摘 要
关键词 : 矛盾修辞,比较,文学,结构,翻译。
A Brief Discussion of English Oxymoron and its Chinese Translation。
English Oxymoron is a kind of rhetoric device that uses two contradictory words or phrasesto express a unique idea. English Oxymoron is widely used in English literature, especially inpomes and Shakespeare dramas since the ancient times. In recent years, it is more applied ineveryday communications. Oxymoronic expression has become an art of speech in today’ssociety.
This paper deals mainly with the structure of oxymoron, a comparison between Englishoxymoron and some Chinese figures of speech, and Chinese translation of oxymoronicexpressions to help English learners better understand oxymoron.
In Chapter One, an introduction to the study points out the objective of the research,describes the methodology of the study, a literary review of the research and exhibits thearrangement of the thesis.
In Chapter Two, the paper begins with the definition of English oxymoron, develops withthe analytical comparison between structures of English oxymoron and Chinese rhetoric device“反映” because “反映” is the most similar in structure with oxymoron.
In Chapter Three, different translation methods of English oxymoron are discussed andsome translation suggestions are made in order to help English learners gain a more completeunderstanding of the translation of oxymoronic expressions.
Chapter Four is the conclusion, which summaries the findings of the study by pointing outits advantages, limitations and prospect for further study.
This paper argues that English oxymoron is unique in its own way when compared withChinese rhetoric devices, because oxymoronic expressions are concise in structure but rich anddelicate in meaning. Many examples are applied to give informative details to support the mainthesis. The translation methods mentioned in the third chapter can offer English learners somereference in translating oxymoron by comparing different examples.
Keywords : oxymoron; comparison; literature; structure; translation。
Chapter One Introduction。
1.1. A brief introduction to the thesis。
In our daily life, there are a lot of emotions that you can not express explicitly; therefore,you need some rhetorical devices to express yourself right to the point. Oxymoron is one of thedevices. Unlike others figurative devices, oxymoron is a unique device in that it combines twocontradictory words or expressions together to express a seemingly self-contradictory meaning.
Oxymoron is often used in such literature as poems, dramas, and lyrics. With the explosion ofinformation today, oxymoron is not limited to be a concept in literature anymore; oxymoronicexpressions are now widely used in many fields of the society ranging from politics, economy,and science to technology, and entertainment. Oxymoronic expressions have become an art ofspeech and a manifestation of high literary attainments. Please look at following examples:
(1)It is an open secret that the bulk of funding for the three US weapon systems -- aboutNT$25.5billion – and NT$16billion in funding for the F-16 fighters are included in the“classified” part of the budget. This is set for preliminary review on Monday. (Taipei Times)(2)The shackles of an old love straightened him .His honor rooted in dishonor stood, andfaith unfaithful kept him falsely true. (Alfred Tennyson: Lancelot and Elaine)(3)He sat there and watched them, so changelessly changing, so bright and dark, so brightand dark, so grave and gay. (Yu, 2006: 106)(4)Distinctly vague about the Pisan Renaissance controversies and frankly indifferent toRomanesque architecture, they arrive by plane, train or couch, simply to spend an average totalof 75 minutes on the green turf of the Cathedral, the campanile (or learning tower) and theBaptistery. (ibid.)(5)But I will write again to Maunta, and keep her at my cell till Romeo come: Poor livingcorpse closed in a dead man’s tomb. (Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet)Up till now, there are all kinds of researches on oxymoron concentrating on its classification,rhetorical functions and translation methods, but all the classifications have not fully explained the differences and similarities of oxymoron and some Chinese figurative devicessimilar in function to oxymoron, such as “反映”,“对顶”,and “逆喻”. What are thesimilarities with these devices in structure? This paper aims to give a summary of oxymoron by acomparison between oxymoron and some Chinese figurative devices, in which a table, and alarge number of examples will be applied and then the paper will have a discussion of itsChinese translations.
1.2、 Literary review.
1.3、 Content of the paper.
2、Cha pter Two A Brief Discussion of English Oxymoron
2.1、 Definitions of English oxymoron .
2.2、 An analysis of axymoron and three Chine se figures of
2.2.1、 Oxymoron and“fan ying(反映)”
2.2.2 、Oxymoron and "dui ding(对顶)"
2.2.3 、Oxymoron and "niyu (逆喻)"
2.3 、A comparison of the structure between oxymoron and"fan ying (反映)"
2.3.1、 Simila rties in structure types.
2 3.2、 Differences in structure types
3. Cha pter Three Translation of English Oxymoron.
3.1、 Translation M ethods
3.1.1、 Transplanting
3.1.2 、Dismantling
3.1.3 、Inte grating
3.2、 Suggestions for Translation.
Cha pter Four Conclusion
On the completion of my paper, I would like to acknowledge profound debt to all those whohave given me consistent help, encouragement and advice to make this paper possible.
My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Mr.
×××, my supervisor, for her sense ofresponsibility, patience and encouragement. He has walked me through all the stages of thewriting of this paper. Without his illuminating instructions and constructive advice, thispaper could not have be been completed successfully.
I also would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor H×××, who hasimproved me in research methodology and led me into the fascinating world of linguistics. I amstill greatly indebted to Jack and other teachers from School of Foreign Languages, who haveinstructed and helped me a lot in both knowledge and personality in the past four years.
Besides, I want to extend my gratitude to the library staff for their considerate services,which have helped me find those working materials and save me a lot of precious time. Withouttheir help, I could not have finished the paper as smoothly as possible.
Last but not least, my special thanks also go to my beloved family for their lovingconsiderations and encouragement all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to myfriends and my fellow classmates, who are generous in offering constant encouragement andconstructive suggestions to me when I feel frustrated in preparing this paper.
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