伴随着我国改革开放的深入,我国社会主义市场经济有了迅猛的发展。以产权清晰的资产作抵押来获取所需要的资金已成为市场经济主体的一项不可缺少的融资方式(而房地产抵押就占据了贷款总额的 16%),这也是融资方与银行之间业务往来的重要内容。
关键词:房地产抵押价值评估 房地产评估 抵押价值 评估时点
Along with the deepening of China's reform and opening up , China's socialist marketeconomy has developed rapidly . With clear property rights secured by the assets needed toget the funds have become an indispensable way to market financing of economic agents( and real estate accounted for 16% on the total amount of mortgage loans ) , which is thefinancing side and the business dealings between banks important content. In recent years, alarge part of the real estate mortgage loans in the mortgage remains in force also becomesnon-performing loans , these problems have been on China 's financial environment caused abad effect , it will inevitably affect China 's economy for a long time sustained and stabledevelopment . Therefore, this issue can not but arouse our attention , it is worth us to do morein-depth discussion and research. Although the causes of the formation of many types ofnon-performing loans , however, the value of appraisers for mortgage assets were too high toassess the realization of assets secured by real estate has become a low settlement rate is animportant reason . Quality problems with real estate as collateral assets arising from collateralvaluation has caused widespread concern in the community and become a hot issue in thefield of asset valuation . This article is mainly related to the basic theory from real estatemortgage valuation , fundamental principles , and how banks use value assessment reports onreal estate collateral valuation discuss relevant issues , and then through the characteristics ofthe real estate collateral valuation analysis to find the relevant law in this area , therebyenabling the country to assess the value of real estate collateral is more accurate, impartial andreasonable.
Application of the proposed text, analysis and problem-solving procedures start on theresearch, and the industry has not yet reached unity on issues such as the definition ofcollateral asset values, confirm the value of the type of valuation maturity, etc; According tothe general operation of the real estate collateral valuation ideas discussed issues related toreal estate collateral valuation practices exist, such as the lack of legitimacy of the study priorto assess the presence of collateral, the evaluation process of information collection, collationand analysis is not sufficient , evaluators professional skills and ethics low, late assessmentevaluation report written for the inferior quality and use of evaluation reports wrong,combined with related cases against these problems in depth analysis, and in accordance withown understanding made their views and suggestions.
Structure of the article is as follows:
The first chapter against the background of real estate collateral valuation, significance isexplained, and the current research and research ideas and research methods are discussed.
The second chapter on basic concepts for the valuation of real estate collateral to define,with a focus on the collateral value of the assets related to the concept of the analysis,including the definition of collateral value of the assets, the characteristics of real estatecollateral valuation, assessment point, etc., and its done out about the definition of one of themain innovations of this article and contribution of this chapter.
The third chapter firstly discuss the status of the real estate collateral valuation , on thisbasis, then we state the problem of real estate collateral valuation.
The fourth chapter analyzes the valuation of real estate mortgage problems, and pointedout the reasons of the problem.
The fifth chapter is based on the foregoing analysis, evaluation practitioners from accesscharges, the follow-up education, mortgages and other legal construction to assess proposalsfor some feasible.
The sixth chapter is the conclusion. Concludes the paper, the relevant research workcarried out in this paper a general overview, while the real estate collateral valuation futureprospect.
Keywords: real estate collateral values, real estate appraisal, mortgage value, evaluationpoint
目 录
摘 要
1 引言
1.1 选题背景及意义
1.1.1 选题背景
1.1.2 选题意义
1.2 国内外研究现状
1.2.1 国外研究现状
1.2.2 国内研究现状
1.3 研究思路、方法及创新点
1.3.1 研究思路
1.3.2 研究方法
1.3.3 可能的创新及不足
2 房地产抵押价值评估的基础理论研究
2.1 房地产抵押概念阐述
2.1.1 抵押及抵押物概述
2.1.2 房地产抵押
2.1.3 抵押资产价值界定
2.2 房地产抵押价值评估及其特征
2.2.1 房地产抵押价值评估
2.2.2 房地产抵押价值评估的特点
3 房地产抵押价值评估的现状及不足
3.1 房地产抵押价值评估的现状
3.2 房地产抵押价值评估中存在的问题
3.2.1 房地产抵押评估中费用承担者认定有误
3.2.2 抵押贷款价值类型不明确
3.2.3 评估程序的合规性不足
3.2.4 评估机构和银行缺乏评估上的衔接
3.2.5 评估报告质量较差
4 房地产抵押价值评估中存在问题的原因
4.1 缺乏规范统一的评估体系
4.1.1 相关法规中对抵押价值类型解释模糊
4.1.2 评估时点界定不明
4.2 评估机构中人员素质参差不齐
4.2.1 评估人员专业知识水平不高
4.2.2 继续教育落实不到位
4.3 评估管理体制不合理
4.3.1 多重管理,管理效率低下
4.3.2 自律组织未发挥应有的作用
4.4 法律法规等监管制度不健全
5 解决房地产抵押价值评估问题的相关对策
5.1 提高评估人员技术,加强评估人员道德教育
5.1.1 强化房地产抵押价值评估行业的进入和退出机制
5.1.2 加强抵押价值评估从业人员自律意识的宣传
5.1.3 加强评估人员的后续教育工作
5.1.4 成立评估人员奖惩制度
5.2 明确抵押贷款评估的价值类型
5.3 促进抵押评估监管机制建设
5.3.1 加强政府的监管力度
5.3.2 提高行业自律性
5.3.3 增加银行等金融机构与评估机构之间的沟通交流
结 论