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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-12-21 共3876字



  高新技术产业是由高技术成果转化形成的具有知识密集、R&D 投入高、附加价值高、技术进步快等特征的先导型产业。21 世纪随着知识经济的兴起,知识产权在产业化发展中变的前所未有的重要,高新技术产业由于具有高智力性和高效益性,使得其和知识产权的联系越来越紧密,为此以美、日为代表的发达国家制定了促进本国高新技术产业发展的知识产权战略,以此促进现代科学技术成果向社会生产和社会生活转化,从而提高本国高新技术产业的竞争力。我国在发展高新技术产业时同样重视知识产权的作用,1999 年国家科技部制定并颁布了《关于加速国家高新技术产业开发区发展的若干意见》,在该意见中明确指出,高新技术产业作为国家的支柱性产业,必须要加大智力的投入,强化知识产权的保护,自此拉开了我国高新技术产业知识产权发展的序幕。





  High and new technology industry formed by the transformation of high-techachievements with high knowledge-intensive, R&D investment, high additional valueand technology progress fast straight-pilot industry characteristics. In the 21st century,with the rise of knowledge economy, intellectual property rights in the developmentof industrialization of unprecedented important, new and high technology industrieswith high intelligence and high efficiency, makes its connection and intellectualproperty is more and more closely, therefore, represented by the United States andJapan in the western developed countries made the intellectual property strategy topromote the development of domestic high-tech industry, to promote theachievements of modern science and technology to the transformation of socialproduction and social life, so as to improve the competitiveness of domestic high-techindustries. In the development of high-tech industry in China also attaches greatimportance to the role of intellectual property rights, the state ministry of science andtechnology in 1999 formulated and promulgated the “about accelerating thedevelopment of the national high and new technology industrial development zoneseveral opinions, made clear that, in the opinion of new and high technologyindustries as a national backbone industry, must be of intelligence investmentincreasing, strengthening the protection of intellectual property, has since opened theprelude of high and new technology industry development of intellectual propertyrights in China.

  As the capital city of Anhui, Hefei in Anhui province in recent years has beenthe strong support, in the ”city science and technology, knowledge in“ bigbackground, the Hefei high-tech industry to seize the opportunity, catch up madesignificant development. Results have been obtained at the same time, however, weshould also see in Hefei high-tech industry development still exist in intellectualproperty rights in the patent distribution imbalance, lack of independent intellectualproperty rights, intellectual property risk control system is not sound, intellectualproperty intermediary service system as a whole function has not yet formed,intellectual property information public service platform construction lag, etc, so howto better intellectual property into the high-tech industry, to pull the Hefei economicdevelopment has become a new period of Hefei government faces a dilemma.

  From Hefei high-tech industry development present situation and reasons of theintellectual property rights, and comparative study on the California, Beijing, Chinaintellectual property development model, by using the method of questionnairesurvey, empirical research, the high and new technology industry of intellectualproperty rights in Hefei development present situation has carried on the systemanalysis, the summary of useful experience at the same time, some concreteSuggestions are put forward. First is to strengthen the high and new technologyindustry of intellectual property laws and regulations, therefore must be improve thehigh-tech industry development zone legislation, improve the system of intellectualproperty rights financing laws and regulations, and promote the industrialization ofpatented technology regulations system; Secondly to optimize intellectual propertysystem of form a complete set of high and new technology industry, therefore need tostrengthen the security system, improve the system of intellectual property rightspatent alliance and a sound system of intellectual property intermediary serviceorganization; Finally must improve the system of intellectual property rightsprotection, therefore must be improve the administrative and judicial protection ofintellectual property rights property.

  Key words: knowledge economy, high-tech industry, self-independent intellectualproperty rights

    目 录


  Abstract ……II

  第 1 章 绪论……1

  1.1 研究背景及意义……1

  1.2 相关文献综述……3

  1.3 研究内容与研究方法……5

  1.3.1 研究内容……5

  1.3.2 研究方法……6

  1.4 本文创新点……6

  第 2 章 高新技术产业发展概念与知识产权法律制度资源……6

  2.1 高新技术产业的语义分析……7

  2.1.1 高新技术产业的涵义……7

  2.1.2 高新技术产业的特点……8

  2.2 知识产权法律制度与高新技术产业发展……9

  2.2.1 知识产权法律运用制度与高新技术产业发展……9

  2.2.2 知识产权法律保护制度与高新技术产业发展……11

  第 3 章 合肥市高新技术产业知识产权发展现状分析……13

  3.1 合肥市高新技术产业知识产权发展的背景……13

  3.1.1 政府立法的发展环境……13

  3.1.2 经济形势的发展契机……14

  3.1.3 知识产权集群的发展机遇……15

  3.2 合肥市高新技术产业知识产权发展现状的调查研究……16

  3.2.1 高新技术企业的实证研究……16 高新技术企业核心竞争力的基本情况……16 高新技术企业知识产权风险防范基本情况……18 高新技术企业知识产权集群管理基本情况……20

  3.2.2 合肥科技创新公共服务平台的实证研究……22 平台知识产权服务体系……23 平台规模与网络影响因子……24 平台流量与 Alxea 排名分析……25 平台知识产权供给量和需求量分析……25

  3.3 合肥市高新技术产业知识产权发展存在的问题……26

  3.3.1 知识产权风险控制系统不健全……26

  3.3.2 专利分布不均衡……27

  3.3.3 知识产权中介服务体系整体功能尚未形成……27

  3.3.4 知识产权信息公众服务平台建设滞后……28

  第 4 章 国内外高新技术产业知识产权发展模式与借鉴……29

  4.1 中国北京模式……29

  4.1.1 法律支持……29

  4.1.2 人才保障……30

  4.1.3 产学研相结合……30

  4.1.4 支持中介组织的发展……31

  4.2 美国加州模式……32

  4.2.1 法律保护……32

  4.2.2 产学研支持……32

  4.2.3 政府采购……33

  4.2.4 多元化的知识产权融资机制……34

  4.3 两种模式的经验与借鉴……34

  4.3.1 知识产权法律制度是推动高新技术产业发展的重器……35

  4.3.2 人才是推动高新技术产业发展的助力……35

  4.3.3 知识产权管理是推动高新技术产业发展的保障……35

  第 5 章 合肥市高新技术产业知识产权发展的建议……37

  5.1 加强高新技术产业知识产权法规制度制定的建议……37

  5.1.1 健全高新技术产业开发区立法……37

  5.1.2 完善知识产权融资法规制度……37

  5.1.3 制定促进专利技术产业化法规制度……38

  5.2 优化高新技术产业知识产权配套制度的建议……39

  5.2.1 强化人才保障制度……39

  5.2.2 完善知识产权专利联盟制度……40

  5.2.3 健全知识产权中介服务组织制度……40

  5.3 完善高新技术产业知识产权保护制度的建议……41

  5.3.1 健全知识产权行政保护制度……41

  5.3.2 强化知识产权司法保护制度……42

  第 6 章 结论与展望……44

  致 谢……46

