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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-10-20 共3446字



  As the old industrial base, Liaoning province has made great contribution to China'seconomic development; it has also paid a heavy environmental cost. And developing recyclingeconomy is an effective way of transforming the old industrial base, adjusting industrialstructure, solving the environmental pollution, promoting sustained, stable and healthydevelopment of regional economy. It can be said that the development of recycling economy isthe common choice for international community to carry out the strategy of sustainabledevelopment. Meanwhile, the development of recycling economy is the right strategic choicefor our province to carry out the scientific outlook on development, implement the strategy ofsustainable development, take a new road to industrialization, and transform the mode ofeconomic growth. Developing recycling economy can minimize both of the demand fornatural resources and the influence of ecological environment caused by economic and socialactivities, fundamentally solve the contradiction between economic development andenvironmental protection.
  Although Liaoning Province is the first economy pilot provinces in China, the systematicstudy of recycling economic development has been very lacking. The paper defined theconnotation of recycling economy, described the basic characteristics of the recyclingeconomic on the basis of reading recycling economy theory carefully, discussed the theoreticalbasis of recycling economy, provided adequate theoretical basis for further research onrecycling economic development by introducing the Marx's Material transformation theoryand thoughts of utilizing productions' fecal matter. By determining a reasonable recyclingeconomic evaluation index content standard value and weight, the paper tried to build anevaluation index system of recycling economy development, compared the development ofLiaoning Province recycling economy from vertical and horizontal levels respectively,systematically evaluated the level of Liaoning Province recycling economy development byusing multi-attribute comprehensive evaluation method. The paper carried out research on thestatus of Liaoning Province recycling economy development, summarized the achievementreached by Liaoning Province recycling economy development in the last ten years andpointed out the existent problems including the unbalance of industry structure,weakness ofthe scientific and technological innovation ability, imperfection of recycling economydevelopment mechanism and a low degree of public participation. According to the issuesraised above, starting from multi-levels, the paper proposed the industrial plan of optimizingLiaoning Province recycling economy development, brought forward the countermeasures ofimproving the technical service system of recycling economy development in LiaoningProvince, put forward the laws and regulations of perfecting Liaoning Province recyclingeconomy development, proposed suggestions of strengthening supervision and publicity ofLiaoning Province recycling economy development so as to provide more intelligence supportfor the future development of recycling economy in Liaoning Province. Finally, the studyaffirmed the positive result achieved by recycling economy development in Liaoning Province,defined the goal of adhering to the path of recycling economy development, pointed out theexistent deficiencies and future research directions.
  Key Words: Liaoning Province, Recycling economy, Effect analysis, Suggestions

  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景和意义
  1.1.1 研究背景
  1.1.2 研究意义
  1.2 国内外研究现状
  1.2.1 国外研究现状
  1.2.2 国内研究现状
  1.3 研究方内容与方法
  1.3.1 研究内容
  1.3.2 研究方法
  1.4 论文创新点
  第 2 章 循环经济的理论基础
  2.1 循环经济概论
  2.1.1 循环经济的内涵
  2.1.2 循环经济的基本特征
  2.2 马克思有关循环经济的理论观点
  2.2.1 物质变换理论的基本思想
  2.2.2 生产排泄物的利用原理
  2.2.3 马克思的循环经济思想对当前循环经济研究的启示
  第 3 章 辽宁省循环经济发展水平的效果分析
  3.1 循环经济评价指标体系
  3.1.1 循环经济发展水平的评价方法
  3.1.2 循环经济发展水平评价指标
  3.1.3 循环经济发展水平评价指标标准值及权重
  3.2 辽宁省循环经济发展水平动态分析
  3.2.1 2003-2013 年辽宁省循环经济发展指标统计
  3.2.2 2003-2013 年辽宁省循环经济发展水平测算
  3.2.3 2003-2013 年辽宁省循环经济发展水平动态分析结论
  3.3 2013 年辽宁省与其它省(市)循环经济发展水平对比分析
  3.3.1 2013 年辽宁省与其它省(市)循环经济发展指标统计
  3.3.2 2013 年辽宁省与其它省(市)循环经济发展水平测算
  3.3.3 2013 年辽宁省与其它省(市)循环经济发展水平对比分析结论
  第 4 章 辽宁省循环经济发展现状综述
  4.1 辽宁省循环经济发展取得的成效
  4.1.1 节能减排任务全面完成
  4.1.2 工业能效水平显着提高
  4.1.3 资源综合利用率不断提高
  4.1.4 清洁生产稳步推进
  4.2 辽宁省循环经济发展存在的问题
  4.2.1 产业结构失衡
  4.2.2 科技创新能力较弱
  4.2.3 循环经济发展机制尚未完善
  4.2.4 公众参与程度低
  第 5 章 推进辽宁省循环经济发展的对策建议
  5.1 优化辽宁省发展循环经济的产业规划
  5.2 完善辽宁省发展循环经济的技术服务体系
  5.2.1 促进辽宁省循环经济关键技术的研发
  5.2.2 提高辽宁省循环经济的技术咨询服务水平
  5.3 健全辽宁省发展循环经济的制度与法规
  5.3.1 完善辽宁省循环经济发展的管理制度
  5.3.2 完善辽宁省循环经济发展的法律法规
  5.4 加强辽宁省发展循环经济的监督与宣传
  5.4.1 强化辽宁省循环经济发展的社会监督
  5.4.2 强化辽宁省循环经济思想的宣传教育
  第 6 章 结束语