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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-01-18 共2266字


  摘 要
  After the financial crisis, the circumstance of the world economy is slowlyrecovering. In order to increase international competitiveness, all countries start tocarry out mergers and acquisitions behavior. Since the reform and opening up, theautomobile industry in our country is developing rapidly, and is building our ownbrands. But professional technology is still lagging behind foreign companies.
  Therefore, our country will look to the foreign countries, to seek cross-border mergersand acquisitions.
  Cross-border mergers and acquisitions is a behavior of risk and return. In thisway, we can get the technical capital of the M & A enterprises in a short term, but italso has great risks. Therefore, we should do a good job in financial preparationbefore the merger, do a good job in financial due diligence,choose to meet theenterprise's own strategic development of the M & A.They should carry out acomplete asset appraisal, risk assessment and financial review to the targetenterprise.At the same time, M & A enterprises should combine their own financialand operating conditions.in order to achieve the desired purpose,the enterprise shouldtake reasonable and necessary financing mode, and take the appropriate financial M &A method.What's more, the integration after M & A is the key factor to the success ofM & A. We must consider the situation of both sides of the merger and acquisition,make appropriate management system, carry out various integration. Integrationincludes financial, culture, human resources and other aspects of integration, amongwhich financial integration is the most important.
  In this paper, I analyze the case that Geely Group as a representative of theautomobile industry mergers and acquisitions.This paper describes the motivation andprocess and the problems existing in the financial integration, analyses the financialperformance and risk of cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Then get thecorresponding enlightenment.
  Keywords: cross-border mergers and acquisitions; M&A preparation; methods inthe M&A; financial integration; Geely; Volvo

  目 录
  第 1 章 导论
  1.1 选题背景及研究意义
  1.1.1 选题背景
  1.1.2 研究意义
  1.2 国内外研究现状
  1.2.1 国外研究现状
  1.2.2 国内研究现状
  1.3 研究内容及结构
  1.3.1 研究的主要内容
  1.3.2 论文的结构
  1.4 创新与不足
  第 2 章 跨国并购前的动因分析及财务准备
  2.1 汽车企业跨国并购动因
  2.1.1 效率理论
  2.1.2 汽车业跨国并购动因具体分析
  2.2 跨国并购前的财务尽职调查
  2.2.1 并购尽职调查意义
  2.2.2 财务管理及会计资料的尽职调查
  2.2.3 尽职调查的失败因素
  2.2.4 提升尽职调查质量的建议
  2.3 跨国并购融资渠道
  2.4 跨国并购前的风险评估及其防范
  2.4.1 跨国并购前的风险评估
  2.4.2 跨国并购前的风险防范措施
  第 3 章 跨国并购中的财务分析
  3.1 跨国并购财务方法
  3.2 跨国并购支付方式的选择
  3.2.1 现金支付
  3.2.2 股票支付
  3.2.3 综合证券支付
  3.3 近年来汽车企业跨国并购的主要支付方式
  3.4 跨国并购支付风险防范建议
  第 4 章 跨国并购后的财务整合分析
  4.1 并购后财务整合概念
  4.1.1 跨国并购财务整合的必要性
  4.1.2 跨国并购财务整合的原则
  4.1.3 跨国并购财务整合的内容
  4.2 跨国并购财务整合存在的问题及防范
  4.2.1 财务整合存在的问题
  4.2.2 财务整合风险的防范
  第 5 章 吉利并购沃尔沃案例分析
  5.1 案例背景介绍
  5.1.1 吉利集团概况
  5.1.2 沃尔沃公司简介
  5.2 并购动因分析
  5.2.1 并购内外部动因
  5.2.2 吉利并购沃尔沃的 SWOT 分析
  5.3 并购过程回顾
  5.4 吉利财务整合存在的潜在问题
  5.4.1 巨大的融资风险
  5.4.2 巨大的支付风险
  5.4.3 后期财务整合中存在的问题
  5.5 吉利并购成功对财务风险防范的建议
  5.6 吉利并购沃尔沃后的财务绩效分析
  5.6.1 盈利能力分析
  5.6.2 营运能力分析
  5.6.3 市场占有率
  致 谢