本文采用文献资料法、录像分析法、数理统计法、对比分析法等研究方法,对 2017 年国际羽联三大重要比赛(世界羽联总决赛、全英公开赛、羽毛球世锦赛)中的李俊慧/刘雨辰、刘成/张楠、嘉村健士/园田启悟、费尔纳迪/苏卡穆约和鲍伊/摩根森等五对中外优秀羽毛球男子双打组合发接发阶段的技术、战术运用对比研究。
(1)本文五对优秀羽毛球男子双打运动员在 1 号区域和 5 号区域的发球落点较为集中,在接发球落点上主要以 2 号区域、4 号区域、5 号区域和 8 号区域为主。
(4)运动员在进行第 3 拍战术的时候,仍然是采用快、平、近、压的方式,同时对对手出球路线进行预判,掌握比赛的控制权。
关键词: 羽毛球,男子双打,发接发,技战术。
Badminton, as one of the most important sports developed in our country, has strong competitiveness in the international badminton arena.At the same time, China's badminton athletes have performed well in all major competitions. However, as China's badminton has ushered in a new and old replacement situation, young athletes lack experience in major competitions in men's doubles. Meanwhile, the rise of foreign excellent badminton men's doubles makes China's badminton men's doubles face more severe challenges. In badminton doubles matches, studying the skills and tactics of sending and receiving is an important means to directly understand the opponent's tactical purpose and style of play. Thispaper aims to improve the application of men's doubles combined hair and hair extension in China through the analysis and research of foreign men's doubles combined hair and hair extension and comparison with its own technical characteristics.
Therefore, by using the methods of documentary, video analysis,mathematical statistics, comparative analysis and expert interviews, this paper makes a comparative study on the development and extension stages of five pairs of Chinese and foreign outstanding badminton men's doubles combinations in the 2017 International Badminton Federation's three major competitions (World Badminton Federation Finals,All-England Open and Badminton World Championships), namely, LiJunhui/Liu Yuchen, Liu Cheng/Zhang Nan, Kenshi Jiacun/Yuantian Qiwu,Fernadi/Sukamuyo and Bowie/morgensen. Mainly from the Chinese and foreign outstanding men's doubles combination technique and tactics analysis, men's doubles serve placement area comparative analysis, men's doubles serve receiving technique and tactics application analysis, the racket number frequency research as well as the receiving and receiving technique application comparative analysis and so on.
Through a comparative study of the hair extension and hair extension stages of five pairs of excellent badminton men's doubles combinations at home and abroad, the conclusions are as follows:
1. The five pairs of outstanding badminton men's doubles players in this paper have relatively concentrated service placement points in regions 1 and 5. The service receiving placement points are mainly in regions 2, 4, 5 and 8.
2. The five pairs of outstanding men's badminton doubles players use the most techniques in receiving the serve, which are twisting,pushing and picking the ball, followed by throwing the ball. While ensuring the stability of twisting, grabbing and releasing techniques, the players improve the awareness of snatching and attacking to lay the foundation for the victory of the match. However, they are not very different from the excellent players at home and abroad in the application of doubles tactics.
3. When receiving the service, the player will take the combination of the techniques of pushing the bottom line quickly, throwing into the middle, throwing into the middle half, receiving and catching the body ball, and lightly pushing both halves with the placement point to win the initiative or direct score.
4. The players still use fast, flat, close and pressing methods in the third beat tactics. At the same time, they predict the opponent's outgoing route and control the match.
Some suggestions are put forward to appropriately change the placement of serve, enhance the stability of serve and receive, establish advantages, create opportunities for attack and form unique tactics.
