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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-01-16 共3479字


  目 录
  摘 要
  第一章 绪 论
  1.1 研究的背景和问题提出
  1.1.1 研究背景
  1.1.2 问题的提出
  1.2 研究目的和意义
  1.2.1 研究目的
  1.2.2 研究意义
  1.3 国内外研究现状及评述
  1.3.1 国外相关研究
  1.3.2 国内相关研究
  1.3.3 国内外研究现状评述
  1.4 主要内容、研究方法与技术路线
  1.4.1 主要内容
  1.4.2 研究方法
  1.4.3 技术路线
  1.5 论文的创新点
  第二章 影响养老地产项目运营模式的机理分析
  2.1 养老地产项目及运营模式
  2.1.1 养老地产项目相关概念界定及内涵
  2.1.2 养老地产项目的特点
  2.1.3 我国养老地产项目发展现状
  2.1.4 养老地产项目运营模式界定及内涵
  2.2 影响养老地产项目运营模式的因素
  2.2.1 影响养老地产项目运营模式的各项因素分析
  2.2.2 各项因素的提炼和比较
  2.3 影响养老地产项目运营模式各项因素间关系机理模型
  2.4 小结
  第三章 养老地产项目运营模式评价
  3.1 养老地产项目运营模式的目标定位
  3.1.1 养老地产项目运营模式
  3.1.2 养老地产项目目标定位
  3.2 指标体系设计原则
  3.2.1 科学性与实用性原则
  3.2.2 整体性与独立性原则
  3.2.3 重要性与可行性原则
  3.3 养老地产项目运营模式评价指标的构成
  3.3.1 一级指标的构成
  3.3.2 二级指标的构成
  3.3.3 三级指标的构成
  3.4 利用重要指标构建评价指标体系
  3.4.1 基于因素配对比较法的指标筛选
  3.4.2 基于专家意见法的指标筛选
  3.4.3 养老地产项目运营模式评价指标体系
  3.4.4 运营 ANP 法确定评价指标赋权
  3.5 养老地产项目运营模式评价
  3.6 小结
  第四章 养老地产项目运营模式优化
  4.1 优化原型 SWOT 分析
  4.1.1 优势分析
  4.1.2 劣势分析
  4.1.3 机遇分析
  4.1.4 威胁分析
  4.2 其他运营模式的借鉴
  4.2.1 全部租赁型养老地产运营模式优缺点分析
  4.2.2 全部销售型养老地产运营模式优缺点分析
  4.3 养老地产项目优化原型功能模块的演进
  4.3.1 增加开发商与运营商合作经营功能模块
  4.3.2 增加多元化运营功能模块
  4.3.3 加强后期运营管理模块
  4.3.4 增加金融保险支撑功能模块
  4.4 优化重构运营模式解析
  4.4.1 重构模式的组成
  4.4.2 重构模型的运行机制
  4.5 重构模式的实证分析
  4.5.1 天津市团泊湖地区地理位置和自然环境分析
  4.5.2 天津市团泊湖地区养老地产项目运营模式分析
  4.5.3 天津市团泊湖地区养老地产项目运营效果分析
  4.6 小结
  第五章 保障优化模式顺利运营的对策
  5.1 增加政府政策支持
  5.1.1 增加政府补贴
  5.1.2 支持土地供应
  5.1.3 国家税收优惠
  5.2 拓宽融资渠道
  5.2.1 完善养老地产项目贷款机制
  5.2.2 构建金融保险信用体系
  5.2.3 吸纳社会资金拓宽参与主体
  5.3 健全养老服务体系
  5.3.1 实现专业化服务
  5.3.2 打造养老产业链
  5.3.3 优化建筑设计完善配套设施
  5.4 完善市场体系
  5.4.1 制定保障养老地产项目顺利运营的政策和法规
  5.4.2 合理制定养老地产项目发展规划
  5.4.3 规范养老地产市场形成监督机制
  5.5 小结
  结 论
  致 谢

  摘 要
  文章以养老服务产业理论、新公共管理理论、供需理论、项目运营理论和系统评价理论为基础,通过文献分析和实地调研的方法,以养老地产项目运营模式为研究对象,养老地产项目运营目标分析为起点,分析各项因素与运营目标间的关系,运用配对比较法和专家意见法,构建养老地产项目运营模式的评价指标体系,并应用 ANP 法为各指标赋权重值,以此体系评价各种模式和组成模块的优劣,重构和完善运营模式,最后提出保障其顺利运营的对策。
  关键词 养老地产项目;运营模式;评价体系;
  Along with China's entering into the aging society, the contradiction between theinadequate facilities for the senior citizens and the seriousness of aging populationis increasing rapidly. So the aged housing problem must be taken seriously and is urgentto be solved. The aging industry, especially in the aspect of supply and demand, has ahuge gap. Or rather the common housing cannot meet the special needs of the seniorcitizens and the housing suitable for them is in short supply. As a result, the government,real estate enterprises, insurance corporations, social security forces and other relevantdepartments are supposed to explore the operation mode of endowment real estateproject which is fit for our national conditions and market demand.
  Based on endowment service industry theory, new public management theory,supply and demand theory, project operation theory and evaluation system theory, thepaper studies the operation mode of endowment real estate project, putting the objectiveanalysis as a starting point, by way of literature analysis and spot investigation. Theanalytical procedures can be listed as follows. First, the relationship between variousfactors and operation objectives is analyzed. Second, the paper constructs the evaluationsystem referring to the operation mode of endowment real estate project by using pairedcomparison method and Delphi method. Third, the analytic network process (ANP)method is applied to give the indicators their own weights. According to the system, thepaper evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of different modes and modules. Last,the paper comes up with the countermeasures which can make it carry out smoothly.
  The paper studies the operation mode of endowment real estate in four aspects. Tobegin with, based on overseas and domestic research status, it defines the relevantconcepts of the mode, sets the goal and analyzes the factors which may have an influenceon the mode. Consequently, the mechanism model is constructed. Moreover, the secondpart centers on the analysis and evaluation of the mode. On one hand, it determines theindicator constitution of the mode in combination with the study of literature analysis.
  On the other hand, it evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of the three modes,using the corresponding indicators to construct the system of evaluation indicators.What's more, based on the evaluation and comparison of various patterns and differentmodules, the paper considers the optimal mode as a prototype to find the disadvantagesof the existing mode. Combined with our country's actual situation, it analyzes theresults and supplements the mode. Then it optimizes, adjusts and rebuilds the newendowment real estate operation mode. Finally, it put forwards four correspondingcountermeasures and suggestions, respectively, increasing the government's policysupport, broadening financing channels, creating a sound system of old-age services andperfecting market system, to ensure the smooth operation of the reconstructed mode.
  Key words endowment real estate; operation mode; evaluation system