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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-09-21 共4808字


  摘 要

  地球是目前唯一适合人类生存的环境。上世纪 60 年代以来,世界范围内的环境污染状况日益突出,全球气候变暖、雾霾严重、怪病不断等污染引发的问题,引起了国际社会的广泛关注。为此,联合国多次召开了以环境为议题的会议,人们开始关注环境问题并逐渐提高了环保意识,国际社会也普遍采用税收手段来治理环境污染。




  排污税在试点阶段应以工业污染主体为纳税人;以工业废水、废气、噪音、垃圾、固体废弃物为征税对象;根据性质不同,可以将污染物分为三类,对于废水废气类可以将其排放量作为计税依据,对于固体废弃物与垃圾类污染物应以产品产量为计税依据,对于噪音污染应以分贝数为计税依据;在税率设计方面,采用虚拟治理成本与应税污染物量化指标(数量、浓度、分贝等)的关系确定税率,根据东、中、西部地区经济发展程度不同采用差别税率,对于工业水污染,东、中、西部地区适用税率分别约为 3.9 元/吨、2.9 元/吨、2.2 元/吨,对于其他污染物的税率计算采用此种方法可以类推。由于排污者的经济行为对环境造成了污染,排污者应该承担责任,所以不应该对排污者实行任何的优惠政策。

  关键词:环境污染 税费制度 排污费改税 排污收费制度 排污税


  The earth is the only suitable environment for human. Since 1960s, environmentalpollution is more and more seriously, the serious environmental pollution is a great challengeto human. Global warming, the fog haze pollution problems, strange diseases have attractedeyes of people. So, the United Nations has held meetings of environmental issues for manytimes, people began to pay close attention to environmental problems and environmentalprotection consciousness. The international community has generally used the means of tax tosolve pollution problem.

  In order to control pollution, in the beginning of reform and opening up in China, wehave established and gradually improved the pollution discharge fee system. To a certainextent, it has played a positive role, but with the rapid developing of our economy, thesituation of pollution is increasingly serious in China, the pollution discharge fee systemseems powerless in pollution regulation. Therefore, it is necessary to study the fee to taxproblems in China. Hope the taxation mode to control pollution, effectively reduce emissionsof pollutants in China.

  On the arrangement of content, “pollutiong tax” as the main line runs through the wholepaper. This paper is divided into five parts, the first part, through the study of the basicresearch of Chinese pollution charge system, it is concluded that pollution tax is necessary,and then to the literature review both at home and abroad, although abroad pollution taximplementation is success, the situation in China is of big difference, we should be cautiouswhen learn experience from foreign countries, and foreign study of pollution tax have noneindustry classification from the pollution source, The second industry industry is a leadingindustry of our country, industrial pollution is most serious, therefore, this article is designedon the basis of industrial pollution control of pollution tax. The second part, it definites the feedischarge and pollution charge system, emission and pollution tax system, and points out thatpollution tax is of better advantage than the discharge in category, the legal effect, procedure ,finally analyzes the theoretical basis of pollution tax, including the externality theory, publicgoods theory, sustainable development theory. The third part, the paper introduces thedevelopment course of pollution charge system in China, affirms the effective implementationof the pollution charge system in our country : raising fundings for the governance ofenvironmental pollution, reducing the pollutant emissions, establishing pollution monitoringsystem, at the same time from the pollution charge system insufficient rigidity, fee standardsto be scientific, narrow scope of charge, cost using opaque are the main problems of pollutioncharge system. Part four, part for foreign experience for reference, based on several countriessuch as the United States, Sweden, pollution tax tax system design, the foreign advancedexperiences are summarized: single tax started and gradually form a system, different taxfunction orientation, the implementation of the tax should be coordination with economicpolicy, tax burden level of moderation, finally obtains enlightenment on pollution tax in ourcountry is: the sewage tax tax system design should be based on national conditions,associated with the country's industrial structure development, should be moderately flexibletax basis, tax rate to moderate level. In the fifth part, describes the idea of pollution tax systemin Chinese. On the basis of fully considering the situation of our country, thinking emissiontax shall begin from the second industry industry, under the principle of gradual principle, thepolluter burden , reforms should be divided into two stages, the first phase of the pilot phase,the second phase is full swing phase, the first stage to the second stage is a long-term process,and the tax system of pollution tax made the following design: pollution tax in the pilot phaseshould be centered on the industrial pollution taxpayer, with industrial waste water, waste gas,noise, waste, solid waste as the object of taxation, the waste water waste gas can use itsemissions as plan tax basis, for solid waste and waste pollutants shall be made in productproduction plan tax basis, for noise pollution should plan tax basis for the noise decibels. Inthe aspect of tax design, using the virtual management cost and the relationship between thequantitative indicators to determine the taxable pollutants rates, according to the eastern,central and western region economy development degree different setting different tax rate,the water pollution tax, eastern, central and western regions applicable tax rate is about 3.9yuan/ton, 2.9 yuan/ton, 2.2 yuan/ton, taxation rates for other pollutants could adopt thismethod. Because the economic behavior of polluters caused the pollution to the environment,polluters should bear the responsibility, so at the end of the paper, it should not implementany preferential policies.

