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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-02 共5944字


  第三部分详细分析承托双方的各项义务,并探究履行各项义务的标准。通过承托双方权利义务的对比分析,研究得出在某些规定下,存在船货利益不对等的问题,包括:1. 由于《海商法》中的免责条款和保险条款排出了承运人和保险人对因货物包装不当及标识不清造成损失的赔偿责任,而托运人不享受任何免责条款及责任限制,一旦给船方造成巨额损失,可能面临破产的危险;2. 在托运人的通知义务下,对现实中提单上经常出现的“不知条款”及“锈蚀条款”进行效力分析,得出“不知条款”存在有效而“锈蚀条款”无法律效力的结论;3. 当托运人将包装及标识标记义务委托给第三方,而该第三方未完全履行义务造成承运人损失时,追偿程序过为繁琐,并且不利于保护托运人的利益;4.《海商法》第 68 条,虽规定了承运人享有危货的处置权,却规定的过为宽泛,会造成托运人的损失。
  第五部分在第三、四部分的基础上,通过分析立法背景及现实操作的需要,首先阐明如此立法的原因和意义,再对上文分析出的船货不对等问题,对平衡船货利益提出如下立法建议:1. 对于危货定义不明,建议我国海商法使用列举的方式,举例列明危货的种类,并且随后规定一个概括性的表述,将广义上的危险货物也纳入其中;2. 当托运人将危货义务委托给第三人,而因第三人的过错造成承运人损失时,建议由第三人和托运人一同对承运人承担连带责任。3. 限制承运人危险货物的处置权,建议规定若一个合格谨慎的承运人在同等条件下,具有合理的专业能力同时保全船舶和危货时,承运人不得销毁危货,承运人滥用危货处置权的,应当给托运人赔偿损失。4. 参考 IMDG Code规定的包装方式,在我国海商法下对妥善包装给出明确的标准。5. 为托运人针对危货产生的法律责任,提供责任限制保护。
  With the fast development of chemical industry, dangerous goods areincreasingly carried by sea every year. The carriage of dangerous goods by sea hasbeen a significant problem related to security of property and life at sea for a longtime. Once dangerous accidents incur, not only the carrier and the shipper wouldsuffer loss, but also may cause the third party to suffer economic loss, e.g. othershippers who have cargo on board or victims of marine pollution. Therefore,compared with ordinary goods, domestic laws of several states and the relevantmaritime international conventions provide specific provisions concerning thecarriage of dangerous goods by sea and regulate special rights, duties and thedoctrine of liability fixation for the shipper and the carrier.China Maritime Law does not provide dangerous goods a clear conception.
  Although it stipulates rights and duties of shippers and carriers in explicit terms,these terms might cause the imbalance between ship interests and cargo interests inpractice. Otherwise, our Maritime Law does not expressly stipulate the third party'sloss caused by the carriage of dangerous goods by sea. As a result, it is so difficultfor the third party to recover its loss from the shipper and the carrier according toChina Maritime Law.
  The Chapter One generally analyses the current situation of the carriage ofdangerous goods by sea and points out legal loopholes by discussing the relevantcases. Then referring to the UK Maritime Law, examine and determine the conceptof 'dangerous goods' on the base of the narrow sense and the broad sense. Thisdissertation supports the opinion of broad sense and considers that the definition of'dangerous goods' is not appropriate to be confined to the goods with inherentdangerous chemical or physical nature, but should also include the goods that areintrinsic safe but cause accidents when it meets a special environment or conditionduring the sea voyage.
  The Chapter Two describes the relevant legislation situation concerning thecarriage of dangerous goods by sea based on the three aspects, namely theinternational conventions, foreign domestic laws and China domestic laws, andanalyses the development, legal resource and application of the importantinternational convention--- International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code)。
  Generally describe the provisions on dangerous goods in other marine internationalconventions. Under foreign domestic laws and China domestic laws, this chapterwill generally introduce the development of legislation and the relevant rules of UK,USA and P.R.C respectively.
