【关键词】:组织领导传销活动罪 非法拘禁行为 牵连犯 情节严重标准
Abstract:Pyramid sales activities crime involves complex legal relationships and is oftenassociated with the crime of illegal detention, intentional assault, intentional homicidecrimes and so on, what the relationship between these crimes and organizing andleading Pyramid sales activities crime , a felony punishment or multiple crimes, thejudiciary has been troubled by the problem. Based on predecessors studies, the authordiscussed controversies triggered by three prominent cases. In this paper according tothe cases focuses on the problem of the relationship between organization, leadershipbehavior and illegal detention, organization and plot severe standards of Pyramidsales activities crime , through this these thoughts of this article in order to provide alittle useful reference to theory and judicial practice. This paper consist three parts:
the first part, the introduction of three cases and problems caused by thecases,organization and leadership of Pyramid sales activities crime by Guo Qiang,Feng Yun and Jia Lili Pyramid sales activities crime detained student's falling deathcase, Li Bing violence in Pyramid sales activities crime caused Han's death; Thesecond part is the commencement of controversies above, mainly analysing the natureof illegal detention and death caused by illegal detention in the process oforganization and leadership of Pyramid sales activities,violence in detention in theprocess of organization and leadership of Pyramid sales activities causing death, theauthor put forward own ideas after the exposition of each of the focus of controversy;The third part,analysis on cases and the perfect legislative proposals. Through theabove discussion the author believe that illegal detention in the process oforganizational leadership Pyramid sales activities on the basis of the existinglegislation does not constitute aggravated plot of the organizational leadershipPyramid sales activities crime, but should be identified as the organizationalleadership pyramid sales activities crime and the crime of illegal detention ofimplicated offense. However in view of the principle of punishment of implicatedoffense is so controversial both in theory and practice, this paper holds that we shouldregard the behavior of illegal detention stipulated directly as the aggravated plot oforganizational leadership pyramid sales activities crime in legislation,and accordingto the practice often results we should regulate the aggravated plot more detail andoperational to further improve the requirements of this crime, violence behaviorwhich caused deaths in the process of organizational leadership pyramid sales activities should be handled by multiple crimes. Through this thinking the author is expected to provide some useful guidance for judicial practice.
Key words: Organization and Leadership of Pyramid Sales Activities Crime IllegalDetention Implicated Offender Serious Plot Standard
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