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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-09-11 共2169字







  Under the new situation of the community policing is the public security organs to adaptto the reform of community in our country in recent years, the importance of strengtheningcommunity management measures and effective carrier, is specially designed to work with thecombination of the mass line “of public security work.Police reform further strengthened thebureaucratic trend of grass-roots public security organs, so that the public security mediationin a police line-up burdensome task.A more serious problem is that the current public securitymediation gradually alienated, the ”public security mediation irreversible“ dilemma.In theconstruction of community policing is a crucial factor is the mass work, it directly affects thesuccess of the construction of the community policing.How to blend in mass work, incommunity policing reform geared to the needs of the masses,, through close relationshipbetween the people and strengthening the cooperation between the people, to find and solvethe problem of community policing, is the main point in this paper.This thesis mainly isdivided into four parts, the main content and its thinking of writing is as follows:

  Firstly expounds the basic theory of community policing, including the basic principlesof modern community policing, the significance of the basic features of modern communitypolicing strategy, community police and public security functions, government responsibilityin the reform of community policing and history evolution;Secondly by comparing theresearch and development and characteristics of the western community policing, Japan'shand in his system, Singapore's neighborhood police system, the American model and foreigncommunity policing reform practice of China's enlightenment.Again illustrates the practiceand research of China's reform of community policing, including reform course and thepresent situation of Chinese modern community policing, parts of China, the reform ofcommunity policing practice, problems existing in the development of community policingand the analysis of the causes.Finally puts forward the countermeasures of reform ofcommunity policing problem research, including: community policing and the reform ofChinese traditional legal culture and the countermeasure research of community policing.

  Key words: The mass line;Community policing;reform


  摘 要……I


  目 录……III

  引 言……1

  第一章 绪论 ……2

  第一节产生社区警务思想的原因 ……2

  第二节现代社区警务战略实施的重要意义 ……3

  第三节群众路线与社区警务改革的相互联系 ……6

  第二章 警务工作与群众路线的联系逻辑 ……8

  第一节群众路线表现的实质精神 ……8

  第二节社区警务的内涵 ……8

  第三节改革的核心问题:社区警务改革与群众路线相结合 ……10

  第三章 国外社区警务改革实践对我国的启示 ……12

  第一节国外的社区警务的模式 ……12

  第二节国外社区警务改革对中国的启示 ……15

  第四章 传统社区警务的问题及成因分析 ……17

  第一节组织管理不健全 ……17

  第二节运行机制不协调 ……17

  第三节“社群”工作不到位 ……18

  第四节“防控”措施不力 ……19

  第五节“辅警”力度不够 ……20

  第六节警务保障乏力 ……21

  第五章 群众路线视角下社区警务改革的路径 ……22

  第一节完善群众监督的组织管理体系 ……22

  第二节建立健全的群众动员警务保障机制 ……23

  第三节完善群众在场的社群制度 ……24

  第四节实现警群互动的无缝隙防控 ……26

  第五节强化群众参与的“辅警”力度 ……28