  The Chapter Three detailed analyses all sorts of duties of the shipper and thecarrier, and examines the standards of completely performing these duties. It pointsout the problems concerning the imbalance between ship interests and cargo interestsunder certain rules by comparing the shippers' rights and duties and the carriers'rights and duties. 1. Since the exemption clause and the insurance clause of MaritimeLaw exempt the indemnity liability of the carrier and the insurer in terms of the losscaused by improper package or unclear mark of goods and the shipper is not allowedto be protected by the exemption clause and the limitation of liability. Therefore,once dangerous goods cause large loss suffered by the carrier due to the shipper'sfault, the shipper might have to confront with bankruptcy. 2. By analyzing the legaleffect of 'the Unknown Clause' and 'the Rust Clause' that are often stated by the billof lading under the notice liability of the shipper, it could be argued that theUnknown Clause is valid but the Rust Clause is invalid. 3. Where the shippertransfers its duties of package or mark to the third party, if the carrier suffers loss dueto the third party's improper completion of such duties, the recovery procedure is socomplicated and not good for the shippers' interests. 4. Although Article 68 ofMaritime Law provides that the carrier enjoys the right of disposal, the right is toobroad and general, which would result in the carrier's economic loss.
  The Chapter Four analyzes the doctrine of liability fixation with regard to theshipper's duties and the carrier's duties through examining the relevant maritimeinternational conventions and the marine cases under the UK law. The shipper isstrictly liable for the carriage of dangerous goods. Where the loss is also caused bythe carriers' fault or negligence, the two parties shall jointly bear the loss based onthe proportion of their fault or negligence. Under China Maritime Law, the carrierbears incomplete fault liability. It could be suggested that the Maritime Law couldstipulate the obligation of seaworthiness of the carrier as 'the overriding obligation'referring to the UK law, meaning that in case the carrier breaches the obligation ofseaworthiness, it would not be allowed to claim the exemption clause.
  The Chapter Five clarifies the reasons and sense of such litigation throughanalyzing the litigation background and the needs of practical operation. Then itmakes legislation suggestions concerning the imbalance between ship interests andcargo interests based on the Chapter Three and the Chapter Four. 1. In terms of theunclear definition of dangerous goods, it can be suggested that the Maritime Lawcould clearly list the classification of dangerous goods and then make a generalexpression to include the dangerous goods in broad sense. 2. Where the shippertransfers the duties of package or mark to the third party and the carrier suffers lossdue to the third party's fault or negligence, it could be proposed that the shipper andthe third party are jointly liable for the carrier's loss. 3. To limit the right of disposalof the carrier, the Maritime Law could provide that if a qualified, reasonable andprudent carrier has the competence to save and keep the vessel and the dangerousgoods at the same time under the same circumstances, the carrier is not entitled toperform the right of disposal. Otherwise where the carrier abuses the right ofdisposal and causes the shipper's loss, the carrier shall be liable for the shipper's loss.
  4. Referring to the package methods in the IMDG Code, the Maritime Law shouldprovide a clear standard for 'proper package'. 5. The Maritime law is suggested toprovide the limitation of liability for the shipper in terms of the duties arising fromthe carriage of dangerous goods by sea.
  The last chapter provides legislative suggestions in respect of the situation ofthe third party suffering loss caused by the carriage of dangerous goods by sea.
  There is no specific chapter under the Maritime Law to protect the third party'sinterests no matter whether they are shippers who have goods on board the samevessel or victims of marine pollution. Therefore, it could be suggested that Chinashould join the HNS Convention and require the shipowner to provide thecompulsory liability insurance and the double layers compensation system for thethird party. Otherwise, the domestic law and compensation system should beadjusted as soon as possible to be consistent with the HNS Convention.
  Key Words : the carriage of dangerous goods by sea;the imbalancebetween ship interests and cargo interests;the rights and duties ofthe shipper;the rights and duties of the carrier;compensation forthe third party's loss

  目 录
  导 言
  1. 国际海上危险货物运输规则(IMDG Code)
  2. 美国的立法现状
  六、危险有害物质运输对第三方造成损失的 立法建议
  (一)HNS 公约赔偿的损失
  (四)HNS 基金
  (五)HNS 公约对我国的影响
  结 语
  致 谢