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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-07-25 共3060字



  2011 年 7 月 4 日,《最高人民法院关于适用<中华人民共和国婚姻法>若干问题的解释(三)》通过,同年 8 月 13 日起施行,该司法解释的出台引发了众多的讨论,尤其是其中第十条关于房产的规定,这条新规定颠覆了以前的婚姻关系中的一般规则,给婚姻关系中的财产处理带来了质的变化。联系以前的相关规定,我们从关于夫妻财产法律规定的变迁路径中可以看出,夫妻财产关系随着社会环境的发展在不断变化,不仅仅是夫妻财产关系,婚姻关系也不例外,婚姻关系的变迁同样与社会环境的发展保持着相同的步调。研究婚姻关系必须将其置于社会环境的大背景之下,然而社会环境是一个过于笼统的概念,公共政策作为管理社会最主要和最有力的手段,可以说是社会环境的集中体现,也是把握社会环境典型特征的最好方式。从公共政策视角出发,对婚姻关系的把握会更进一步,本文正是从《婚姻法》解释(三)谈起,从公共政策的角度重新审视婚姻关系,通过分析婚姻关系的一般原理,从因然性与实然性两个层面进行研究,并通过分析公共政策与法律之间的关系,来把握婚姻关系立法及婚姻关系法律适用。这样能够正确认识公共政策对婚姻关系的价值,有助于对婚姻关系有更加深刻的理解,具有重要的理论意义;同时,对于我们正确处理婚姻关系中所涉及的公共政策问题有重要的实践意义。


  关键词:婚姻关系 公共政策 审视


  The “sInterpretation of the Supreme People's Court on certain issues concerning the application ofpeople's Republic of China Marriage Law” was approved on July 4th,2011, and was implemented onAugust 13th. The implementation of the regulation raised a wave of heated discussion where the focuswas set on the No.10 of the real-estate regulation, The updated regulation was against the general ruleof marital relationship and brought radical change when it comes to property disposal. Take the relatedregulation into consideration and combined with the changing path of property law, we can see thatnot only the marital property relationship but also the marriage relationship was revised in alignmentwith social development. We are required to conduct the research of marriage relationship under thecontext of social environment which is too abstract to analyze. Public policy, however, is the mostimportant and powerful tool to adopt the analysis. The perspective of public policy enabled us to comecloser to marriage relationship. The paper re-examined the marriage relationship with public policyperspective based on the “Marriage Law Interpretation 3”. Through integrating the general principalsof marriage relationship from the point of practical and theoretical view, we have a betterunderstanding of marital relationship legislation application by analyzing the relationship betweenpublic policy and legislation. Also it's good for us to appreciate the value of public policy to maritalrelationship with solid practical and theoretical significance.

  Therefore, the paper was divided into three parts. The first part “introduction” brought the issue ofmarital relationship and the new perspective of public policy with the implementation of “Marriagelaw interpretation 3”. Afterwards we specify the background, purpose, methodology as well asresearch outline. The second part comb through the general theory of marital relationship starting withmarital relationship history development . Marital relationship went through from communal marriageto couple marriage and ended into monogamy which underpin the concept and property of maritalrelationship. Following that we introduce some typical examples to clarify the content of purpose ofmarital relationship from the point of personal relation and property relation. The main partre-examines the marital relationship from the perspective of public policy. First is the briefintroduction of public policy with its content, characteristics and function. Then we conduct thetheoretical analysis of marital relationship combined with individual “tiny liberty” and social “bigliberty”. Practical analysis was done through three typical public policy which are Hukou system,housing policy and also children policy. Lastly, we emphasize the impact of public policy to maritalrelationship through analyzing the relationship of public policy and legislation. And then articulate thefunction mechanism and meaning of public policy from both judge usage and individual usage.

  Key words:marital relationship, public policy, re-examine



  第 1 章 绪论……7

  1.1 课题研究背景……7

  1.2 课题研究意义……9

  1.3 研究思路及研究方法……10

  1.3.1 研究思路 ……10

  1.3.2 研究思路及研究方法 ……10

  第 2 章 婚姻关系一般原理分析……12

  2.1 婚姻制度的历史发展……12

  2.2 婚姻关系的概念及属性……12

  2.3 婚姻关系的内容……13

  2.3.1 其他国家及地区关于婚姻关系的规定 ……14

  2.3.2 我国大陆关于婚姻关系的规定 ……15 夫妻关系……15 父母子女关系……18

  第 3 章 从公共政策角度审视婚姻关系……20

  3.1 公共政策概述……20

  3.1.1 公共政策的界定 ……20

  3.1.2 公共政策的特征 ……21

  3.1.3 公共政策的功能 ……22

  3.2 婚姻关系存在的目的性分析……23

  3.3 从公共政策角度审视婚姻关系的因然性……25

  3.3.1 对个人情感的“小自由”的保障 ……25

  3.3.2 个人情感的“小自由”与社会秩序的“大自由”之间的平衡 ……26

  3.4 从公共政策视角审视婚姻关系的实然性……28

  3.4.1 从户籍制度看婚姻关系 ……28

  3.4.2 从生育政策看婚姻关系 ……31

  3.4.3 从住房政策看婚姻关系 ……33

  3.5 公共政策与婚姻关系立法及法律适用……36

  3.5.1 公共政策与法律 ……36

  3.5.2 公共政策与婚姻关系立法 ……37

  3.5.3 公共政策与婚姻关系用法 ……39

  结 语……40

