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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-04-09 共4811字


  摘 要

  体育课堂教学质量评价是一个系统的工程,也即是坚持科学性、系统性、全局性、目标性的原则,引入学生、教师、领导以及家长等不同的相关主体,对体育教学环境、体育教学内容、体育教学方法、体育教学模式、体育教学效果进行的一系列评价活动,在激励体育教学改革的过程中,实现预期的增强体能、丰富知识、提升技能、培养情感、塑造良好性格等方面的人才培养目标。鹤壁市 7 所高级中学经过数十年的发展,不仅建构起完善的硬件设施;而且也形成了先进的人才培养理念,由此代表了当前大部分县市高级中学体育课程教学水平。基于此,笔者以“鹤壁市高级中学体育课开展现状分析”为题,研究结果为:

  一是鹤壁市高级中学体育教师的配备比例不仅高于国家标准,而且工作压力比较小,从而为体育教师进行教学内容设计、教学计划制定以及教学改革活动的实践提供了充裕的时间,大大提高了教学效率与人才培养质量。目前鹤壁市 7 所中学体育教师的专业背景太过于集中,从而导致供学生选择的体育课运动项目非常有限,集中在篮球、足球、乒乓球几项大众性的体育运动上。鹤壁市体育教师的年龄结构比较合理,既保留了经验丰富的中年教师;同时也在逐渐引入青年教师,从而在“传、帮、带”的过程中,实现教学经验、教学理念、教学思想的创新与传承。另外,鹤壁市高级中学的体育教师缺乏对外沟通和交流活动,可能带来教学观念落后、教学方法陈旧、教学内容匮乏等方面的后果。

  二是与《河南省中小学校体育场地、器材配备基本标准》和《河南省高级中学体育装备标准》相比,鹤壁市 7 所高级中学在部分运动项目的硬件设施上还是存在一定的差距,不仅运动设施类型少;而且很多设施也不对外开放,由此失去了其实际价值。

  三是鹤壁市几乎所有的高中都能够保证高一的学生每周有 2 节体育课;77.3%的高中为高二的学生开设 2 节体育课;而高三班级则很少开设体育课。这一方面说明学生体育课时间比较短;另一方面也反映学生体育课“重实践、轻理论”的特征。鹤壁市 67.2%的学校仍然是以行政班的方式来组织体育课堂,14.7%的学校在部分年级、部分班级中也在尝试性地实施选项教学,另外,目前鹤壁市高级中学体育课堂主要是以传授基础性、常识性的知识和技能为主。一方面无法满足以男生为主的已经具备一定运动技能和运动水平的学生的知识需求,从而造成其严重的懈怠清晰;另一方面也容易在整体学生中产生一种娱乐、放松的氛围,无法引起其足够的重视。





  Sports classroom teaching quality assessment is a systematic project, that is to uphold the principlesof scientific, systematic, overall, the goal of introducing students, teachers, parents and other leaders, andvarious related entities, sports teaching environment, Physical Education content, teaching methods sports,sports teaching mode, a series of sports teaching effectiveness evaluation activities carried out in the courseof Physical Education reform incentive to achieve the expected enhanced physical fitness, wealth ofknowledge, improve skills, to develop emotional, shape and other aspects of good character trainingobjectives. Hebi City High School after seven decades of development, not only construct a soundinfrastructure; but also the formation of advanced personnel training concept, which represents the currentlevel of the majority of counties High School Physical Education curriculum. Based on this, the author of"Hebi City High School physical education curriculum to carry out the status quo" in the title, the findingsare:

  First, with the proportion of Hebi City High School physical education teachers not only higher thanthe national standard, and the work pressure is relatively small , so as to develop the content of teachingphysical education teachers design lesson plans and practice teaching reform activities provide ample time ,greatly improving the teaching efficiency and quality of personnel training . Currently Hebi seven middleschool PE teachers ' professional background too concentrated , resulting in physical education for studentsto choose sport is very limited , focused on basketball , football, table tennis mass of several sports . HebiCity, the age structure of PE teachers more reasonable , not only retains the experienced middle-agedteachers ; while also gradually introducing young teachers, so in the course of "Biography , to help with " ,the realization of teaching experience , teaching philosophy, teaching ideas innovation and tradition . Inaddition , Hebi City High School physical education teachers lack of external communication and exchangeactivities, teaching the concept behind the possible consequences , outdated teaching methods , teachingcontent and other aspects of deprivation .

