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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-22 共2470字


  摘 要

  改革开放 30 多年,中国发生了翻天覆地的巨大变化,30 多年时光的变迁也是中国软件产业从最初萌芽到今日繁荣的探索历程。伴随着软件产业的发展,软件盗版开始盛行。盗版软件的使用给中国整个软件行业,甚至整体经济带来了严重的伤害,所幸,中国政府和民众逐步意识到这一伤害,并采取了积极的措施,知识产权保护的环境日益完善,使用正版软件越来越能被公众接受。

  而作为全球最大的软件供应商的微软公司,从 1992 年进入中国以来,其产品和品牌被中国用户所接受,应用非常广泛。随着中国知识产权保护环境的日益完善,其销售业绩逐年递增,从事微软软件销售工作将会产生巨大的市场利益。笔者在软件行业从业多年,对软件产品代理销售尤其是微软软件产品的代理销售非常了解,并且拥有丰富的客户资源,根据笔者的经验并结合目前的经济形势,笔者认为以微软软件销售项目创办公司,具有巨大的经济价值,是非常可行的,但由于创业团队的自有资金不足,希望能够获得外部投资人的资金支持,因而形成该商业计划书。同时,微软公司作为全球软件行业的领导者,其营销战略和运作模式,必然具有其独特性和领先性,非常值得借鉴。





  China has changed hugely over 30 years of reform and opening, at the same time, softwareindustry also has gone from initial bud to today's prosperity. With the development of thesoftware industry, software piracy has become popular. Using of pirated software to Chinesesoftware industry, even the overall economy poses a serious injury. But fortunately, theChinese government and people gradually realized the damage and take positive measures toprotect the intellectual property. And its environment has improved. The public can accept thelegitimate software more and more.

  And Microsoft as the largest software provider in the world has been very famous in chinasince it entered into China in 1992, and its products and brands are accepted by Chinese users.

  Its sale performance has increased annually by the Chinese intellectual property protectionenvironment improves. Selling Microsoft software will generate huge profits in the market. Inthis context, the author who has a few years experience in the IT industry plans to found acompany for selling Microsoft software. So the author wrote the business plan in order to getoutside financial support because the entrepreneurial team has not enough money. At thesame time, Microsoft has very much successful experience deserving to be learned such as itsmarketing strategy and operation pattern. The business plan discusses deeply Microsoftsoftware sale project from different angles such as marketing, human resources, financewhich can provide references to others who want to do this kind of item.

  The thesis uses the theoretical framework of competition strategy, marketing theory, andmethods of financial analysis. And finally uses the financial evaluation to evaluate the projectand predict trends in order to attract investors for the sale of Microsoft software projectsequity swap, the risk of investment. At the same time hope to provide a reference fordecision-making companies to enter this market, but also provide a reference for futuresimilar projects undertaken.

  Keywords: Microsoft software sales; Intellectual property protection; Software agent;Business plan;

  目 录

  摘 要


  第一章 绪 论

  1.1 选题的背景、目的和意义

  1.1.1 选题的背景

  1.1.2 选题的目的

  1.1.3 研究意义

  1.2 文献综述

  1.2.1 关于知识产权保护的文献综述

  1.2.2 有关竞争战略的文献综述

  1.2.3 有关消费者行为的文献综述

  1.2.4 有关财务管理的文献综述

  1.3 论文研究方法及结构

  1.3.1 主要研究方法

  1.3.2 相关研究内容和结构

  第二章 项目背景介绍

  2.1 软件行业与微软公司介绍

  2.1.1 软件行业

  2.1.2 微软公司简介及发展历史

  2.2 微软软件产品及销售模式

  2.2.1 微软产品介绍

  2.2.2 微软产品的销售模式

  2.2.3 微软产品的许可类型

  2.3 微软合作伙伴制度

  2.4 项目介绍

  2.5 本章小结

  第三章 外部环境分析

  3.1 行业环境分析

  3.1.1 经济因素

  3.1.2 技术因素

  3.1.3 国际化因素

  3.2 市场分析

  3.2.1 市场细分

  3.2.2 目标市场

  3.3 市场竞争分析

  3.4 机会与威胁分析

  3.4.2 威胁

  3.5 本章小结

  第四章 运营目标、组织和营销策略

  4.1 经营定位与经营目标确定

  4.1.1 经营定位与项目选址

  4.1.2 经营目标

  4.2 创业团队与组织

  4.2.1 创业团队组成

  4.2.2 组织结构



  4.3 营销策略

  4.3.1 产品策略

  4.3.2 价格策略

  4.3.3 渠道策略

  4.3.4 促销策略

  4.4 本章小结

  第五章 财务计划与风险规避

  5.1 投资估算与财务计划

  5.1.1 投资额与股权分配

  5.1.2 收入、成本费用、税金及利润估算

  5.1.3 投资回收期分析

  5.1.4 内部收益率分析

  5.1.5 财务净现值

  5.2 风险分析及规避

  5.2.1 市场风险及规避

  5.2.2 管理风险及规避

  5.2.3 财务风险及规避

  5.2.4 政策风险及规避

  5.3 本章小结

  结 论

