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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-11-22 共2911字


  The high speed development of economy brings the global integration processaccelerating. Political liberal promotes the cultural interaction and communication. sincereform and opening up, accelerate the development of modern information technology, ourcountry ,as a strong sense of national identity and national pride of the nation, the dooropened, opened up new paths for the original single cultural values, the entry of a variety ofcultural values creats the current multicultural pattern. while under a big cultural background,college students, as A group of people of the most easy to accept the influence of theadvanced culture, their ideological and moral values are also happening correspondingchanges, to a certain extent, which can indirect effects on college students to the choice ofthe road and graduation.
  In the past more than a single angle for the research of university students' employmentof empirical inquiry, As the main object to analyze the cause of the university students'employment difficult problems and countermeasures , and not any study on combination ofthe cultural factors and college students' employment problem is discussed, for the study oninvestigation and research to the problem of today's college students employment, based onthe related concepts of multicultural, trying to find out referenced material by collegestudents' employment from multicultural education , and in the multicultural background ,toseek the existing problems in university students' employment, and according to the problemsto expand the corresponding reason analysis, in the light of the reason, with the aid of thefavorable factors of the multicultural, solve the problem of college students' employment. Inrespecting the diversity of culture, gradually adapt to the development of cultural environment,through active power of the culture, and improve college students' professional ethicsaccomplishment, and update the employment idea, and broaden the path of employment, findsuitable the future career path for college students themselves.
  This article will be discussed from five aspects, the first part is this topic research to thistopic of background and significance, as well as is detailed describe about relevant researchdynamic and route of this research method. The second part in the essay will be discussedfor the concept of multi-culture and college students and the relevant contact of employment.
  In the third part ,it will be studied by the present situation of university students' employmentproblem under the multicultural background , and in the fourth part, analysing of the causes ofthe expansion. the reason analysis of university students' employment problem, in the fifthpart studies how to improve university students' employment situation under the multiculturalbackground, and to seek good advice for its positive development.
  Key words: cultural diversity, college students employment, the cultural environment, theconcept of employment

  目 录
  1 绪论
  1.1 研究背景及意义
  1.1.1 研究背景
  1.1.2 研究意义
  1.2 研究现状
  1.3 研究思路
  1.3.1 研究出发点
  1.3.2 研究方法
  1.3.3 研究路线
  2.1 多元文化的概念
  2.1.1 文化释义
  2.1.2 多元文化释义
  2.2 大学生的就业形势
  2.3 多元文化与大学生就业的关系
  2.3.1 多元文化影响大学生就业观和价值取向
  2.3.2 大学生就业观念变化推动多元文化的发展
  3.1 当前国内经济文化发展特点
  3.2 当前国内大学生就业现状
  3.2.1 大学生就业问题
  3.2.2 对社会产生的影响
  4.1 社会文化中消极因素的干扰
  4.2 校园文化中负面信息的影响
  4.3 家庭文化中长辈思想的桎梏
  4.4 个人文化中道德修养的忽视
  5 多元文化背景下大学生就业问题的对策
  5.1 政府及社会应正确舆论导向,创造良好就业环境
  5.1.1 构筑宣传窗口,拓宽媒介渠道
  5.1.2 构筑长效机制,夯实制度保障
  5.2 校方应提供多方信息咨询,营建全面就业渠道
  5.2.1 扩展思想教育课程内容,融入择业教育和职业道德教育
  5.2.2 开展工作技能培训项目,支持学生自主创业和自力更生
  5.3 家庭应正确思想指引,发挥积极经验
  5.3.1 通过开办家长学校,对家长进行孩子职业引导的教育
  5.3.2 以身示范,家长以自身经历作为例子带领孩子积极就业
  5.4 大学生应塑造高尚德行,培养基层工作经验
  5.4.1 提升大学生思想文化素质和职业技能
  5.4.2 端正大学生及其家长就业理念
  5.4.3 转变传统观念,拓宽就业渠道
  6 本文总结和研究展望