KeyWords: feathers, Men's doubles, Hair extensions,tactics。
1 绪论
1.1 选题依据
羽毛球运动起源于印度,而现代羽毛球运动发源于英国,并从英国流传到英联邦各个国家,最后传播到美洲、非洲和亚洲等地区。羽毛球运动 1992 年首次成为为奥运会的比赛项目,其中包括男子单打、双打和女子单打、双打 4 个项目,在 1996 年,混合双打也成为奥运会比赛项目。双打项目在羽毛球比赛中一直占有较大的比重,双打项目也一直是我国的优势项目,近几十年来,中国的羽毛球发展一直处于世界的领先地位,无论是在单打还是双打项目上,男女项目都在重大赛事上取得了骄人的成绩。从 1996 年亚特兰大奥运会上我国羽毛球项目实现金牌"零"的突破,到 2012 年伦敦奥运会上我国收获羽毛球 5 项大满贯的骄人成绩,其中就包括 3 个双打项目的金牌。特别是作为极具观赏性的男双项目,我国羽毛球运动员连续在 2012 年、2016 年两届奥运会斩获该项目冠军,这说明我国羽毛球男双竞技水平已经有了相当成熟的状态。随着时间推移,羽毛球打法也产生了多样的变化,尤其是在羽毛球男子双打项目上更加明显,使得羽毛球男双项目竞争愈来愈激烈。羽毛球男双的技战术运用已经完全发展成为一套独立的体系。
发接发是男子双打比赛开始的一个竞技单元,发球、接发球在双打中形成一个单独的战术体系,再结合 3、4 拍的球路衔接,组成了发接发整个线路的战术体系。从我国运动员与外国顶尖选手的技战术上比较来看,国外运动员在发球落点变化以及在接发球的技术运用与中国选手存在一定差异,目前各国选手都加强了发接发战术,以便在比赛时能够在这方面占取优势。本次研究选择的世界排名前五的男双组合,运动员之间的实力相近,在自身优势技战术的基础上,如何发挥高效的技战术运用能力成为获得比赛胜利的关键。
1.2 选题意义。
1.2.1 理论意义。
为了提高我国男双组合发接发技战术的运用,本文以最新的男双世界排名的前 5 对组合为研究对象,对其在 2017 年比赛录像中前 4 拍技战术打法进行分析,在一定程度上弥补了顶尖双打运动员技战术打法的研究,并丰富了羽毛球发接发相关理论。从整体分析我国男双组合与国外优秀男双组合在前 4 拍阶段的优势、劣势,本文将从理论的角度填补羽毛球男子双打领域的空白,顺应盲点的研究趋势,以期为我国羽毛球男子双打运动员的训练和比赛方案的制定提供更多理论依据,进而促进我国羽毛球运动的快速发展。
1.2.2 实践意义。
本文通过分析各种录像和数据资料,选取李俊慧/刘雨辰、刘成/张楠、嘉村健士/园田启悟、费尔纳迪/苏卡穆约、鲍伊/摩根森等五对男双顶尖选手为研究对象,查看在 2017 年全英公开赛、世界羽毛球锦标赛、世界羽联总决赛三项重大赛事的比赛录像,对比赛录像中双方运动员站位,活动路线以及技术运用等方面进行量化处理,整理成数据后再通过统计学分析方法将数据具体化。在此基础上研究得分和失分段落的分布规律、前 4 拍技术衔接等问题,为中国男双的科学性系统训练的发展和提高前 4 拍技战术水平提供参考。通过本研究可以有助于促进了解各国优秀双打运动员前 4 拍发展趋势,有助于促进对男双打技战术规律的认识,有助于男双项目的稳步前进提供动力,也为我国的男双项目发展提供稳步前行的动力。
1.3 文献综述
1.3.1 羽毛球男双技战术研究
1.3.2 羽毛球男双打发接发技术战术研究
1.3.3 羽毛球男双打发接发落点的研究
2 研究对象和研究方法
2.1 研究对象
2.2 研究方法
2.2.1 文献资料法
2.2.2 录像分析法
2.2.3 数理统计法
2.2.4 对比分析法
2.2.5 专家访谈法
3 结果与分析
3.1 发球稳定性及落点区域对比分析
3.1.1 发球的稳定性
3.1.2 发球分布区域与分析
3.2 接发球稳定性及落点区域对比分析
3.2.1 接发球的稳定性
3.2.2 接发球前场落点分析
3.2.3 接发球中场落点分析
3.2.4 接发球后场落点分析
3.2.5 接发球的技术运用
3.3 第 1、第 3 拍技术效果与战术分析
3.3.1 第 1 拍技术效果
3.3.2 第 3 拍技术效果
3.3.3 第 1、3 拍技术衔接及战术分析
3.4 第 2、4 拍技术效果与战术分析
3.4.1 第 2 拍技术效果
3.4.2 第 4 拍技术效果
3.4.3 第 2、4 拍的技术衔接与战术分析
4 结论
4.1.1 中外五对优秀羽毛球男子双打运动员在 1 号区域和 5 号区域的发球落点较为集中,在接发球落点上主要以 2 号区域、4 号区域、5 号区域和 8 号区域为主。
4.1.2 五对优秀男子羽毛球双打运动员在接发球时使用最多的技术是搓放、推压和拨球,其次是扑球,运动员根据发球质量采取抢搓,快速推压底线、中场、追身,网前下压,以及轻拨两腰的战术,提升抢攻意识为比赛胜利奠定基础。
4.1.3 五对优秀男子羽毛球双打运动员在进行第 3 拍战术的时候,是采用快、平、近、压的方式,同时对对手出球路线进行预判,掌握比赛的控制权。
4.1.4 我国男双组合在第 4 拍技战术的预判以及卡位意识不足。并且在受到压迫时控制球的能力,由防守转为进攻的能力较弱。