  Second, compared with the " Henan schools sports , equipment with basic standards" and " HenanHigh School Sports equipment standards ," Hebi City High School 7 on the part of the sports facilities ofthe hardware still exists a gap, not only sports facility type less ; and many facilities are not open , whichlost its real value.

  Third, almost all of the high schools are able to ensure a high Hebi City, a student has two physicaleducation per week ; 77.3 percent of the high school as a sophomore two physical education students ;while high school physical education classes are rarely opened . This shows students' sports a relativelyshort time ; it also reflects students' sports ' heavy practice , light theory "feature . Hebi City, 67.2 percentof school administration is still a way to organize classes in PE class , 14.7% of the schools in gradessection , part of the implementation of the class also experimented with the option of teaching , in addition ,the current Hebi City High School physical education curriculum mainly teach basic, common-senseknowledge and skills based. On the one hand unable to meet with the boys dominated already have somelevel of motor skills and sports knowledge needs of students , resulting in its severe laxity clear ; hand alsoprone to a form of entertainment in the whole student , the relaxed atmosphere , not cause it enoughattention.

  Fourth, the quality of the student 's curriculum for physical education teaching evaluation andtraining objectives expected far , only unable to stimulate student interest in sports , improve theircompetitive level ; while also not a good exercise their physical , psychological and health training emotionand so on. School leaders , parents mainly related to the subject , although aware of the importance ofsports to student health , but in the face of pressure of college entrance examination , or advocates culturallesson.

  Accordingly, the education sector should strengthen high school guidance and assessment, teachingphysical education curriculum for schools to stimulate attention, thus improving the development ofphysical education programs and implementation. In addition, the school physical education curriculum asthe main teaching and management, on the one hand to construct sports teaching in the school system ofmonitoring and evaluation mechanism to enhance the physical education teachers and students, theemphasis for the course to improve their quality of teaching and student learning efficiency; in-depthstudents interested in learning about hobbies, school physical education teachers and professionalbackgrounds, sports an in-depth understanding of the course structure, based on the introduction of youngteachers, rich sports curriculum; hand according to their actual situation, combined with the projectpedagogy ideas, concepts and models, designed for school project teaching embodiment actual situation,and to strengthen and increase hardware facilities for sports teacher training, etc., which can improve theoverall quality of school physical education programs from different angles.

  Keywords: Hebi City, High School, physical education curriculum, teaching quality

  目 录

  摘 要


  目 录

  1 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 文献综述

  1.2.1 有关中学体育教学现状的研究

  1.2.2 有关中学体育教学方法研究

  1.2.3 有关中学体育课教学评价研究

  1.2.4 有关中学体育课程内容某一运动项目的专项研究

  1.2.5 有关鹤壁市中学体育教学内容与教学效果的研究

  2 研究对象与方法

  2.1 研究对象

  2.2 研究方法

  2.2.1 文献法

  2.2.2 调查法

  2.2.3 观察法

  2.2.4 数理统计法

  2.2.5 逻辑分析法

  3 研究结果与分析

  3.1 鹤壁高级中学发展状况与相关概念

  3.1.1 鹤壁高级中学发展状况

  3.1.2 体育课堂质量评价概念

  3.1.3 体育课堂质量评价体系

  3.2 鹤壁市高级中学体育课堂教学质量现状

  3.2.1 师资情况

  3.2.2 教学环境情况

  3.2.3 体育课开课情况

  3.2.4 体育课内容情况

  3.2.5 体育课组织形式

  3.2.6 教学计划与教案制定情况

  3.2.7 学生体育课评价

  3.2.8 学校领导对于体育课的看法

  4 鹤壁市高级中学体育教学面临的问题与应对措施

  4.1 面临的问题

  4.1.1 领导重视不够

  4.1.2 教师培训不足

  4.1.3 教师待遇不公平

  4.1.4 体育课项目有限

  4.1.5 体育课时间短

  4.1.6 体育课组织方式落后

  4.1.7 教学内容散乱

  4.1.8 缺乏有效的课程监督与考核

  4.2 应对措施

  4.2.1 教育部门应加强对高级中学的指导与考核

  4.2.2 在校内建构系统的体育教学监督与考核机制

  4.2.3 引入青年教师,丰富体育课内容

  4.2.4 积极探索适合学校实际情况的项目教学法

  4.2.5 加大资金投入,构建完善的教学设施

  4.2.6 注重对于体育教师的培训

  5 结语和建议

  5.1 结论

  5.2 建议


  致 谢
