宣传

  5.3 建设落实思想政治教育沟通的队伍

  5.3.1 充分发挥工会、医务部、护理部等的人力资源

  5.3.2 增设并遴选专业、专兼职人员

  5.3.3 向社会招募医务志愿者

  6 结束语


  致 谢
