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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-05-30 共3242字


  摘 要


  为响应国家号召,温州市永嘉县从 2007 年开始全面落实“大学生村官”计划,从 2007 年到 2014 年这八年中,共选聘了 249 名优秀“大学生村官”到村(社区)“两委”工作。2008 年一年就选聘了 94 名“大学生村官”,达到一个选聘高峰。总体来说,“大学生村官”工作自开展以来,已经取得了较为可喜的成绩。


  本文从六个部分分述如下:第一部分绪论,分析了“大学生村官”产生的背景,提出了促进“大学生村官”工作发展的目的和意义,阐述了本文的研究思路、研究方法并总结分析了国内外研究现状。第二部分阐述了“大学生村官”的概念界定及发展历程,论文将“大学生村官”发展分为三个阶段,分别为 1995-2001年的萌芽阶段、2002-2008 年的发展阶段与 2008 年 3 月至今的普及阶段。第三部分介绍“大学生村官”的现状,分别从概况、生活状况、工作情况和工作绩效四个方面进行论述。第四部分指出“大学生村官”工作存在的问题及对成因进行了详细的分析:一是工资福利低,地区差异大;二是考核机制不完善,激励机制不健全;三是身份尴尬,缺乏归属感和安全感;四是社会经验阅历不够,无法融入到农村中;五是期望值高,功利性强;六是缺乏农村专业技能,难以发挥自身优势。第五部分针对“大学生村官”工作中存在的问题,提出切实可行的对策,其一明确政策,提高待遇;其二加强日常管理,完善制度建设;其三明确“大学生村官”身份问题,解决“村官”身份困境;其四转变“大学生村官”思想观念,提高其服务农村的意识;其五加强培训,提高农村工作能力。第六部分结论与展望。



  The college-graduate village officials refers to the college graduate who isappointed to the village, included community, to hold the position as the secretary ofvillage Party branch, the assistant of village community chairman or the staff ofvillage “two committees”. With the unceasingly thorough development ofcollege-graduate village officials work,this job has attracted great attention frommany circles of the society.

  In order to respond to the policy, the plan of “college-graduate village officials”was fully implemented from 2007 in Yongjia, Wenzhou, among the eight years from2007 to 2014, 249outstanding college-graduate village officials were selected to thevillage community, and “the two committees”. In 2008, 94 college-graduate villageofficials were hired to the relevant positions,reaching a peak selection. Generallyspeaking, the “ college-graduate village officials ” project has achieved remarkableresults since its implementation. However,the plan of “college-graduate villageofficials”is facing a series of questions during its implementation. This essay is tryingto research and analyze the situation and question of “student village officer” duringthe implementation and raise relevant suggestions that are combined with theories andpractices.

  This essay is divided into six parts: The first part analyzes the background ofcollege-graduate village officials, propose the objective and significance of the job ofcollege-graduate village officials, state the thinking and ways of the research andconclude the research status at home. The second part elaborates the basic conceptand the development background of the college-graduate village officials, which isdivided into three stage(The budding stage from 1995 to 2001, the development stagefrom 2002 to 2008 and the popularization stage since March ,in 2008)。The third partintroduces the present situation of “ college-graduate village officials ” , four aspectson general situation, living conditions, work situation and performance are discussedrespectively. The fourth part points out the potential problems of college-graduatevillage officials work. They are the low wages and welfare in background of largeregional differences, the imperfect evaluation and incentive mechanism, theembarrassment of identity, the lack of a sense of belonging and security, thedeficiency of social experiences, the maladjustment to countryside and the highexpectation of utilitarian. Next, some practical suggestions and countermeasures aboutthe problems of the college-graduate village officials: the clarity and improvement oftreatment policy; the strengthening of daily management system; the clarity of theiridentity and the settlement of their identity dilemma; the transformation of their ideasand improvement of the rural service consciousness; the enhancement of worktraining and rural working ability. The last part is about the conclusion and prospectabout this issue.

  Key words:Village Officials, College-graduate, Yongjia County.

    目 录

  摘 要


  目 录

  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究的目的及意义

  1.3 研究的现状

  1.4 研究思路与研究方法

  1.4.1 研究思路

  1.4.2 研究方法

  第 2 章 “大学生村官”概念界定及发展历程

  2.1 “大学生村官”的概念界定

  2.2 “大学生村官”的发展历程

  2.2.1 “大学生村官”工作的萌芽

  2.2.2 “大学生村官”工作的发展

  2.2.3  “大学生村官”工作的普及

  第 3 章 温州市永嘉县“大学生村官”的现状

  3.1  温州市永嘉县“大学生村官”的概况

  3.2 温州市永嘉县“大学生村官”的生活状况

  3.3 温州市永嘉县“大学生村官”的日常工作情况

  3.4 温州市永嘉县“大学生村官”的工作绩效

  3.4.1 提升了基层组织队伍的整体素质

  3.4.2 加快了新知识的传播

  3.4.3 推动了农民科技致富

  3.4.4 促进了城乡人才互动

  第 4 章 永嘉县“大学生村官”工作存在的问题及成因分析

  4.1  工资福利低,地区差异大

  4.1.1 工资性收入低,增长速度缓慢

  4.1.2 地区收入差异大,收入不平衡

  4.1.3 贫困地区缺乏保障条件

  4.2 考核机制不完善,激励机制不健全

  4.2.1 机制建设滞后

  4.2.2 管理部门职能交叉,造成管理重复与空缺

  4.3 身份尴尬,缺乏归属感和安全感

  4.3.1 角色定位模糊,身份尴尬

  4.3.2 镇(街道)借用现象严重,造成管理混乱

  4.3.3 前途渺茫,缺乏安全感

  4.4 社会经验阅历不够,无法融入到农村中

  4.4.1 缺乏农村人际交往经验,阅历不够

  4.4.2 农村情况复杂,存在排外现象

  4.5 期望值高,功利性强

  4.5.1 对农村缺乏足够的认识,期望值过高

  4.5.2 动机不纯,功利性过强

  4.6 缺乏农村专业技能,难以发挥自身优势

  4.6.1 缺乏农村实用技术

  4.6.2 缺少吃苦耐劳的精神

  第 5 章 促进“大学生村官”工作发展的对策

  5.1  明确政策,提高待遇

  5.1.1 建立工资自然增长机制,提高整体福利待遇

  5.1.2 加强政策倾斜,加大扶持力度

  5.2 加强日常管理,完善制度建设

  5.2.1 完善选拔制度

  5.2.2 完善激励制度

  5.2.3 完善监督制度

  5.2.4 完善管理制度

  5.2.5 完善考核制度

  5.3 明确身份问题,解决身份困境

  5.3.1 完善法律、法规,明确身份问题

  5.3.2 疏通出口,解决后顾之忧

  5.4 转变思想观念,提高服务意识

  5.4.1 转变认识,思想扎根农村

  5.4.2 走群众路线,服务群众

  5.5 加强培训,提高农村工作能力

  5.5.1 提高农村实用技术能力

  5.5.2 强化吃苦耐劳精神

  第 6 章 结论与展望

  6.1  研究结论

  6.2 研究展望


  致 谢
