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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-01-19 共3097字


  当今世界以美元为国际本位币的货币体系逐渐暴露出其存在的缺陷,如果美国爆发金融危机,其危害波及范围太广,负面影响传递较快,容易引起全球性金融灾难。因此,世界人民正在寻求一种新的货币能够出现在国际舞台上。中国经济的腾飞,使得中国在全球发展中的国际地位越来越高,同时,人民币也逐渐出现在人们的视野当中,成为各国人民期待改善当前国际货币体系呼声最高的货币,人民币国际化亦成为世界范围内的热点问题。一国货币走向国际化,不仅仅对该国具有深刻影响,也对全球经济的发展产生深远意义。在 2009 年,我国开始实施人民币国际化战略,并将其上升为国家战略。一方面,作为拉动我国经济增长的三架马车之一,我国的对外贸易保持以较高增长率飞速发展;另一方面,在 2013 年,***总书记倡议建设 21 世纪的新型陆地与海上丝绸之路(简称“一带一路”战略),与沿线国家签订“人民币互换协议”,这些都为人民币在更广阔的范围内流通创造了条件。基于这样的背景下,研究人民币国际化与我国对外进出口贸易的问题具有现实意义,尤其是针对“一带一路”沿线国家的进出口贸易。
  本文首先对人民币国际化现状和“一带一路”战略的发展现状进行基本介绍,定性的分析其对我国进出口贸易的影响;其次,通过实证分析的研究方法,利用2009 年 1 月至 2015 年 2 月的相关月度数据对人民币国际化程度进行了简单估算,得出人民币国际化程度的大体走势。其结果表明人民币国际化程度较低,但是仍以上升的趋势发展。根据这一测算结果结合国内生产总值、汇率、通货膨胀变量构建VAR 模型对人民币国际化对我国进出口贸易的影响进行实证分析,获得了人民币国际化对我国进出口贸易有正向作用的结论。最后,文章针对未来如何发展问题,从人民币国际化、“一带一路”战略、进出口贸易三个角度给出建议。
  关键词:人民币国际化;进出口贸易;“一带一路”;VAR 模型
  Most of countries' currencies are based on US dollar, which is known as the BrettonWoods System. It is not likely to be avoid that the detriment to the world economy due tothis foreign exchange system in recent years. For instance, this system played a significantrole in broadening and accelerating the negative effects to the rest of the world outside theUnited States in 2007. Therefore, the central banks of those countries have been lookingfor another currencies to share the function of US dollar. China has already been one of themost influential economies around the world. In the meanwhile, CNY (China Yuan) isgenerally in focus in international foreign exchange market, which indicates more andmore countries would like to accept CNY to replace the status of US dollar. Currencyinternationalization will have important impacts to both mother country's and the world'seconomic development. China started its offshore currency strategy from 2009, which nowhas been upgraded upon on a national level strategy. This is based on a background fromtwo aspects. On the hand, China's international trade has been growing stably and fast; onthe other hand, China is going to sign bilateral currency swap agreements with everycountry on the jointly building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime SilkRoad (hereinafter referred to as the Belt and Road) that was an initiative raised by ChinesePresident Xi Jinping. Thus, it is push on edge that CNY internationalization should beoperated orderly in the next years. Due to all of above, it is nearly undoubtedly valuable tostudy the relationship between CNY internationalization and China's international trade,especially for the trades with countries on the Belt and Road.
  This paper, firstly, focuses on current situations of CNY internationalization and theBelt and Road Strategy, which includes the qualitative analysis of their influence onChina's international trade. Then, based on the monthly database from January 2009 toFebruary 2015, to what extent of CNY internationalization is estimated through positiveanalysis method, which throws light on a general tendency of CNY internationalization.
  The results also show that the internationalization of CNY currently remained an initiallevel. But the trend is going up generally. Combined with varieties such as GDPs, ForexRates, and inflation rates, VAR model is established to analyze CNY internationalization'seffects on China's international trade. This positive analysis indicates that CNYinternationalization promoted international trade positively. Finally, the article givessuggestions to future development of CNY internationalization and international trade.
  Key words: CNY internationalization; International trade; the Belt and Road; VARmodel

  目 录
  第 1章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景意义
  1.2 文章框架与研究方法
  1.3 创新与不足
  第 2章 相关理论分析与文献综述
  2.1 相关理论分析
  2.1.1 国际贸易选择理论
  2.1.2 汇率与国际贸易关系理论
  2.2 文献综述
  2.2.1 人民币国际化相关文献综述
  第 3章 人民币国际化的发展历程及现状
  3.1 发展背景
  3.2 发展现状
  3.2.1 货币互换协议
  3.2.2 人民币结算规模
  3.2.3 人民币加入特别提款权
  3.2.4 人民币跨境支付体系上线
  3.3 人民币国际化对贸易的影响
  3.3.1 积极影响
  3.3.2 不利影响
  3.4 人币国际化程度测算
  3.4.1 怀特检验
  3.4.2 自相关性检验
  3.4.3 单位根(ADF)检验
  第 4章 “一带一路”国家与我国贸易情况
  4.1.2 战略框架路线
  4.2 沿线国家与我国贸易状况
  4.3.1 为沿线国家创造新型经济增长点,促进共同繁荣发展
  第 5章 人民币国际化与我国贸易关系的实证分析
  5.1 模型建立及说明
  5.2 变量选取及数据来源
  5.3 数据处理
  5.3.1 季节性调整
  5.3.2 ADF 检验
  5.4 构造 VAR 模型并对实证结果进行分析
  5.4.1 关于向量自回归模型(VAR)
  5.4.2 协整检验
  5.4.3 脉冲响应函数
  5.4.4 方差分解
  5.4.5 结论分析
  第 6章 发展前景与建议
  6.1 关于推进人民币国际化进程促进贸易发展的建议
  6.1.1 大力弘扬“走出去”战略,扩大贸易规模,增强实体经济实力
  6.1.2 加速建设人民币离岸市场,为贸易结算提供更多便利
  6.1.3 提高人民币与国家的国际认同度,扫清贸易障碍
  6.1.4 人民币由区域化实现国际化,促进区域国际贸易繁荣
  6.1.5 推进完善离岸人民币清算系统,为进出口贸易结算提供法律保障
  6.2 关于充分利用“一带一路”战略发展沿线进出口贸易的政策建议
  6.2.1 充分发挥“一带一路”战略优势,促进贸易畅通
  6.2.2 深化新贸易合作方式与投资合作,稳定提升实体经济实力
  6.2.3 政府搭建政策保障与信息通畅平台,严格把控风险,保障外贸活动顺利进行
  6.3 关于对外贸易发展的政策建议
  6.3.1 继续扶持“走出去”战略,扩大跨境贸易范围
  6.3.2 调整贸易结构,形成新贸易格局
  6.3.3 充分利用世界经贸组织规则,为我国对外贸易的安全进行提供保障
  6.3.4 开拓国际市场,注重产品质量,打造有竞争优势的企业