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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-01-03 共5217字


  摘 要
  Veterinary services at the grass-roots level is the most important link in animal epidemicprevention, determines the final results of the animal disease prevention and control work. Atpresent, our country government at the county level and below veterinary veterinary servicesinstitutions and all kinds of market main body formed a comparatively complete theveterinary service system at the grassroots level by providing effective veterinary services toensure the development of animal husbandry in China and made a great contribution to publichealth security. But at the same time, facing the official veterinary service system at thegrass-roots level agency personnel, funds safeguard, infrastructure and work doesn't fit theactual conditions of restriction of marketization of veterinary services subject developedslowly, the present situation of the service quality improvement, and families cage-free andlivestock and poultry nationwide circulation of animal disease prevention and control theurgent situation, accelerate the construction of perfect our country veterinary service system isimperative.
  In this paper, the author through to the veterinary services in China history, currentgrassroots veterinary service system development present situation and the advancedexperience of foreign veterinary services literature research, on-the-spot investigation,discussion, questionnaire survey, analysis, summary, put forward the basic veterinary servicesystem which accords with the situation of China construction measures and countermeasures.
  Is divided into five parts:
  The first part: the connotation of veterinary services and properties such as thetheoretical basis for the research background, the base at home and abroad are analyzedveterinary service requirements.
  The second part: combed the 30 years of reform and opening-up in China, the basicveterinary services in our country's social and economic environment, work in veterinary major policy guidance, the guidance of the phased achievements. Sumsup the basic veterinary team is the main force of perform veterinary public functions andtechnology popularization, suit to undertake public service combined with individual businessservices the service mode of historical experience.
  The third part: the basic veterinary services status quo of the research. First of all, thepaper analyzes the basic veterinary public services provided by the government and the mainbody to carry out the marketization of veterinary services present situation and problems.
  Second, as a representative of the country's epidemic of a limited liability company, soleproprietorship or partnership enterprise, professional and epidemic prevention cooperatives,nonprofit organizations such as new veterinary service main body and pattern as an example,introduces the service main body running situation, government support and evaluationregulation, the income distribution pattern, this paper discusses the different modes oforganization form and raise the income, stable FangYiYuan epidemic prevention team,through the government purchasing service mechanism to promote prevention principalresponsibility regression farmers, strengthening the examination that promoted the animaldisease prevention and control effect, and improve the level of FangYiYuan organization soas to reduce the government management cost advancement, and analyzed the promotiondifficulty. Finally introduced the private scientific research institutions, feed veterinary drugcompany, specialized farming cooperative organization and leading enterprises, vets managedthe company's business profile and service mode.
  The fourth part: the experience in the veterinary services abroad for reference andenlightenment. With scientific and sound legal and animal disease prevention and controlsystem, strong financial support, the prevention and control measures of real economy,standard industry management as the breakthrough point of American veterinary publicservice experience, describes the present situation of the veterinarians market-orientedservices and the development of the hosting company background and service mode. Andwith the eu's major animal disease early warning system, the traceability system andAustralian society veterinary main body strength, for example, this paper introduces theadvanced experience of other developed countries veterinary services.
  The fifth part: the development of grassroots veterinary service system in China is putforward. In terms of strengthening the construction of grass-roots veterinary public servicesystem, is a combination of China's national conditions and veterinary practice to establishcomprehensive, specific and strong operability, laws and regulations system; Second,sequence system, improving mechanism, continue to strengthen veterinary institutions reform,restore towns vet at the grass-roots level, strengthen the station public welfare function, thepromotion of the government to buy veterinary public service mechanism, strengthensupervision and strict to follow the law; Three is on the financial investment, enforce thesupport to the focus of the new grass-roots veterinary services pattern, increase input amount,adjust the investment structure, introducing market mechanism, to further improve thefinancial security mechanism. In the aspect of promoting the healthy growth of themarketization of veterinary service system at the grass-roots level, one is to adjust measuresto local conditions lead to establish undertake the marketization of public veterinary services,veterinary services subject at the basic intensify policy support, promote its ability to ascend;From the boost the transformation of traditional veterinary subject at the basic, encourage thecreation of new veterinary service model and entity, give full play to their role as theassociation of non-profit institutions, such as industry management three aspects discusseshow to foster the subject of marketization of other veterinary services actively.
  KEY WORDS: grass-roots veterinary service system, veterinary public service, veterinaryservice of marketization ,achievement, advice

  目 录
  第一章 绪 论
  1.1 研究的背景和意义
  1.1.1 研究背景
  1.1.2 研究目的
  1.1.3 研究意义
  1.2 国内外研究现状
  1.2.1 兽医服务的内涵和属性研究
  1.2.2 基层兽医服务的需求研究
  1.3 研究内容和研究方法
  1.3.1 研究内容
  1.3.2 研究方法
  第二章 我国兽医服务发展历程
  2.1 恢复阶段(1978-1984 年)
  2.2 稳步发展阶段(1985-1996 年)
  2.2.1 探索阶段(1985~1989)
  2.2.2 规范阶段(1990~1997)
  2.3 快速发展阶段(1997-今)
  2.4 历史经验
  第三章 我国基层兽医服务现状分析
  3.1 基层兽医服务供给主体与模式
  3.2 我国基层兽医服务供给主要问题分析
  3.3 基层兽医服务模式案例分析
  3.3.1 防疫有限责任公司案例--丹寨县动物防疫综合服务有限公司
  3.3.2 防疫个人独资和合伙企业案例--张家港乡镇兽医(服务)站
  3.3.3 防疫合作社案例--习水县动物防疫农民专业合作社
  3.3.4 非营利性机构案例--永康市动物防疫服务中心
  3.3.5 服务模式创新案例--巴东模式
  3.3.6 民营科研诊疗机构--余姚市禽畜病防治研究所
  3.3.7 饲料、兽药公司兽医服务情况
  3.3.8 专业养殖合作组织和龙头企业兽医服务情况
  3.3.9 兽医托管服务
  3.3.10 新兴互联网平台兽医服务
  第四章 国外基层兽医服务经验借鉴及启示
  4.1 美国兽医服务体系概况和先进性
  4.1.1 美国政府兽医公共服务启示
  4.1.2 美国市场化兽医服务现状
  4.2 其他发达国家兽医服务体系先进性
  4.2.1 欧盟
  4.2.2 澳大利亚
  第五章 我国基层兽医服务体系的发展建议
  5.1 进一步加强基层兽医公共服务体系建设
  5.1.1 完善兽医法律体系,加快兽医法治建设推进步伐
  5.1.2 捋顺体制,改善机制
  5.1.3 健全财政保障机制,加大资金投入
  5.1.4 加强基层防疫服务综合能力
  5.2 促进基层兽医市场化服务体系健康发展
  5.2.1 引导建立承接公共兽医服务的市场化基层兽医服务主体
  5.2.2 积极培育其他兽医市场化服务主体
  致 谢