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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-04-13 共3183字


  文章通过对云、贵、川三地的彝族“灰姑娘型”故事异文的梳理,以 AT 分类法和丁乃通故事类型索引为基础,在与世界古典灰姑娘故事及中国少数民族“灰姑娘型”故事比较背景下,分析彝族特有的“灰姑娘型”故事情节单元(母题)结构,并从故事中人物角色之间的二元对立关系来归纳、抽绎出母题链中所具有的独特叙事特征。本文还在关注彝族“灰姑娘型”故事主要情节单元(母题)变异情况的基础上,对它同其它故事类型相复合情况及其类型产生所具有的意义进行了详细的论述,并说明了故事中母题所呈现出的地域民俗特征及其蕴含的丰富文化内涵。
  第二章通过对云、贵、川三地的彝族“灰姑娘型”故事异文概要进行梳理,归纳故事主要情节单元(母题),整理故事母题链,分析故事母题组成结构。认为彝族“灰姑娘型”故事母题结构由多个故事类型母题复合而成,但其情节依旧是在 AT510A 型叙事主线中发展;一个完整彝族“灰姑娘型”故事主要基干中包含着四个母题链(情节段),其中“后母虐待”、“神奇助手”、“被护佑的女主角和受惩罚的继女”、“特殊方式验证”、“变形”在母题链中起到内核的作用,它们同时也构成这个故事类型的五个重要中心母题。
  关键词:彝族 “灰姑娘型” 母题 类型 民俗
  Article through to the Yunnan,Guizhou, Sichuan three province of Yi Cinderellastory derivatives of comb, to the AT taxonomy and Ding Nai Tong story type index,on the basis of analysis of Yi special type Cinderella story unit (motif) structure, andthe story of the binary opposition between the characters in relation to induction,interpreting Yi motif in the chain of unique narrative characteristic. This article alsofocused on Yi's Cinderella type main plot unit (motif) changes, on the basis of it fromother story type compound and its type is introduced in detail the meaning of, andillustrates the motif of story shows the characteristics of local folk custom andcontains rich cultural connotation.
  Range of the first chapter combed the world the story of Cinderella types defined,clarify the scope of Yi to define the type of Cinderella story, and life field on Yi'sCinderella story type and used in this study a brief introduction of the distribution ofderivatives in order to further explore in unique regional culture of the Yi nationalityCinderella story.
  The second chapter through to the cloud, expensive, Sichuan Yi Cinderellastory summary derivatives to comb, summed up the main plot unit (motif), chain storymatrix, analysis of story motif structure. Think Yi Cinderella story motif structurecomposed of multiple motif story type compound, but the plot is still in the narrativethread AT501A type development; A complete type Yi Cinderella story contains fourmotif in the main backbone chain (plot), among them “stepmother abuse”, “magicassistant”, “is the heroine of the protection and punishment stepdaughter”, “specialcertification”, “deformation” is the four motif in the chain have the effect of kernel,they also constitute the story types of five important central motif.
  The third chapter on the analysis of the Yi's “Cinderella” story unit (motif), onthe basis of the structure and characteristics of stripping out Yi's “Cinderella” story oftwo important subtypes: “singular assistant and Cinderella” and “magic embodimentof Cinderella” type. Discussed the type of Yi Cinderella story with other four type ofCompound story's characteristics of significance.
  The fourth chapter is based on Yi's Cinderella story motif and type characteristics,analysis of the cultural connotation contained in the story behind. In the perspective ofregional folk customs as a starting point, deconstruction Yi folk culture in the“Cinderella” story, discuss living in certain social culture environment of Yi people,their history, folk beliefs, total world view of folk normative form on Yi's typeCinderella story uniqueness of influence.
  Article final thought: Yi's “Cinderella” story motif chain structure is complex, inthe southern region culture presented with a variety of “heterogeneous marriages”story type composite characteristics; Story contains abundant folk culture, reflects theunique cultural connotation of Yi culture; The uniqueness of the regional culture andfolk customs of Yi Cinderella story narrative context of formation, shaping charactershave an impact, and in the process of story telling, and stability will be included in thestory of folk culture.
  Keywords: Yi nationality , Cinderella type ,Motif ,Type , Folklore

  第一章 绪论
  1.1 缘起与意义
  1.2 研究现状与文献综述
  1.2.1 关于国外灰姑娘故事的研究
  1.2.2 关于中国“灰姑娘型”故事的研究
  1.2.3 关于故事类型的研究
  1.3 研究方法与思路
  1.4 研究创新处
  第二章 彝族“灰姑娘型”故事概述
  2.1 概念界定
  2.1.1 国外关于灰姑娘故事的界定
  2.1.2 国内关于灰姑娘故事的界定
  2.1.3 彝族灰姑娘故事的界定
  2.2 彝族“灰姑娘型”故事流传状况
  2.2.1 代表性异文
  2.2.2 异文的地域分布
  2.3 彝族“灰姑娘型”故事文化生境
  2.3.1 四山六水的蕴育故事情节
  2.3.2 彝区人文涵养故事结构
  第三章 彝族“灰姑娘型”故事情节与母题结构
  3.1 彝族“灰姑娘型”故事情节分析
  3.1.1 彝族“灰姑娘型”故事情节概况
  3.1.2 彝族“灰姑娘型”故事情节特征
  3.2 彝族“灰姑娘型”故事母题结构
  3.2.1 彝族“灰姑娘型”故事母题解构
  3.2.2 彝族“灰姑娘型”故事母题特征
  第四章 彝族“灰姑娘型”故事类型分析
  4.1 彝族“灰姑娘型”故事的亚型
  4.1.1 奇异助手与“灰姑娘型”
  4.1.2 神奇化身的“灰姑娘型”
  4.2 彝族“灰姑娘型”故事与其它故事的类型复合
  第五章 彝族文化对“灰姑娘型”故事的影响
  5.1 故事叙述中的民俗呈现
  5.1.1 地域民俗的直观表现
  5.1.2 民族共同体的识别依据
  5.2 “集体创作”背后的民俗动因
  5.2.1 社交规约的传导
  5.2.2 伦理道德的约束
  5.3 因“俗”制宜的故事叙述
  5.3.1 宗教文化增添人物角色