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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-09-20 共1909字


  摘 要




  Pledge of accounts receivable is a new way of security of "Property Law" to meet theneeds of China's economic activity in secured transactions and established. Based onaccounts receivable generated by the complexity and particularity of their own pledgedaccounts receivable, there are various legal risks pledge of accounts receivable process.

  Since accounts receivable pledge imperfect laws and regulations, China has not yetestablished the legal risks pledge of accounts receivable and effective prevention system.

  Correct understanding of the accounts receivable pledge and effectively guard againstlegal risks, pledged accounts receivable system is effective in secured transactions practice,widely used key, fully functional for pledged accounts receivable system to meet theenterprises, especially SMEs in the production and management of financing needs, thepromotion of China's economy healthy and sustainable development of great significance.

  Accounts receivable pledge in risk prevention is a three-dimensional, multi-level systemsengineering, not only need to improve the legal system from the macro level of riskprevention and control, also requires sound practices from the micro level of riskprevention . On the macro level, should scientific definition of the legal concept ofaccounts receivable, improve accounts receivable pledgor debtor notification rules,improve accounts receivable pledge registration system; the micro level, the two sidesshould fully investigate the accounts receivable transactions the pre-credit situation,careful selection and thorough investigation collateral subject, accounts receivable pledgecontract specifications, to strengthen the tracking and management of accounts receivablepledged.

  Key words: Security interests; Pledge of accounts receivable; Legal risk; Prevention

    目 录

  第 1 章 前 言

  1.1 选题背景及研究意义

  1.2 研究现状

  1.3 研究方法及论文结构安排

  1.3.1 研究方法

  1.3.2 论文结构安排

  第 2 章 应收账款质押法律风险的概念与性质

  2.1 应收账款质押法律风险的界定

  2.1.1 应收账款质押法律风险的概念

  2.1.2 应收账款质押法律风险的特征

  2.2 应收账款质押法律风险的性质

  2.2.1 应收账款质押法律风险是经济风险

  2.2.2 应收账款质押法律风险是动态风险

  2.2.3 应收账款质押法律风险是投机风险

  第 3 章 应收账款质押中法律风险的表现及成因

  3.1 应收账款质押法律风险的具体表现

  3.1.1 应收账款质押中因基础合同引发法律风险

  3.1.2 应收账款质押中因质押标的引发法律风险

  3.2 应收账款质押法律风险的成因分析

  3.2.1 应收账款产生的复杂性

  3.2.2 应收账款质押的复杂性

  3.2.3 应收账款质押法律法规的不完善

  第 4 章 应收账款质押法律风险的防范措施

  4.1 完善应收账款质押法律制度

  4.1.1 科学界定应收账款的法律概念

  4.1.2 完善出质人对应收账款债务人的通知规则

  4.1.3 健全应收账款质押登记制度

  4.2 完善应收账款质押操作规范

  4.2.1 对应收账款交易双方进行前期资信调查

  4.2.2 慎重选择及深入调查质押标的

  4.2.3 规范应收账款质押合同

  4.2.4 加强对应收账款质押的跟踪管理

  结 语


  致 谢
