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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-03-19 共2932字


摘 要

  改革开放以来,我国电力行业尤其是发电企业发展迅猛,截至 2014 年年底,我国总发电装机容量已达到 136019 万千瓦,成功的解决了电荒等问题,保证了国民经济的稳步发展。随着电力企业的逐步发展壮大,电力企业的安全管理水平也逐步提高,但是纵观近年来的总体发展情况,电力企业的安全管理问题仍存在不少问题。因此如何提高电力企业安全管理就成为一个亟待解决的现实问题。




  Since Chinese economic reform,which started from late 1970s,Chineseelectric power industry,especially power generation enterprises,is developingrapidly,and by the end of 2014,China's total power capacity has reached1360,190,000-kilowatt,successfully solved power shortage problems,ensuring thesteady development of the national economy. With the development of electric powerenterprises, production safety has been increasingly important; moreover, the level ofsafety management in electric power enterprise has gradually increased. While,considering the overall development in recent years, safety management problems stillexist. How to improve safety management in electric power enterprises has become anurgent issue.

  In order to solve the problem, this dissertation firstly introduces the definition andprinciples of safety management to explain the necessity and significance of safetymanagement. Through an in-depth study on safety management theory, this articleclarifies the developing process of safety management electric power enterprise inChina, including the evolution of the methods and the system of electrical safetymanagement. It also shows the present status of safety management. Although both thegovernment and specific companies are paying more attention to safety management ofelectric power enterprises, and the level of safety management has graduallyapproached the international advanced level after learning from useful experience,problems still exist. Therefore, based on the summaries of the data and informationrelated to electric power enterprise's safety management, the third part analyzes thethree main aspects of safety management, including equipment, personnel andsupervision. This essay deeply discusses the device's security, protection, and its abilityto resist natural disasters, the ideological quality of personnel and training mechanism,and lack of supervision. Electric power construction is discussed separately from otheractivities, since it is with the characteristic of multi hazard, dangerous operations andspecial operations personnel. Safety management problems may have seriousconsequences in the process of development of electric power enterprises. Respectivemeasures are proposed regarding to the problems on equipment, personnel andsupervision. In the final part, the essay uses a case study on the concrete safetymanagement measures of a power generation enterprise in Heilongjiang. It explains theelectric power enterprise's safety management regulation regarding to its characteristicof production and operation. It can be concluded that the enterprise’s safetymanagement system is helpful to improve safety management level of enterprise,ensure safe and efficient operation, and avoid the occurrence of accidents. The casestudy also verifies the operability and the practical significance of the main idea of thisessay.

  Keywords: electric power industry, safety management, electric powerengineering


  第一章 概论
       1.1 研究背景
       1.2 研究意义
       1.3 研究方法
       1.4 研究内容
  第二章 文献综述
       2.1 国外安全管理的文献
       2.2 国内安全管理的文献
       2.3 小结
  第三章 电力行业安全管理存在的问题及对策
       3.1 电力设备方面存在的安全问题及对策
          3.1.1 设备安全状况不容乐观
          3.1.2 电力设备保护工作形势严峻
          3.1.3 自然灾害造成巨大威胁
          3.1.4 安全工器具管理混乱
          3.1.5 电力设备安全问题的对策
       3.2 员工方面存在的安全问题及对策
          3.2.1 员工思想素质方面的欠缺
          3.2.2 员工培训和再教育的缺失
          3.2.3 员工方面安全问题的对策
       3.3 监管管理方面存在的安全问题及对策
          3.3.1 电力施工现场监督管理不到位
          3.3.2 安全监管工作落实不到位
          3.3.3 电力行业重经济轻安全
          3.3.4 监管安全问题的对策
  第四章 大唐集团黑龙江某厂安全管理问题分析
       4.1 安全生产组织机构及运作情况
       4.2 安全生产责任制建立与落实
       4.3 安全生产规章制度和执行情况评价
       4.4 反事故措施评价和安全技术劳动保护措施评价
       4.5 安全培训评价
       4.6 安全例行工作评价
       4.7 重大危险源管理评价
       4.8 应急管理评价
       4.9 消防工作评价
  第五章 结论
