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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-01-24 共2476字


  关键词:刑罚 侵占 犯罪主体
  Abstract:In our country, the embezzlement, as one type of crime punishment havea long history, however, in the 97 criminal law legislation, criminal law system is not inspecific occupation, and in the judicial practice of the past, more is through the analogyto explain the principle of the embezzlement explanation to the theft, and punishment.
  The issue of 97 criminal law stipulates clearly the embezzlement, makes the occupationof criminal liability shall be pursued with a clear legal basis. About the set up, on theone hand, tends to make our criminal legislation more scientific and perfect, for thejudicial authority to punish criminal behavior provides a new legal basis; To make upfor our country, on the other hand, on punishing the stretched when violation of propertycrime, make greatly enhance protection for the interests of the property owners, moreconducive to standardize during the economic exchanges between people, which to acertain extent, improve the rule of law order, make the atmosphere of the economicoperation in a much smoother.
  However, along with our country criminal law educational world of embezzlementresearch gradually thorough, embezzlement legislation defects is also gradually appear,each school debate, difficult. The author hope that through their own meager power, doa simple comb for embezzlement, sincerely hope to be able to to judicial operation playa role in the real life, also hope to enrich the study of the theory of the our countrycriminal law about the embezzlement, should be very happy.
  The first part begins, the current criminal law academic circles at home and abroadresearch situation of the crime of occupation for roughly comb, and points out the mainarguments in the process of research on embezzlement.
  The second part is specifically for our country criminal law stipulated theembezzlement systematically expounded, according to the theory of Chinese criminallaw theory of the traditional four elements of embezzlement commands deconstruct itthrough thoroughly.
  The third part mainly pick embezzlement research process of confusion andhesitation of two problems, respectively is “forgotten” and “refusing to return”qualitative, separate out for analysis.
  The fourth part through the occupation crime and civil tort and unjust enrichmentratio of embezzlement, and discusses the embezzlement and theft, fraud between formand substance of different side side, let everybody to embezzlement have a more clearunderstanding.
  Fifth part on the basis of the comprehensive each academic predecessors research,is lack of embezzlement legislation illustrated my point of view, and puts forward somelegislative Suggestions as a turning point and the suggestion.
  Keywords:punishment occupation crime subject

  目 次
  2.1 侵占罪的客体要件
  2.2 侵占罪的客观方面要件
  2.3 侵占罪的主体要件
  2.4 侵占罪的主观要件
  3.1 遗忘物之解读
  4 与其他侵财行为之区分
  4.1 与民事侵占行为之区分
  4.1.1 侵占罪与侵权行为
  4.1.2 侵占罪与不当得利
  4.2 侵占罪与盗窃罪
  4.3 侵占罪与诈骗罪
  5 侵占罪的立法完善
  5.1 侵占罪之立法缺陷
  5.1.1 犯罪对象方面的缺陷
  5.1.2 法定刑方面的缺陷
  5.1.3 诉讼形式方面的缺陷
  5.1.4 侵占罪罪名方面的缺陷
  5.2 侵占罪之完善
  5.2.1 增添埋藏物定义
  5.2.2 侵占对象增加隐藏物、漂流物
  5.2.3 数额较大界定
  5.2.4 侵占罪的罚金刑应采用必罚制
  5.2.5 侵占罪要增加公诉形式
  5.2.6 细分罪名
  结 语
  致 谢