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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-10-26 共2235字


  摘 要



  关键词:张家口 体育旅游资源 发展策略研究


  In modern society, the rapid development of economy, human consumption isthe pursuit of people-oriented environment, the development of more sports tourismmore manifests its modern value and significance. Leisure, communicationcharacteristics, can not only meet the needs of tourists of physical fitness, and is oneof the rich leisure life and ornamental tourism activities, can give people a new feeling,Therefore, the sports tourism is fast and rapid development in the tourism industry,and become a global fashion tourism activities. Zhangjiakou in Northwest China'sHebei Province, located in Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, covered four provinces junction, isimportant geographical and cultural city. Depending on the geographical location andunique natural landscape of the formation of a large number of unique sports tourismresources, has the development potential of sports tourism giant.

  this study, sports tourism resources development, Zhangjiakou city layout for thepurpose, sports science discipline theory, discussion to the distribution of resources,tourism resources development of Zhangjiakou City, on the future development ofsports tourism resources of Zhangjiakou puts forward strategic countermeasure. At thesame time, in the full investigation and utilization situation of Zhangjiakou sportstourism resources distribution, advantages, problems and difficulties, opportunitiesand challenges for the development of sports tourism in Zhangjiakou were analyzedand research foundation. And discusses the importance of regional strategic layout ofZhangjiakou sports tourism. Finally, according to the regional and seasonalclassification of Zhangjiakou sports tourism resources, and makes research on thedevelopment of sports tourism Zhangjiakou under the new historical contexts,collation and research of Zhangjiakou sports tourism related data, analysis of thedevelopment condition of sports tourism, to explore a suitable Zhangjiakou sportstourism project and site, talent, natural resources the road of development, and putsforward some suggestions on the development of sports tourism in Zhangjiakoustrategy, space layout and project settings, in order to make contributions topromoting the development of sports tourism in Zhangjiakou, provides theoreticalsupport and a new platform for development in the new situation of sports tourism inZhangjiakou.

  Keywords: Zhangjiakou sportstourism resources development tactics

  目 录

  中文摘要…… 3

  英文摘要…… 5

  引 言…… 1

  1 研究背景与研究意义…… 3

  2 体育旅游相关研究综述……5

  3 研究对象与方法……11

  3.1 研究对象 ……11

  3.2 研究方法……11

  4 研究结果与分析……15

  4.1 张家口概况……15

  4.2 张家口市体育旅游基础设施与资源……17

  4.3 张家口市体育旅游者的现状调查与分析……18

  5 张家口体育旅游存在的问题与区域战略布局研究……25

  5.1 体育旅游者喜欢张家口市体育旅游项目分析……25

  5.2 影响张家口体育旅游的因素分析……25

  5.3 张家口体育旅游资源的区域战略布局……27




  参考文献 …… 32

  致 谢 …… 35
