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来源:河北科技师范学院 作者:王楠
发布于:2019-03-14 共3280字


  2017 年中央一号文件指出,继续推进农村居住环境和文化环境综合治理。虽然地方政府已经积极采取了一些相应措施,但目前农村生活垃圾处理仍然存在诸多实际问题。因此,探查并研究农村生活垃圾处理的问题,找出垃圾处理过程中存在的问题,并进行总结、提出解决这些问题的具体对策,为美丽乡村建设以及农民的健康生活提供一定的理论与实践依据。
  为了促进昌黎县农村生活垃圾更合理、科学的进行处理,本研究选取昌黎县的昌黎镇、龙家店镇、靖安镇、新集镇、泥井镇等 17 个乡镇作为调研对象,主要实地调查所选地区垃圾处理运行、村容村貌等基本情况,以及山东康洁有限公司、北京轩昂保洁有限公司 2 个农村垃圾处理承包公司的业务情况。同时笔者就对昌黎县农村生活垃圾处理现状、垃圾处理模式现状等内容与昌黎县政府的相关职能部门工作人员进行深入访谈。随后,对收集到的资料及访谈结果进行深入的剖析,并结合国内外对农村生活垃圾处理的研究提出改善昌黎县农村生活垃圾处理模式的对策性建议。本文主要结论如下:

  The rural economy has been greatly promoted with the continuous developmentof our country’s economy. The living standards, living habits, and the composition ofthe living materials of the farmers change at the same time. But the ruralenvironmental problems come behind, especially the disposal of rural householdgarbage, which concerns the physical health of the rural population and the new ruralconstruction process. The No. 1 Document of the Central Committee in 2017 pointedout that we must promote the comprehensive management of the rural environmentand develop rural human settlements continuously. Although some correspondingmeasures have been applied, there are still many practical problems in the treatmentof rural household garbage. Therefore, the author explores and finds out the factorsthat affects the treatment of rural domestic waste, then summarize and proposespecific countermeasures on solving these problems. This can provide certaintheoretical and practical basis for the construction of beautiful countryside and thehealthy life of farmers.
  For a more reasonable and scientific treatment of rural household garbage inChangli County, 17 townships including Changli Town, Longjiadian Town, Jing’anTown, Xinji Town and Nijing Town in Changli County were selected as the researchobjects in this study. And then research the garbage treatment operation and otherbasic conditions in these selected areas. Especially the professional work of ShandongKangjie Limited Company and Beijing Xuan’ang Cleaning Limited Company. On thebasis of the research, the writer had a in-depth interview with the staff members of theChangli County Government. Refer the matters above and the related research inChina and abroad, this paper proposes some suggestions for improving the ruralhousehold garbage disposal model in Changli County. The main conclusions are asfollows:
  1. Rural residents do not have a deep understanding of the importance ofscientific disposal of household garbage, which brings a lot of trouble to theimplementation of policies and regulations. Therefore, it is very important to improve the relevant knowledge of farmers and cultivate their recycling awareness.
  2. Based on the analysis of the problems found in the treatment of ruralhousehold garbage in Changli County, the reasons for the problems should beanalyzed. The government departments should strengthen their organizationalleadership and make clear the division of labor. We will improve the construction ofgarbage collection, transport and disposal systems and guarantee relevant systems.
  3. The disposal of rural household garbage in Changli County should be led bythe government and introduced into the market mechanism. The government andenterprises actively explore new models of household garbage disposal, andcooperate with the masses to solve the household garbage disposal problems, andwork together to create a beautiful Changli.
  Keywords: Changli County; Rural household garbage; Garbage disposal
  第一章 绪论.

  1.1 研究背景及意义 .
  1.1.1 研究背景 .
  1.1.2 研究意义 .
  1.2 国内外研究现状 .
  1.3 研究方法 .
  1.3.1 文献研究法 .
  1.3.2 实地调查法 .
  1.3.3 问卷调查法 .
  1.3.4 访谈法 .
  1.4 研究思路 .
  1.5 研究技术路线图 .
  1.6 创新点与不足之处 .
  1.6.1 主要创新点 .
  1.6.2 不足之处 .
  第二章 基本概念和相关理论依据.
  2.1 基本概念 .
  2.1.1 农村生活垃圾 .
  2.1.2 生活垃圾集中处理 .
  2.1.3 垃圾分类 .
  2.2 相关理论依据 .
  2.2.1 公共产品理论 .
  2.2.2 循环经济理论 .
  2.2.3 治理理论 .
  2.3 本章小结 .
  第三章 昌黎县农村生活垃圾处理现状.
  3.1 昌黎县农村生活垃圾处理现状 .
  3.1.1 农村生活垃圾的分类 .
  3.1.2 农村生活垃圾的投放 .
  3.1.3 村民对生活垃圾危害性的认知 .
  3.1.4 村民对生活垃圾分类的认知 .
  3.1.5 农村生活垃圾处理市场化运作 .
  3.1.6 农村生活垃圾产源地地势差异 .
  3.2 本章小结 .
  第四章 昌黎县农村生活垃圾处理存在问题分析.
  4.1 农村生活垃圾处理的法律体系不健全 .
  4.2 政府对农村生活垃圾处理的投入不够 .
  4.2.1 政府对农村生活垃圾处理的财政投入有限 .
  4.2.2 政府对农村生活垃圾分类宣传教育效果差 .
  4.3 村干部对垃圾处理工作积极性不高 .
  4.4 村民环境保护的综合素质低 .
  4.4.1 村民文化素质偏低,缺少环保知识 .
  4.4.2 村民的自律性和利他性程度低 .
  4.5 农村生活垃圾二次污染发生率高 .
  4.5.1 农村生活垃圾收集过程中的二次污染 .
  4.5.2 农村生活垃圾清运过程中的二次污染 .
  4.6 农村生活垃圾回收利用率低 .
  4.7 本章小结 .
  第五章 国内外农村垃圾污染治理的经验做法及启示.

  5.1 石家庄栾城区农村垃圾处理模式
  5.2 日本德岛县“零废弃”垃圾分类理念及生物技术处理模式
  5.3 国内外经验对昌黎县农村垃圾处理的启示 .
  5.4 本章小结 .
  第六章 昌黎县农村生活垃圾处理对策.
  6.1 加强宣传教育力度,提升农民环保素质 .
  6.2 各级政府加强协作,形成垃圾治理合力 .
  6.3 加强农村生活垃圾处理的资金投入 .
  6.3.1 多渠道筹措资金,增加资金来源 .
  6.3.2 鼓励企业参与垃圾处理,减轻政府财政负担 .
  6.4 建立与完善农村生活垃圾处理相关制度
  6.4.1 建立生活垃圾分类回收制度 .
  6.4.2 完善垃圾处理的监督考核制度 .
  6.5 加大垃圾处理硬件投入,增强垃圾处理能力 .
  6.6 创建垃圾治理示范区,实施典型引领 .
  6.7 本章小结 .
  第七章 结论.
原文出处:王楠. 昌黎县农村生活垃圾处理问题研究[D]. 河北科技师范学院 2018