  Key Words: environmental pollution tax and fee system sewage tax reformpollution discharge fee system sewage tax

  目 录

  摘 要 ……III


  目 录 …… VII

  1 引言 …… 1

  1.1 研究背景及目的意义 …… 1

  1.1.1 研究背景 …… 1

  1.1.2 研究目的及意义 …… 2

  1.2 研究方法及创新 …… 2

  1.2.1 研究方法 …… 2

  1.2.2 创新点与不足 …… 3

  1.3 国内外文献综述 …… 3

  1.3.1 国外研究现状 …… 3

  1.3.2 国内研究现状 …… 4

  1.4 论文框架及主要内容 …… 7

  2 概念界定与相关理论…… 9

  2.1 相关概念界定 …… 9

  2.1.1 排污费 …… 9

  2.1.2 排污税 …… 10

  2.1.3 排污税与排污费的差异 …… 10

  2.2 排污税费制度理论依据 ……11

  2.2.1 外部性理论:政府调控环境治理的依据……11

  2.2.2 可持续发展理论:政府调控环境治理的目标…… 12

  2.2.3 公共产品理论:政府调控环境治理制度设计的依据…… 13

  3 我国排污收费制度及其存在的主要问题…… 14

  3.1 我国排污收费制度的建立与发展…… 14

  3.1.1 萌芽阶段 …… 14

  3.1.2 建立和实施阶段 …… 14

  3.1.3 规范和完善阶段 …… 15

  3.2 我国排污收费制度的实施效果 …… 16

  3.2.1 筹集了环境污染治理资金 …… 16

  3.2.2 减少了污染物的排放 …… 16

  3.2.3 建立了污染监控体系 …… 17

  3.3 现行排污收费制度存在的主要问题…… 18

  3.3.1 现行排污收费制度刚性不足…… 18

  3.3.2 现行排污收费标准不科学 …… 18

  3.3.3 现行排污费收费范围偏窄 …… 19

  3.3.4 现行排污费使用不规范 …… 19

  4 排污税的国际经验与借鉴…… 21

  4.1 有关国家排污税制度设计与实践…… 21

  4.1.1 水污染税 …… 21

  4.1.2 大气污染税 …… 21

  4.1.3 固体废弃物税 …… 22

  4.1.4 垃圾税 …… 22

  4.1.5 噪音税 …… 22

  4.2 国外排污税经验对我国的启示 …… 23

  4.2.1 国外排污税的经验 …… 23

  4.2.2 国外排污税实践对我国的启示…… 23

  5 我国排污费改税的制度构想…… 25

  5.1 排污费改税的基本原则 …… 25

  5.1.1 循序渐进原则 …… 25

  5.1.2 污染者负担原则 …… 25

  5.2 排污税制要素设计 …… 25

  5.2.1 纳税人的选择 …… 26

  5.2.2 征税对象的确定 …… 26

  5.2.3 计税依据的确定 …… 26

  5.2.4 税率的设计 …… 27

  结 论 …… 29

  参考文献 …… 30

  致 谢 …… 33
