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我国海事行政裁量权的规制研究 中英文摘要

来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2014-04-12 共1618字






  In recent years, with the further expansion of executive power, the administrativediscretional power has received more and more attention. Administrative discretionalpower,as the core component of executive power and with the expanding field of itspractice, has played a role in a lager and larger scope. It is of natural advantage to makeup the legal system deficiencies and is indispensible in the modern legal society. It is anecessity for the modern rule of law and the strength for the government to realize itsfunction. However, due to the motivation of relevant interests, the low personal qualitiesof the public servants and the quality limitations of the administrative counterpart staff,the phenomena that run counter to the spirit of the legislation emerges. The modern ruleof law requires that administrative discretional power must be exercised within thescoping control of legislation. As for the theory of administrative discretional powercontrol, the scholars assert that the study on legislative control,judicial control andsocial control is important, and its deepening research and keeping the use ofadministrative discretional power within limits are of the theoretical and practical value.

  The main contents of this thesis: the first chapter is the abstract, consisting of thepurpose and significance of this research, the current study of this area from abroad andat home, the research contents and research methods, the points of innovation. Thesecond chapter introduces the relative concepts and basic theories. The third chapterintroduces the status quo of execution on the administrative discretion^ power, theproblem existing in the execution and its relative causes.

  The fourth chapter introduces the execution and regulation of the administrativediscretional power in the USA, England and Germany, puts the good doings intopractice in China and brings us some countermeasures. The last is a summary of theexecution of the administrative discretional power.

  Key Words s Administrative discretional power; Maritime; The rule of law;Improvement Counterm easures
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