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来源:河北师范大学 作者:吴瑶
发布于:2020-10-27 共8343字
  摘   要

  Secondary vocational schools shoulder the heavy responsibility of cultivating a large number of workers for national construction and social development. At the same time,secondary vocational graduates, a large labor force group, can provide a large number of basic talents for industrial structure transformation and upgrading. The moral education in、secondary vocational schools has been highly valued by the state and all sectors of society.
  With the continuous optimization and transformation of social economy and industrial structure, the requirements of enterprises for vocational skill practitioners are alsoconstantly improving. In addition to examining the labor skills of vocational school graduates,more and more emphasis is placed on their manifestation in moral education, such as the spirit of model workers and craftsman. The level of moral education in secondary vocational schools is related to the quality of industrial workers in the future, the prosperity of the country and the future of the nation.
  By using the methods of literature, questionnaire and interview, this paper not only pays attention to the latest research results in the theoretical field, but also collects and arranges the opinions of different groups such as teachers, recipients and employers of moral education, and sums up the problems and difficulties in the implementation of moral education in Secondary Vocational schools from different perspectives and levels, so as to support the research of this paper. In order to obtain a more real and effective investigation results of the current situation of moral education in secondary vocational schools, this paper selects Shijiazhuang railway transportation school as a specific case to investigate and study the current situation of moral education in secondary vocational schools, using the combination of questionnaire survey and interview discussion, aiming at the secondary vocational school students, moral education teachers, and relevant enterprise personnel,respectively designed the existing Different and related questionnaires, and interviews with enterprise personnel, recording and sorting out the feedback of interviews. This paper analyzes the current situation of moral education in secondary vocational schools through the collection of effective questionnaires and the statistics of results, and puts forward the problems in the aspects of training objectives, training contents, training methods,evaluation system and school enterprise cooperation. Combined with the experience and lessons of the author who has been engaged in moral education in secondary vocational schools for many years, this paper analyzes the causes of these problems, and further puts forward a series of countermeasures Policy recommendations.
  This thesis mainly includes the following sections:
  The first is an introduction, which elaborates on the research background, purpose and significance of this article, defines core concepts such as moral education in secondaryvocational schools and secondary vocational schools, and summarizes the current status of domestic and foreign research by consulting and collating a large amount of literature. Put forward the research ideas, research contents and methods of the paper.
  Firstly, it summarizes the moral education in secondary vocational schools, puts forward the basic principles and particularities of moral education in secondary vocational schools,and delves into related theoretical foundations including the theory of comprehensive human development, multiple intelligences, etc., and analyzes moral education as the research institute Provided directions.
  The next part mainly explores the design and implementation of the survey of the status of moral education in secondary vocational schools, as well as the existing problems andcauses. First of all, it introduces the survey object and method, the design of the questionnaire, the design of the interview and discussion, and takes Shijiazhuang railwaytransportation school as an example to introduce the actual survey situation and the statistical results. Then, it analyzes the problems reflected in the survey results, including the problems of the training objectives, the training content setting, the training method and the evaluation system Then it analyzes the causes of the current situation of moral education one by one.
  The third part puts forward countermeasures and suggestions of moral education in secondary vocational schools. In view of the problems existing in the training objectives ofmoral education, this paper puts forward some suggestions, such as making the moral education objectives scientifically by reference to the employment standards of enterprises, reflecting the characteristics of secondary vocational students, eliminating the idealization and utilitarianism of moral education, and making diversified moral education objectives to meet different needs, etc.; in view of the problem of setting the training contents of moral education, this paper puts forward that we should pay attention to the integration of production and education to enrich the practical contents of moral education According to the problems of moral education training mode and evaluation, this paper puts forward several ways of moral education experience teaching, further promoting the social practice teaching of moral education, making full use of various moral education resources and channels, and establishing and perfecting the moral education evaluation with the deep participation of enterprises and students' parents In view of the problem of building a moral education platform for school enterprise cooperation, the paper puts forward some suggestions, such as organizing moral education during practice, actively promoting excellent enterprise culture into the campus, students' voluntary service and social practice in enterprises, and cultivating a good moral education environment for enterprises.
  Through this research, I hope that I can help moral education in secondary vocational schools and provide useful suggestions, and I will actually implement the above countermeasures and suggestions in the actual work of moral education in secondary vocational schools, and also hope to provide some support and help for the moral educationstaff and researchers through the investigation and analysis of this paper.
  Key Words:    Secondary Vocational School; Moral Education; Countermeasure。
  绪 论
  一、 研究背景。
  (一) 国家高度重视职业学校德育教育。

