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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-12-15 共2363字


  摘 要





  Our country's criminal law has established appropriate to the principle of crimepunishment, and the principle of real implementation is dependent on the criminaljustice to the principle of proper and accurate. For how to accommodaterepresentational judicialization is to realize the real path to justice. In the process ofcriminal offense, the victim's behavior to a certain extent, is a fundamental role inthe nature of crime affects the whole. Such as justifiable defense and based on thepromise of the victim behavior is a kind of typical performance of criminal law. Butin standard punishment law, the offender behavior is often considered to constitutethe crime and the perpetrators of criminal responsibility is the decisive and theexclusive status and role, and the behavior of the victim or its in its position andfunction of the crime, but only a kind of identified as discretionary sentencing plot.

  The notion is essentially for the one-sided understanding of criminal law, also deniedthe victim behavior for recognized the significance of criminal law and crime, is notconducive to fit for the principle of judicial application.

  The cause of the above phenomenon, both legal theory understanding deviation,there is also not clear on the legislation and practice of theoretical disputes and casesfor a long time can not get effective solution, caused to the victim's fault in thejudicial practice that there is confusion, the specification for the victim faultpunishment law of the system status also has deficiencies and uncertain. Therefore,research on this question, to fit for the principle of judicial application for accuratelydetermining the nature of the fault, the victim, for fair judicial discretion has greattheoretical significance and practical significance. This article embarks from thepractice of relevant cases, adopt the method of case analysis combined withtheoretical analysis, the analysis for the fault of the victim, investigation into thenormative system of the criminal law is the victim fault mode, in order to better playthe victim fault in the judicial application function, help to its into the evaluationsystem of criminal responsibilityKey Words: The victim's fault; Crime constitution; Sentencing plot;Criminal responsibility

    目 录

  第 1 章 引言……1

  第 2 章 被害人过错概述……3

  2.1 被害人过错的研究 ……3

  2.1.1 被害人权利运动 ……3

  2.1.2 被害人过错的研究 ……4

  2.2 被害人过错的概念 ……4

  2.2.1 “被害人”的认定 ……5

  2.2.2 “过错”的认定 ……6

  2.2.3 被害人过错的成立要件 ……8

  2.2.4 被害人过错的类别 ……9

  第 3 章 被害人过错对定罪的影响……10

  3.1 被害人过错影响定罪的情况 ……10

  3.1.1 挑衅原则 ……10

  3.1.2 自我创设危险原则 ……11

  3.1.3 正当防卫 ……12

  3.2. 国外学者对被害人过错在犯罪构成体系中功能的研究 ……12

  3.3 我国对被害人过错在犯罪构成体系中功能的设计 ……14

  3.3.1 适当拓宽“挑衅原则”的适用范围 ……14

  3.3.2 确立挑衅原则的性质 ……14

  3.3.3 明确挑衅原则的成立要件 ……15

  第 4 章 被害人过错对量刑的影响……17

  4.1 被害人过错影响量刑的理论依据 ……17

  4.1.1 责任分担说 ……17

  4.1.2 谴责性降低说 ……18

  4.1.3 两种学说的梳理 ……19

  4.2 立法中被害人过错作为量刑情节的概述 ……20

  4.2.1 国外的立法比较 ……20

  4.2.2 我国的立法现状 ……22

  4.3 被害人过错作为酌定量刑情节的缺陷 ……24

  4.3.1 被害人过错作为量刑酌定情节不符合司法实践的需要 ……25

  4.3.2 被害人过错作为量刑的酌定情节致使认定标准不一 ……26

  4.3.3 被害人过错作为量刑酌定情节导致适用率较低 ……26

  4.4 被害人过错情节法定化的设计 ……26

  4.4.1 被害人过错的定量分析是法定化的基础 ……26

  4.4.2 被害人过错量刑情节法定化的立法完善建议 ……29

  4.4.3 正确的程序适用是被害人过错量刑情节法定化的保障 ……32

  第 5 章 结语……33


