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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-11-04 共3424字


  摘 要

  Manchu, an ethnic group, built the political power in China and had such a longhistory. Comparing with other ethnic minority nationalities, Manchu culture has muchlonger history and deeper cultural intension. The ancestors of the Manchu race livedin the vast northern land, where there is water and grass, kept their typical nomadictradition, and experienced farm producing, fishing and hunting livelihood. The uniquenatural and geographical environment is the result of Manchu personalities, they areinnovative, placing emphasis on communication and fusion, brave, intelligent, andbeing good at singing and dancing as well.
  The ancestors of the Manchu race living in the primitive period believed inShamanism as their original religion. Shaman fairytales, songs and dances, andmusical instrument not only embody the religion belief, but also represent aharmonious philosophy in the ethnic national culture. Shaman belief is ancient andmysterious. It has infiltrated Manchu literature, art, history and every aspect in thedaily life. Although the ceremonies of Manchu Shamanism are really rare, we can stillget the cultural information spread by Shaman belief through Manchu custom, folkliterature, and Manchu art of singing and dancing.
  Manchu created their own language and characters, so they provided security forthe appearance and spread of Manchu culture, and also had influence on the creationof Manchu chant and songs. Manchu songs and dances have inherited and spread thevalue of ethnic national culture, which are the cognitive ways of visual and auditorycombination to know Manchu culture and understand their lives. The songs anddances originate from life and the reflected theme is also closely related to life. Theycan be divided into Shaman songs and dances which are for sacrificial ceremonies aswell as folk ones for celebrations. In witch songs and dances within original religion,the theme of worshipping and praying for blessings is the important character forManchu songs and dances to inherit Shaman culture. The performances of Manchusongs and dances get rid of the Shaman superstitions, and bring traditional religionlife into peoples' sight, which are the heritage and integration of singing and dancingart to religion culture.
  As for the transmissions of both Manchu songs & dances and Shaman culture,especially the sightseeing and aesthetic functions of Manchu songs & dances in thecities, Is written in accordance with the writer's hometown Manchu cultural activities.
  The diffusion of Manchu songs & dances in modern cities is the combination oftradition and modernity. The Shaman sacrifice scenes in the modern Manchu songs &dances can be regarded as the artistic reproduction of Shaman religious culture insongs & dances.
  The encyclopedic Shaman literary work Nishan Shaman Legend illustrates thestory of a female Shaman, who was entrusted to recollect the soul of a Manchujuvenile and saved his life. The work indicates the transnational diffusion of Shamanculture. Nishan Shaman's libretto embodies the lyrical features of the Manchu songs.
  The consideration over the female character in Nishan Shaman Legend is aninnovative point of the thesis.
  The second innovation of the thesis lies in the modern diffusion of Manchu songsand dances. It is well known that the Manchu language is dying out. As an integrity ofreligion, culture and art, the diffusion of Manchu songs and dances determines thecontinuation and carrying forward of Manchu culture. The diffusion orientation ofManchu songs and dances is dependent on how they keep their unique ethical artisticcharacteristics, and in the meanwhile, on the musical diffusion mode they refer to.
  Keywords:Manchu songs & dances, Shaman culture, Shaman music diffusion

  目 录
  第 1 章 引言
  1.1 选题意义
  1.2 研究思路
  1.3 研究现状
  1.4 文献阅读综述报告
  1.4.1 着作
  1.4.2 期刊论文
  第 2 章 满族历史与歌舞呈现
  2.1 满族部落与政权归统
  2.2 满族民俗礼仪文化与歌舞现象
  2.2.1 满语满文的溯源与说唱音乐
  2.2.2 日常生活与信仰中的歌舞体现
  2.2.3 等级式的满族礼仪与歌舞
  第 3 章 满族歌舞与萨满文化之价值理念
  3.1 满族歌舞与萨满文化
  3.1.1 萨满神话与歌舞对话
  3.1.2 萨满女神与女性主义
  3.2 萨满文化价值理念
  3.2.1 萨满的神性信仰与歌舞体现 自然神祗的信仰 图腾柱与图腾神祗的信仰 火崇拜 大地和水源的崇拜 祖先崇拜
  3.2.2 多神崇拜与自然和谐
  3.2.3 萨满跳神
  3.2.4 萨满神歌
  3.2.5 萨满乐器
  3.3 满族歌舞与其文化特质
  3.3.1 满族歌舞
  3.3.2 满族歌舞文化特质
  第 4 章 满族歌舞与萨满文化的传播共识
  4.1 传统功能的现代传遗
  4.2 满族歌舞对于萨满文化的共识及艺术再现
  第 5 章 满族歌舞与萨满文化的传播发展思考
  5.1 《尼山萨满传》的跨族域传播思考
  5.1.1 《尼山萨满传》故事梗概
  5.1.2 尼山萨满故事的跨族域流传
  5.1.3 《尼山萨满传》意义新考 尼山萨满与中国古代封建女性角色 《尼山萨满传》中萨满神歌与满族歌舞
  5.2 满族歌舞在当今传播视角下的思考
  5.2.1 综合分析
  5.2.2 传播思考
  结 论
  致 谢