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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-12-12 共3030字


  摘 要









  As people's value concept and spiritual pursuit, ideal and faith plays an importantguidance role in the development of countries, nations, political parties and individuals.

  College students' ideal and faith is the key guarantee to determine college students' futuredirection and quality. As a kind of ideal faith and spiritual strength, Chinese dream is acombination product of marxist ideal faith and the contemporary reality of China, is the latestdevelopment of the socialist core value system with Chinese characteristics. The mainstreamof contemporary college students' ideal faith is positive, but part of the college students' idealfaith appeared a series of problems due to the impact of current complicated and changeableinternational and domestic situation. Under the Chinese dream background, it has importanttheoretical and practical significance to review the mainstream status and problems ofcontemporary college students' ideal faith, analyze the causes of the problems, and explore theeducation countermeasures to solve the problems. The paper mainly includes five parts:

  Part one is the introduction. Based on the domestic and foreign literature review, this partintroduces the paper's research background and significance, the overview of domestic andforeign literature, the research train of thought and methods, and the creative features of thispaper.

  Part two is the theoretical analysis of Chinese dream and college students' ideal andbelief. This part mainly illustrates the basic connotation, essential attribute, realizing path ofChinese dream; the scientific meaning of ideal and faith; the concept and contents, basiccharacteristics and the theoretical foundation of college students' ideal and faith.

  Part three is the inner association of Chinese dream and college students' ideal and faith.

  This part mainly discusses the internal fit of Chinese dream and ideal and faith from thetheoretical content and practice subject, analyzes the dialectical relationship between them,and demonstrates the vital function of Chinese dream ideal faith towards college students'ideal and faith.

  Part four is the modern review of contemporary college students' ideal faith under theperspective of Chinese dream. In this part, the paper mainly elaborates the present situationand existing problems of contemporary college students' ideal and faith on the basis ofempirical study, and analyzes the reasons of the existing problems.

  Part five is the education principles and countermeasures of contemporary collegestudents' ideal faith under the perspective of Chinese dream. On the basis of existingproblems and cause analysis, this part mainly explores the education countermeasures to solvecontemporary college students' ideal faith problems under the perspective of Chinese dreamfrom two sides: adhere to the scientific education method and explore innovative ways.

  Key words: Chinese dream; college students'ideal and faith; problems research

  目 录

  绪 论……1





  一、 “中国梦”与大学生理想信念的理论概述……9


  1. “中国梦”的基本内涵……9

  2. “中国梦”的本质属性……10

  3. “中国梦”的实现路径……12


  1. 理想信念的科学涵义……14

  2. 理想信念的基本特征……14

  3. 理想信念的重要作用……16

  4. 大学生理想信念的概念内涵……17



  1. 理论内涵上具有契合性……18

  2. 实践主体上具有一致性……19


  1. “中国梦”引领大学生理想信念……20

  2. 大学生理想信念推动实现“中国梦”……20


  1. 引领大学生理想信念目标……21

  2. 激发大学生理想信念动力……21

  3. 凝聚大学生理想信念方向……22



  1. 认同社会理想但“个人梦”与“中国梦”相脱离……24

  2. 推崇道德理想但认知与实践相“断裂”……27

  3. 注重职业理想但模糊性矛盾性突出……28

  4. 追求生活理想但个人化务实化倾向明显……29


  1. 西方价值观念的隐形渗透……31

  2. 市场经济的负面影响……31

  3. 网络信息的不良冲击……31

  4. 大学生成长环境的多重作用……32



  1. 坚持正确的指导思想的原则……33

  2. 坚持以人为本的原则……34

  3. 坚持层次性原则……35

  4. 坚持“三贴近”原则……36


  1. 加强主阵地建设,以中国梦引领大学生理想信念教育……38

  2. 丰富校园文化活动,以中国梦推动大学生理想信念教育……41

  3. 开展网络新课堂,以中国梦深化大学生理想信念教育……43

  4. 拓展社会实践平台,以中国梦创新大学生理想信念教育……44

  结 论……46


  致 谢……56
