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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-09-22 共2296字


  目 录

  目 录

  中 文 摘 要


  1 绪论

  1.1 选题背景与意义

  1.1.1 研究背景

  1.1.2 研究意义

  1.2 国内外研究现状

  1.2.1 国外相关研究现状

  1.2.2 国内相关研究现状

  1.3 研究内容与研究方法

  1.3.1 研究内容

  1.3.2 研究方法

  1.4 研究的创新点及不足

  2 农村文化建设理论概述

  2.1 农村文化概念

  2.2 新农村建设理论

  2.3 公共物品理论

  3 潍坊地区农村文化建设现状

  3.1 潍坊地区概况

  3.2 潍坊农村现状

  3.3 潍坊地区农村文化建设现状

  3.4 潍坊地区农村文化建设推广现状

  4 潍坊地区农村文化建设存在问题与原因分析

  4.1 潍坊地区农村文化建设的主要问题

  4.2 潍坊地区农村文化建设的原因分析

  4.2.1 农村文化建设意识淡薄,领导不重视

  4.2.2 农村文化建设机制不健全

  4.2.3 农村文化基础设施建设簿弱

  4.2.4 农村文化建设的资金投入不足

  4.2.5 农村文化建设文化骨干队伍培训不足

  5 提高潍坊地区农村文化建设的对策

  5.1 提高认识,增强农村文化重视程度

  5.2 加强规划,增加农村文化建设经济投入

  5.3 增强活力,深化农村文化建设改革

  5.4 打造新模式,推出潍坊特色的农村文化建设

  6 结论



  中 文 摘 要




  关键字:文化建设 农村文化 新农村建设


  China is a large agricultural country, with a large population, especially in rural areas.Our party and government have always attached great importance to the "three rural" issues.Building a socialist harmonious society is a major strategic task of our party from the overallsituation of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In order to realize the socialist harmonioussociety, realize the Chinese dream of the Chinese nation", the establishment and constructionof a harmonious society and the idea of building a harmonious society, strengthen policysupport, coupled with large investment, efforts to narrow the gap between urban and ruralareas in the cultural life, building a harmonious socialist new rural harmonious culture.

  This paper applies the theory to the practice of the method, in Weifang Province,Shandong Province, a large number of rural culture construction of the original data andin-depth investigation, based on the use of comprehensive analysis of the current situation ofrural culture construction in Weifang City, and put forward the current problems, and pointedout the existing problems, and finally put forward the corresponding rationalization proposals.

  Through extensive investigation and analysis, according to the actual situation of therural cultural construction in Weifang City, put forward the basic ideas of rural cultureconstruction in Weifang City: Taking the important thought of "Three Represents" as guidance,adhere to the Scientific Outlook on Development, and establish a scientific concept of talentand correct values, tightly around the municipal City Hall center, with the help of Weifang topromote the implementation of the "rural civilization" activities, to the township as the focus,grasp the key points of rural cultural construction in rural areas, will be carried out, in linewith the actual needs of the rural masses, with all the rural regional characteristics, mobilizethe enthusiasm of the rural masses, let the people be in power, the farmers as the main body toparticipate in the cultural construction of socialist cultural construction in the new countryside.

  At the same time, we should vigorously develop the new content and new forms of ruralculture, focus on accelerating the construction of public cultural service system, and strive tocreate a new situation in the construction of new rural culture.

  Key words: Cultural construction Rural culture New rural construction
