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来源:吉林大学 作者:侯琳
发布于:2017-03-22 共2421字


  摘 要
  本文结合国际建筑工程项目成本控制的发展现状及未来一段时间内的发展趋势,以 SL 建筑工程项目成本控制为研究对象在内部控制理论和项目成本管理理论的基础上,应用文献查阅法和比较研究法对项目成本控制的相关问题展开定性的研究,并通过文献查阅法,对国内外在建筑工程项目成本控制方面已有的研究文献和取得的研究成果进行系统的梳理、归纳、分析和总结,找出其优点和不足,为本文的研究提供一些思路,并针对搜集的材料和数据采用定性和定量相结合的系统分析方法对 SL 建筑工程的项目成本控制状况进行分析,结合建筑业和 SL 公司的项目工程成本控制状况,对其建筑工程项目成本控制中存在的问题产生更加全面的认知并结合个人经验提出解决对策,为提升我国建筑工程项目成本控制水平作出努力。
  SL 建筑工程,项目成本,控制

  With the rapid development of economy, the construction project number andsize are the fast speed of development, has become a constitute an important part ofnational economy, but after the success of our country has entered the world tradeorganization, as a result of international exchanges and cooperation between theincreasingly frequent, lead to building market saturation degree is higher and higher,construction enterprises in the increasingly fierce competition in the marketdevelopment, the construction enterprises to realize sustainable development in theintense market competition need to constantly adapt to market changes, combinedwith their actual conditions and formed in the process of exploring suitable to thedevelopment of low cost strategy, so the modern construction enterprises risingawareness of cost management and control, but behind rough, related experience is asevere lack of cost control method, the influence of such factors in constructionengineering project cost control in our country at present stage level is relativelybackward.
  Combining with the development of international construction project costcontrol present situation and future trend of the development of a period of time, toSL construction engineering project cost control as the research object in the internalcontrol theory and the theory of project cost management, on the basis of the methodof literature review and comparative research on the project cost control about therelated problems of qualitative research, and through the method of consultingliterature materials, for domestic and foreign in the architectural engineering projectcost control aspects of the existing research literature and research results ofsystematic carding, induction, analysis and summary, find out their advantages anddisadvantages, the research in this paper provide some train of thought, and in view ofthe materials and data collected by using the combination of qualitative andquantitative system analysis method for SL condition of construction engineeringproject cost control is analyzed, combining with the construction and SL companyproject engineering cost control condition, the problems existing in the constructionengineering project cost control to produce more comprehensive cognition and putforward countermeasures, combined with personal experience to enhance the level ofour country architectural engineering project cost control efforts.
  Key Words:
  SL construction projects, project cost, control

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪 论
  1.1 课题研究背景研究背景及意义
  1.2 主要研究内容
  1.3 主要研究方法
  1.3.1 文献检索法
  1.3.2 比较分析法
  1.3.3 实地访谈法
  第 2 章 工程项目成本控制相关理论综述
  2.1 工程项目成本的理论分析
  2.1.1 工程项目成本的相关定义
  2.1.2 工程项目成本的构成和分类
  2.2 工程项目成本控制的理论分析
  2.2.1 工程项目成本控制的相关定义
  2.2.2 工程项目成本控制的理论基础
  2.2.3 工程项目成本控制的主要方法
  第 3 章 SL 建筑工程项目成本控制现状
  3.1 SL 建筑企业背景及成本控制概况
  3.2 SL 建筑工程项目成本控制的评价
  3.2.1 SL 建筑工程项目成本控制的优势
  3.2.2 SL 建筑工程项目成本控制的问题
  第 4 章 成本控制出现问题的原因分析
  4.1 SL 建筑企业缺乏先进的理念作成本控制工作的指导
  4.2 所应用的建筑工程项目成本控制制度的科学性存在缺陷
  4.3 SL 建筑企业在建筑工程项目成本控制方面的执行力度较弱26
  4.4 SL 建筑公司所制定的考核激励制度的作用并未真正发挥
  4.5 SL 建筑公司现阶段的学习培训工作不达标
  第 5 章 对策与建议
  5.1 SL 实施全过程流程管理模式的成本控制
  5.2 不断挖掘成本控制挣值法的优势
  5.3 健全完善建筑项目成本控制制度
  5.4 建立健全考核激励机制
  5.5 制定并落实培训计划
  5.6 在改善项目成本控制中应注意的其它问题
  5.7 结合 SL 建筑公司实际工程项目的分析
  第 6 章 结论
  致 谢
原文出处:侯琳. SL建筑工程项目成本控制研究[D].吉林大学,2016.