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公共工程代建制的行政法研究 摘要

来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2014-04-14 共5882字


  Agent-construction System of Public Works(“Agent-constructionSystem”) is an important system innovation during the reform ofinvestment structure in China. As a new attempt of public-privatepartnership, Agent-construction System changes the role and function ofgovernment and market in the supply of public products.
  Agent-construction System brings about a new issue to the study ofadministrative law, and confronts confuses and challenges in practice whichneed to be responded and supported by the administrative law. This paperattempts to research on this new type of public-private partnership from theview of administrative law, lists the administrative issues confronted in theAgent-construction System practice, and comes up with the solution wayand legalization suggestion through structuring the framework fortheoretical analysis and investigating the status of practical experiment, soas to provide guidelines to reform practice from a public law view.
  This paper consists of five parts.
  The Introduction part mainly makes an introduction to the emergingand motive of the Agent-construction System, domestic and overseasresearch status, significance of the research in this paper, as well as theresearch idea and methods. The Agent-construction System emerges in thereason that non-business projects invested by the government are usuallyultra-scale, over budget and over standard; therefore, private agenciesshould be encouraged to supply public products, in order to overcome thedisadvantages arising from excessive direct participating by thegovernment authorities and government-sponsored institutions in theproject construction in the traditional system, to improve investmentefficiency of the government, and to introduce market mechanism intopublic works. The emergence of Agent-construction System is to meet thecurrent demand, and it has been authorized by the laws and regulations.
  Chapter 1 focuses on the relevant concepts about Agent-constructionSystem and the administrative law issues confronted by such System. TheAgent-construction System is a new type of public-private partnership withChinese characteristics arising in the course of structural transition andmarketization of the supply of public works in China, against thebackground of privatization in the whole world. For the public worksprojects invested by government, there are two modes, i.e. agentconstruction by enterprises and agent construction bygovernment-sponsored institutions, among which, the agent construction byenterprises is the focus of this paper. The administrative issues confrontedby the Agent-construction System, from its experiments to implementation,include, absence of legal norms, unclearness of the source of power,ambiguity of the legal nature of the agent construction contracts, unclarifyof the legal relationship between the parties relating to the agentconstruction, lack of standardization of the implementation procedures ofthe agent construction, lack of government supervisory, and inefficiency ofdisputes settlement system of the agent construction. The above mentionedproblems are typical issues confronted by the public-private partnershipadministrative behavior, and provide clear research scheme for this paper.
  Chapter 2 states the theoretical basis of the Agent-construction System.
  From the view of the new public management theory, theAgent-construction System promotes the transition of the completionmethod of administrative tasks and the transformation of distribution ofpublic resources, which will exert significance influence on the choice ofpath, method and relieve mechanism for the public-private partnership inthe area of public works. For the path choice of the public-privatepartnership, the administrative entrustment is the a type involving the mostparticipation of the private institutions and the application of which is thewidest.。Administrative entrustment has gained the legal basis on the legalfoundation of entrustment, the scope of entrustment, the entrusting partyand the entrusted party; therefore, the Agent-construction System choosingthe mode of administrative entrustment will be beneficial to safeguardpublic interest and reduce the costs for exercising administrative authority.
  As for the method choice of the public-private partnership, theAgent-construction System chooses non-enforcing administrative acts asthe first choice for government to perform its public service function. Theagent construction contracts bring the contract idea of market economy intopublic administration, and turn into the key method of the Systemimplementation. Agent-construction system integrates the state policy goalthe positive guide, align the process of realization of the rights and pursuitof interest by administration with the realization of the administrative target,enhancing the state intrest and social public interest. In term of choosingthe remedial regime for the public-private partnership, the diversification ofthe parties and subject matter of the agent-construction system disputerenders less effective any single remedy, therefore the integration of theremedial methods and that of the review rules are the inevitable choice inresponse to the dispute.
  Chapter 3, Evidential research of the operation circumstances of theagent-construction system. Agent-construction system establishes thepoly-lateral relations amongst administrative entities, construction unit, anduse unit, and has manifested evidencing idiosyncrasy of merging public andprivate entities in terms of the external form and internal relations of thefactors of the legal relations. The balance of legal relations in respect of theagent-construction system is achieved through the contract thereof. For thepurposes of achievement of the administrative target pursued by theagent-construction system, the leading position of the administrative entityin the performance of the contract shall be retained, which is not therequirement of the priority of public interest in the administrative contractbut also the legal responsibility imposed on the administrative subject bythe law from the perspective of realizing public administration target.
  However, the exercise of the leading power shall conform with theprinciple of proportionality and reasonableness. The pattern of the disputeof agent-construction contract is also a diversified composition, and thedeviance from the present dispute resolution system constitutes thecomplicated and chaotic situation of the remedial method. This essayexamines the operation procedure of the agent-construction system,analyzes the three agent selection procedures, namely open bidding, limitedcomparison and direct engagement in accordance with such values asfairness and efficiency.
  Chapter 4, Analysis of the Roadmap for Regulating theAgent-construction System. The resolution for perfection theagent-construction system relies on the choice of a roadmap that suits thesituation of our country, and a specific, orientated, and clear plan perfectedfollowing the principles of regulated legislation, acts, contracts, regulationentity and mechanism. This essay proposes the general concept, legislativestructure and content of formulating regulative methods of theagent-construction system at the state level, clarifies the relationshipbetween the principle of legal reservation and choice of agent-constructionsystem, establishes the principles of entering into the contracts thereof,mode of contract standardization, and dispute resolution, and analyzes,from the perspective of comparative laws, the general structure andadministration model of the state and governmental investment regulationmechanism; discusses the issue of the design the regulation mechanism onthe basis of research and reference, proposes the general ideal forimproving the evaluation mechanism and enhance the control mechanismof investment responsibility.

  KEY WORDS: Public works, agent construction system,public-private partnership, administrative law

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