  作为学校德育教育体系中的重要环节,中职学校的德育教育一直受到国家和社会各界的高度重视。早在 2009 年,教育部、中宣部、中央文明办、人力资源和社会保障部、共青团中央、全国妇联等六部委联合颁布了《关于加强和改进中等职业学校学生思想道德教育的意见》(教职成[2009]11 号),这是目前专门阐述中职学校德育教育的最高级别的文件,其中强调要不断强化中职学生德育教育的指导思想、基本原则和主要任务,并将此落实到位。教育部于 2004 年发布了《中等职业学校德育大纲》(教职成[2004]14号),明确了德育的基本内涵、地位作用、指导思想和基本要求,完善了德育目标、德育内容、德育原则、德育途径、德育评价、德育实施等方面的具体规定,这使得中职学校德育教育有了可供遵守的标准与规范[1][2]。为进一步加强和改进新形势下中职学校德育工作,教育部立足于现今的教育实践以及新的形式背景,基于旧的大纲来不断创新、完善,于 2014 年发布了《中等职业学校德育大纲(2014 年修订)》(教职成[2014]14 号),这有助于不断改进、优化中职德育工作。为贯彻党的十九大精神、全国教育大会精神,全面落实立德树人根本任务,进一步深化中等职业学校课程改革,提升教育质量,教育部于 2020 年 2 月 14 日颁布了《中等职业学校思想政治、语文、历史课程标准(2020年版)》(教材[2020]2 号)。该标准充分反映习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,强化育人功能,立足中等职业学校实际,充分挖掘中职三科课程独特育人价值,明确了学生学习该课程后应形成的正确价值观念、必备品格和关键能力,引导学科教学更加注重育人本质。
  教育部从 2015 年至今,在每年的《职业教育与继续教育工作要点》中均将“加强和改进德育工作”作为重要章节进行阐述,如《职业教育与继续教育 2019 年工作要点》中强调:“落实立德树人根本任务,把劳模精神和工匠精神融入国家教学标准。贯彻落实《中等职业学校德育大纲》,研究制定加强改进新时代中职学校德育工作的意见。”2019 年年初,国务院颁布了《国家职业教育改革实施方案》(国发[2019]4 号),其中强调要不断健全相应的德育工作评价机制,以立德树人作为目标,创新育人制度,促使人才培养更加有效、过程更加规范。同年 6 月发布了《教育部关于职业院校专业人才培养方案制订与实施工作的指导意见》(教职成[2019]13 号),进一步强调为了推进国家教学标准落地实施,提升职业教育质量,并且提出详细的意见来指导职业院校订立更为科学高效的专业人才培养方案,并且督促其落实到位,其中职业院校德育教育的培养方案制定与实施也是其中重要的组成部分。
  (二) 企业需要德才兼备的高素质人才。
  (三) 学校肩负着立德树人的历史使命。
  (一) 研究的目的
  (二)  研究的意义
  三、核心概念 界定
  (一)  中职学校.
  (二)  中职学校德育教育.
  (一)  国外研究现状.
  (二) 国内研究现状
  (三) 研究现状述评.
  (一)  研究思路.
  (二) 研究内容
  (三) 研究方法.
  第一章  中职学校德 育教育概述及相关理论基础.
  一 中职学校德育教育概述
  (一) 中职学校德育教育的基本原则
  (二)  中职学校德育教育的特殊性.
  二、 相关理论基础.
  (一)  人的全面发展理论
  (二)  多元智能理论
  第二章  中职学校德育教育现状调查与问题分析.
  一、 调查的设计与实施
  (一)  调查对象与方式
  (二) 调查问卷的设计.
  (三)  走访座谈的设计
  (四) 调查结果统计概况
  二、 中职学校德育教育现状调查结果与存在的问题.
  (一)  德育教育培养目标不明确.
  (二) 德育教育培养内容设置不合理
  (三) 德育教育培养方式僵化陈旧.
  (四)  学校与企业对德育教育的关注点存在差异
  三、 中职学校德育教育现状成因分析.
  (一) 德育教育目标设定与时代要求脱节
  (二)  德 育培养内容未能完全体现三位一体方针
  (三) 教育改革不彻底阻碍了培养方式的及时更新.
  (四)  校企合作和产教融合有待进一步加强
  第三章  中职学校德 育教育的对策建议.

  一、 以企业和社会需求为导向,明确德育教育培养目标
  (一) 参考企业用人标准,科学制定德育教育目标
  (二)  体现中职学生特点,消除德育教育理想化与功利性.
  (三)  满足不同需求,制定多元化的德育教育目标
  二、 推进德育教育改革,科学设置德育教育培养内容
  (一) 重视产教融合,丰富德育教育实践内容
  (二) 实行三位一-体的德育教育体系.
  (三) 坚持与时俱进,更新德育教育内容
  (一)  开展多种形式的德育体验教学
  (二)  进一步推进德育教育的社会实践教学
  (三) 充分利用多种德育教育资源和渠道
  (四) 建立健全企业与学生家长深度参与的德育评价机制.
  (一)  校企共同组织开展实训实习期间德育工作.
  (二) 积极推进优秀企业文化进校园
  (三) 学生深入企业开展志愿服务和社会实践活动.
  (四) 培育良好的企业德育教育环境.

  结 论




原文出处:吴瑶. 中职学校德育教育现状与对策研究[D].河北师范大学,2020.