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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-03 共2500字


  摘 要





  Square dance is a form of dance which is not limited to space,dances,music.Organized spontaneously, Square dance characterized by entertaining, fitness,collective. With the implement of “National Fitness Regulations (2009)” and“National Fitness Program (2011-2015)”, the square dance develops quicklyin a unique way of fitness in Binzhou City, and it has become a main fitnessway for people in Binzhou. In order to understand the status of Binzhou CitySquare Dance and find out the problems and seek countermeasures andsuggestions for the sustainable development of Binzhou City Square Dance, thisthesis investigates the developing state of the square dance in Binzhouthrough the method of literature, field visits, case studies, researchmethods questionnaires, interviews, statistics and logical analysis and soon.The results shows that: the development of Square Dance in Binzhou Cityis in good state,and is recognized by the majority of participants. In addition,ages span of participants is also great,the elderly are the main body.

  The motivation of people to participate Square Dance is to Strengthenbodies and prevent disease, and people who have been involved in square dancehave changed greatly in the body, psychology and spirit, so the square dancehas great value in the national fitness. Square Dance in Binzhou is startedlately, and the degree of government attention and social awareness is notenough, as a result, in a small square dance instructor training institutionsare very small, venues and facilities are lagging,and square dance is lackingin professional guidance, what is more, regulations of team building are notperfect,and the quality and competition of the team are in a low level, theability of government to organize the competition is limited, and the rulesof competition are imperfect. Therefore, the government should strengthenthe efforts of the training of community sports instructors and improve thelevel of square dance instructor; Through making a sound management system,thegovernment and community increase funding for square dancing and make venueand facilities perfect gradually and strengthen the construction of resourcesof information technology and provide a good environment and conditions forvarious forms of competitions of square dance.

  Keywords square dance; launch conditions;Development Strategies;fitness function

  目 录

  摘 要


  1 前言

  1.1 选题依据

  1.1.1 广场舞成为广大人民群众健身的新形式

  1.1.2 目前关于广场舞的实证研究较少

  1.2 研究目的

  1.3 研究意义

  1.4 研究任务

  1.5 文献综述

  1.5.1 相关概念与理论研究

  1.5.2 广场舞的历史与特征

  1.5.3 广场舞的发展现状、推广价值的研究

  1.5.4 关于广场舞在社会生活中的作用以及存在的问题研究

  1.5.5 广场舞的发展前景

  2 研究对象与方法

  2.1 研究对象

  2.2 研究方法

  2.2.1 文献资料法

  2.2.2 实地考查法

  2.2.3 个案分析法

  2.2.4 问卷调查法

  2.2.5 访谈法

  2.2.6 数理统计法

  2.2.7 逻辑分析法

  3 研究结果与分析

  3.1 广场舞在滨州市开展的总体现状

  3.1.1 广场舞在滨州市的引进状况

  3.1.2 广场舞的场地状况

  3.1.3 滨州市广场舞比赛情况

  3.2 滨州市广场舞的参与现状

  3.2.1 广场舞参与者的年龄状况

  3.2.2 广场舞参与者的参与动机分析

  3.2.3 广场舞参与者的参与频率分析

  3.2.4 广场舞参与者的参与途径分析

  3.2.5 广场舞参与者的活动内容形式分析

  3.2.6 广场舞参与者对健身指导的需求情况

  3.2.7 广场舞参与者身心变化的自我评价情况

  3.3 滨州市广场舞组织管理现状

  3.3.1 广场舞组织管理的整体情况

  3.3.2 广场舞组织管理者与指导者的情况分析

  3.3.3 广场舞组织经费情况调查分析

  3.3.4 广场舞团队遇到的困难和存在问题

  3.3.5 滨州市政府对广场舞扶持情况的调查

  3.4 个案分析

  3.5 滨州市广场舞发展前景

  3.6 滨州市广场舞开展中存在的主要问题与建议

  4 结论

  4.1 结论


  致 谢
