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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-11-24 共3264字


  摘 要

  主题词:工商行政管理; 行政约谈; 东营市


  The 18 session of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Party Central Committee through “the CentralCommittee of the Communist Party of China on comprehensively promote the rule of law certain major issuedecision”,pointed out that“ comprehensively promote the rule of law the total target is in theconstruction of Chinese characteristic socialist legal system, build a socialist country under therule of law. ” In recent years, the departments at all levels to to perfect the administrationaccording to law and promote the construction of the government under the rule of law as afocal point to implement the party's eighteen circles the spirit of the fourth plenary session,continue to intensify, actively promote the implementation. Administrative system of interviewsof representative on behalf of the foundation of, it has in the practice and development ofTaxation, environmental protection, industry and commerce, land and other departments, andcontinue to in various administrative law enforcement departments extension andpopularization. That administrative interviews system is in line with the requirements of thetimes and the practice, the principle of combining the practice of supervision and service, to thetransformation of government functions and enhance the efficiency of supervision has played apositive role in promoting, conforms to the modern administrative supervision emphasizes thedevelopment trend of highlighting the service concept. This paper explores the administrationinterview system, administrative interviews in the administration of industry and commercedevelopment present situation and the existing problems were analyzed, from administrativeinterviews in administrative work at all levels of experience, put forward the administration ofindustry and Commerce of interviews with the system to continuously regulate the suggestionsto improve, increase the administration of industry and Commerce of interviews with thesystem in the specific work practice application, promote the Administration for Industry andcommerce to further put in place.
  Of the industrial and commercial administration, handling is not the purpose ofpunishment, illegal enterprises only means of supervision. Better play function, maintain thenormal order of the market economy, protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers,promote economic development, is the goal of our work. Therefore, the administrativedepartment for Industry and commerce administration has very important theoretical andpractical significance of interview system. Due to staff thinking and understanding is not inplace, the overall quality is not high and the reasons lead to problems in the administration ofindustry and Commerce of interviews in practice, there are still legal system not full, the scopeof application is not wide, the procedure is not strict, safeguard measures ineffective, should bein a sound legal system, good applicability, standardized procedures, strengthen theimplementation of other aspects to further improve the administration of industry andCommerce of interviews with the system.
  Keywords:Administration of industry and Commerce Conversation Dongying City

  目 录

  摘 要

  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 选题意义
  1.2 国内外研究现状
  1.3 研究思路及方法

  第 2 章 相关概念界定和相关理论问题阐释

  2.1 相关概念界定
  2.1.1 行政约谈
  2.1.2 工商行政管理
  2.1.3 消费维权
  2.1.4 行政指导
  2.2 相关问题阐释
  2.2.1 行政约谈的特征
  2.2.2 行政指导的工作原则
  2.2.3 行政指导的种类和适用
  2.3 相关理论阐释
  2.3.1 平衡论
  2.3.2 公共服务理论
  2.3.3 行政沟通理论

  第 3 章 我国工商行政管理行政约谈制度的发展及现状

  3.1 工商行政管理行政约谈制度的意义
  3.1.1 工商工作全面发展的需要
  3.1.2 推动行政机关效能建设的需要
  3.1.3 改进行政执法模式的需要
  3.2 工商行政管理行政约谈制度的现状和发展
  3.2.1 在国家工商总局层面
  3.3 工商行政管理行政约谈的实际效果
  3.3.1 改善了执法机关与监管对象之间的关系
  3.3.2 促进了社会主义和谐社会的构建

  第 4 章 东营市工商局行政约谈的具体实施

  4.1 东营市工商局开展行政约谈工作目标
  4.1.1 提高效能,创造一流营商环境
  4.1.2 强化监管,营造良好的市场经济秩序
  4.1.3 强化教育,全面提升干部队伍整体素质
  4.2 东营市工商局消费维权行政约谈制度实施
  4.2.1 行政约谈的方式
  4.2.2 行政约谈的程序
  4.3 行政约谈案例:家电售后服务经营行为专项规范活动集中行政约谈
  4.3.1 行政约谈的提出
  4.3.2 行政约谈参会人员
  4.3.3 行政约谈的议程
  4.3.4 行政约谈的主要内容

  第 5 章 我国工商行政管理行政约谈存在的问题及原因

  5.1 我国工商行政管理行政约谈存在的问题
  5.1.1 法律制度不全
  5.1.2 适用范围不广
  5.1.3 程序规定不严
  5.1.4 保障措施不力
  5.2 我国工商行政管理行政约谈存在问题的原因
  5.2.1 思想认识不到位
  5.2.2 行政约谈执法人员素质不高
  5.2.3 行政约谈工作存在机械化

  第 6 章 完善我国工商行政管理行政约谈制度的建议

  6.1 健全工商行政管理行政约谈的法律制度体系
  6.1.1 完善上层立法
  6.1.2 制定规范有效的工作制度
  6.2 完善工商行政管理行政约谈的适用
  6.2.1 行政处罚领域
  6.2.2 流通领域商品质量监管领域
  6.2.3 广告监管领域
  6.2.4 消费维权领域
  6.3 规范工商行政管理行政约谈的程序
  6.3.1 前期准备阶段
  6.3.2 组织实施阶段
  6.3.3 后期处理阶段
  6.4 保障工商行政管理行政约谈的落实
  6.4.1 完善行政约谈的工作机制
  6.4.2 加强行政约谈的宣传引导
  6.4.3 落实行政约谈的监督

  注 释
  致 谢
