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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-01-22 共3132字


  摘 要


  本文研究的命题是动漫创意产业市场营销,研究对象是以北京银河长兴影视文化传播有限公司为代表的北京动漫创意企业,主要观点是科学的市场营销策略是推动动漫创意产业发展的重中之重。作者通过相关理论的学习并结合工作实践,对动漫创意产业市场营销进行了研究,包括:动漫的概念、特征和类型;动漫创意产业的概念和特点;动漫创意产业市场营销的概念和内涵。通过对动漫创意产业市场营销策略比较,分析了美、日、韩动漫创意产业市场营销策略,对美国、日本、韩国三种典型动漫创意产业市场营销策略进行点评;分析了国内动漫创意产业市场营销策略,对宝莲灯 、蓝猫、喜羊羊、奥飞市场营销策的特点和缺点进行了剖析。对银河长兴市场环境进行了 SWOT 分析:一是优势分析,包括技术和人才优势、品牌和渠道优势、首都动漫集聚优势;二是劣势分析,包括盈利渠道单一化、产品和播放渠道定位模糊、未建立完整的产业链;三是机遇分析,包括政策支持利好、行业发展利好、市场需求利好;四是挑战分析,包括国外动漫创意产业先发优势、业内动漫创意企业激烈竞争、市场群体受众需求标准更高。


  关键词: 动漫创意产业,营销策略,SWOT 分析


  The animation and creative industries is an important part of Beijing's CulturalCreative Industry, and play more and more important role in the capital adjustment ofindustrial structure and strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization of theworld city China characteristics. The research on the marketing of animation andcreative industries is increasingly subject to the attention of the academic circles, andis becoming a bright spot on the culture industry and marketing research. But becausethe animation and creative industry is new industry and In continuous development,so the research about it has not formed the theory system forming, and there is veryfew special research about Beijing animation and creative industry. The academiccircles pay attention to the importance and the concept of animation and creativeindustry marketing, the research about the market marketing strategy should bestrengthened.

  The proposition of this paper is the marketing of animation and creativeindustry ,The subject is Beijing animation creative enterprises represented by BeijingGalaxy Changxing Film and Culture Communication Co. Ltd .The general point isthat the marketing strategy is the key to promote the development of animation andcreative industry . Credit guarantees by the author, then a security theories of learningand work practice, outlined the marketing of animation and creative industries fromthree aspects: the concept, characteristics and types of animation; the concept andcharacteristics of animation and creative industry, the concept and connotation ofmarketing of animation and creative industry. The comparison of the marketingstrategy of animation and creative industry from two aspects: the first is comparingand commenting it in the United States, Japan, Korea, and comments on thesecountries. The Second is the domestic marketing strategy of animation and creativeindustry, dissecting its characteristics and the disadvantages in home, such as theBaoliandeng, blue cat, pleasant goat, Austrian flying. The SWOT analysis of theGalaxy Changxing market environment from four aspects: first is the advantages,including technology, talent, brand, channel and industry agglomeration; Second is thedisadvantages, including single channel, fuzzy positioning of product and broadcastchannel, failing to establish a complete industrial chain; Third is opportunity,including policy support, development of the industry, good market demand; Fourth ischallenges ,including the first mover advantage of foreign, fierce competition, higherdemand standards of market audiences.

  Finally, the author give his own views and suggestions about drawing a cleardevelopment of industry, learning the advanced experience and implementingintegrated marketing strategy. The author offer some proposal of marketing strategy ofGalaxy Changxing which was from four aspects: First is developing product strategybase on consumer demand, Second is developing price strategy base on how muchcustomer would care to pay for satisfy their demand; Third is developing channelstrategy base on enhancing consumer convenience; Fourth is developing promotionstrategy base on enhancing communication with consumers.

  Key Words:Animation and creative industries,Marketing Strategy,SWOT analysis

  目 录

  第 1 章 引言

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究对象与目的

  1.3 研究现状

  1.4 研究方法与途径

  第 2 章 动漫创意产业市场营销概述

  2.1 动漫

  2.1.1 动漫的概念

  2.1.2 动漫的特征

  2.1.3 动漫的类型

  2.2 动漫创意产业

  2.2.1 动漫创意产业的概念

  2.2.2 动漫创意产业的特点

  2.3 动漫创意产业市场营销

  2.3.1 动漫创意产业市场营销的概念

  2.3.2 动漫创意产业市场营销的内涵

  第 3 章 国内外动漫创意产业市场营销策略比较分析

  3.1 美、日、韩动漫创意产业市场营销策略

  3.1.1 美国动漫创意产业市场营销策略

  3.1.2 日本动漫创意产业市场营销策略

  3.1.3 韩国动漫创意产业市场营销策略

  3.2 国内动漫创意产业市场营销策略

  3.2.1 宝莲灯

  3.2.2 蓝猫

  3.2.3 喜羊羊

  3.2.4 奥飞动漫

  第 4 章 银河长兴市场环境 SWOT 分析

  4.1 优势分析

  4.1.1 技术和人才优势

  4.1.2 品牌和渠道优势

  4.1.3 首都动漫集聚优势

  4.2 劣势分析

  4.2.1 盈利渠道单一化

  4.2.2 产品和播放渠道定位模糊

  4.2.3 营销力量薄弱

  4.3 机遇分析

  4.3.1 政策支持利好

  4.3.2 行业发展利好

  4.3.3 市场需求利好

  4.4 威胁分析

  4.4.1 国外动漫创意产业先发优势

  4.4.2 业内动漫创意企业激烈竞争

  4.4.3 市场群体受众需求标准更高

  第 5 章 银河长兴市场营销策略建议

  5.1 以消费者需求为中心,制定产品策略

  5.2 以成本为基准,制定价格策略

  5.3 以提升消费者便利为根本,制定渠道策略

  5.4 以沟通为纽带,制定促销策略



