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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-01-09 共3388字



  随着世界经济一体化进程的不断深入,世界政治格局的变革和科技的迅速发展,很多跨国企业为了提高自身的竞争优势以及适应快速变化的市场,都会选择通过企业并购来实现全球化的战略资源配置和合作。自 20 世纪 90 年代起,越来越多的跨国公司为了快速实现其全球化战略,开始了大规模的跨国并购,掀起了新一轮全球范围内的并购浪潮。



  本文研究的 G 涂料公司是一家大型的跨国涂料原材料供应商,在行业和市场上有着重要地位。在经济全球化的大背景下,企业在跨国经营中面临着不断变化的市场需求,激烈的竞争,以及提高产品质量、改善服务、降低成本、缩短交货期等压力。

  为了支持快速实现本地化生产,完善业务产品线的战略目标,G 涂料公司近年来正经历着一系列企业并购活动。最近一次的并购规模较大,对整个业务线、产品线和组织架构都有非常大的影响。由于跨国并购过程中会涉及多方面的整合,包括企业文化同化、业务重组、人员组织结构调整、供应链和营销网络合并等,整合期间的不稳定势必会影响到公司运营的效率,特别是具有由于供应不稳定而造成客户流失的风险。因此,为企业制定适合的内部供应链整合策略在企业并购中显得尤为重要。

  本文通过研究相关的企业并购和供应链整合理论,结合 G 涂料公司自身的经营战略以及针对企业在并购整合期所面临的供应链问题,提出并购后的内部供应链组织结构重组策略,业务流程再造策略,构建产品及客户的分析模型并制定相应的销售预测和产品供需策略等,为企业顺利度过并购整合期,制定长效的供应链管理策略提供理论支持。

  关键词: 并购;内部供应链;供应链整合;G 涂料公司


  With the world economic globalization, the rapid development of world politicalstructure reform of science and technology, many multinational companies to improve theircompetitive advantages and to adapt to rapid changes in the market, through mergers andacquisitions to achieve the strategic resource allocation and cooperation in globalization.

  Since the 1990s, more and more Multi-National Corporations began large-scalecross-border mergers and acquisitions in order to realize its global strategy, hence settingoff a new round of global mergers and acquisitions.

  However, the relevant statistical data shows that the success rate of M & A is not high.M & A is a complex economic phenomenon. In general, the implementation processincluding preparation, negotiation, internal integration and external integration phases.

  Failure is often due to the acquirer and the acquired party conflict in the integration ofmanagement and resource allocation process. From the business point of view, supplychain integration and collaboration is the most important in M & A. Moreover, internalsupply chain integration is the necessary means to avoid fragmentation of the two originalsupply chain systems, and the precondition of external supply chain integration. Therefore,internal supply chain integration becomes the primary research after M & A, and also thekey factor in the success of M & A.

  Coatings Company G in this paper is a transnational large supplier of paints &coatings raw materials. It has an important position in the industry and market. Under thebackground of economic globalization, enterprises are faced pressure from theever-changing market demand in the multinational management, competition, and improvethe quality, improve the service, reduce the cost, and shorten delivery time. In order tosupport the implementation of production localization rapidly, and enhance the strategicobjectives for business lines, Coating Company G is experiencing a series of corporatemergers and acquisitions in recent years. In a recent large scale merger, the whole businesslines, product lines and the organizational structure have very big changes. Because of themultinational mergers and acquisitions process will involve the integration of many aspects,including corporate culture assimilation, business restructuring, organizational structureadjustment, supply chain and marketing network merging etc.. The integration period ofinstability is bound to affect the efficiency of company operations, especially because ofthe risk of loss of customers caused by the supply instability. Therefore, to develop asuitable supply chain strategy during merger and acquisition is very important for theenterprise.

  In this paper, by studying supply chain integration theory related to enterprise M & A,combined with the Coatings Company G’s business strategy, and analyze supply chainproblem occurs during enterprise M & A integration period, I have proposed restructuringof internal supply chain organization strategy, business process rebuild strategy, build up aproduct vs. customer analysis model and develop appropriate sales forecasting and productsupply strategy etc.. This could provide theoretical basis for establish long-term supplychain management strategy, and help the integration process smoothly.

  Keywords: Acquisition & Merger; Internal Supply Chain; Supply Chain Integration;Coatings Company G





  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景和意义

  1.2 文献综述

  1.3 研究思路和方法

  1.3.1 研究思路

  1.3.2 研究方法

  第 2 章 相关理论基础

  2.1 企业并购的概念和分类

  2.1.1 企业并购的基本概念

  2.1.2 企业并购的分类

  2.1.3 企业并购的动因理论

  2.2 供应链整合的相关理论

  2.2.1 供应链和供应链管理的概念

  2.2.2 供应链整合的概念与内容

  2.2.3 供应链系统的设计策略与选择

  2.3 库存与库存管理的概念和理论

  2.3.1 库存的基本概念

  2.3.2 库存管理的概念

  2.3.3 库存管理的模型与方法

  2.3.4 反映库存合理性的关键绩效指标

  2.4 并购后人力资源整合理论

  第 3 章 G 涂料公司的经营环境和现状分析

  3.1 G 涂料公司概况

  3.2 G 涂料公司并购 Z 涂料公司的背景

  3.3 涂料行业的总体发展现状及特征

  3.4 G 涂料公司企业经营战略 SWOT 分析

  3.4.1 G 涂料公司内部经营现状分析 (SW)

  3.4.2 G 涂料公司外部经营环境分析 (OT)

  3.4.3 G 涂料公司的企业经营战略

  第 4 章 G 涂料公司并购后内部供应链整合面临的问题分析

  4.1 并购后供应链面临的困境

  4.1.1 销售量大幅下降

  4.1.2 客户投诉猛增

  4.1.3 产品供应的短缺和过剩

  4.2 并购后供应链面临困境的原因分析

  4.2.1 人员的重组问题

  4.2.2 流程的标准化问题

  4.2.3 产品的整合问题

  4.2.4 产品的库存管理问题

  4.2.5 产品的供应短缺问题

  第 5 章 G 涂料公司并购后内部供应链整合的策略

  5.1 策略目标与策略原则

  5.1.1 策略目标

  5.1.2 策略原则

  5.2 策略方案

  5.2.1 组织架构整合策略

  5.2.2 流程标准化策略

  5.2.3 产品分类策略

  5.2.4 库存管理策略

  5.2.5 缺货时的应急策略

  第 6 章 G 涂料公司并购后内部供应链整合策略的实施

  6.1 组织结构重组计划

  6.1.1 人员重新分配原则..

  6.1.2 组织整合实施步骤及进度

  6.2 供应链策略实施计划

  6.2.1 产品分类策略的实施

  6.2.2 供应链策略实施步骤及进度

  6.3 策略实施的资源保障与效果监控

  6.3.1 财务保障

  6.3.2 人力资源保障

  6.3.3 技术和设备保障

  6.3.4 策略实施的效果监控

  第 7 章 结语

