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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-12-19 共2200字


  摘 要


  本文主要采用文献研究方法,在前人研究的基础上继续深入研究英国皇家检察官规则。由于有关该规则的中文文献较少,笔者不得不通过阅读大量的英文文献,了解外国学者对该规则的看法和建议。通过研究,外国学者在皇家检察官不到 20 年的 6 次修订中,从各个不同的角度对该规则进行了分析和研究,并在最近的 2013 年版中让该规则逐渐改善,成熟。

  本文大体上分为三个部分:第一部分主要从历史的角度,制定修改历程,以及内容简介让我们对英国皇家检察官规则制度有一个初步认识和了解,这是静态的研究。第二部分,深入了对该规则的研究,从具体制度的完善和探讨,20 年来该规则的实施情况和实施困境进行分析,这是动态的研究。第三部分,通过对英国皇家检察官规则的深入研究,分析该规则对我国的检察规则有何启示。



  The prosecutorial system of countries around the world have distinguishing features,prosecutorial system in China learns lot from countries of continental law system. In thispaper,the reason why I study the Code for Crown has three different aspects: Firstly,although UK belongs to the countries of common law system but the prosecutorial systemin UK has many different aspects from other common law system country. So the researchof the Crown Prosecutor makes us better understand and feels the English legal system.

  Secondly,scholars in our country research American prosecutorial system much,but theBritish prosecutorial system we study very little especially the Code for CrownProsecutors,Chinese literature can't even let us have a general understanding of the Codefor Crown Prosecutors,so research of the Code for Crown Prosecutors will fill theacademic hole about the British legal system.

  This article mainly uses the literature research method,to study deeply Code forCrown Prosecutors on the basis of previous studies. Because of Chinese little literaturesabout the code,the author has to read a large number of foreign literature,understandingthe foreign scholars' views and suggestions on the Code. Through the research,theforeign scholar have carried on the analysis and study of the Code from different angle,and make the Code gradually better and perfect in the latest edition of 2013,throughamending the Code 6 times in 20 years.

  This paper is divided into three parts: the first part mainly concerns the studying fromthe angle of history,establishment and modification process and a brief introduction let ushave a preliminary understanding and the Code for Crown Prosecutors,this is a staticresearch. The second part,in-depth study of the Code,author discusses and analysis theimplementation situation and the dilemma of the code for 20 years,this is a dynamicresearch. The third part,Through in-depth study of the Code for Crown Prosecutorsand analysis the significance of prosecutorial rules of our country: excellence oflegislation technology, the fantasy of public prosecution in dependence in any country, aswell as sufficient, timely investigation to the national prosecutorial rules.

  Keywords: crown prosecutor; public interest; England

    目 录

  摘 要……I


  目 录……III

  第 1 章 绪 论……1

  1.1 选题背景 …… 1

  1.2 研究目的 …… 1

  1.3 研究意义 …… 1

  1.4 研究现状 …… 2

  1.4.1 国内研究现状及分析…… 2

  1.4.2 国外研究现状及分析…… 4

  1.5 研究方法 …… 5

  第 2 章 英国皇家检察官规则概述……7

  2.1 出台背景 …… 7

  2.2 制定完善 …… 10

  2.3 基本内容 …… 14

  2.4 主要作用 …… 17

  2.5 本章小结 …… 19

  第 3 章 英国皇家检察官规则评析……20

  3.1 皇家检察官规则特色内容 …… 20

  3.1.1 一般性原则…… 20

  3.1.2 控诉的决定…… 21

  3.1.3 完整规则试验…… 22

  3.1.4 阈值试验…… 24

  3.1.5 替代措施…… 25

  3.2 皇家检察官规则实施情况 …… 26

  3.3 皇家检察官规则实施困境 …… 28

  3.3.1 过度依赖“严重性” …… 28

  3.3.2 控诉程序的负面效应…… 29

  3.3.3 检察官“沉默”的尴尬…… 30

  3.3.4 “公共利益”利弊共存…… 31

  3.4 本章小结 …… 34

  第 4 章 英国皇家检察官规则对我国的启示……35

  4.1 立法用语中性,体系清晰 …… 35

  4.2 公诉权的政治因素 …… 36

  4.3 适时调研规则的实施情况 …… 38

  4.4 本章小结 …… 39

  结 论……40


  致 谢……46
