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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-04-27 共3107字


  摘 要

  长春一汽-大众汽车公司成立于 1991 年,是由中国一汽集团、德国大众汽车有限公司、奥迪汽车股份有限公司和大众汽车中国(投资)公司以 60%、10%、10%、10%的股比参股,合资方式经营的特大型轿车生产企业。本文所研究的售后技术部门是一汽-大众汽车公司奥迪销售事业部的核心部门。随着公司规模的不断扩大,事业部的业务不断拓展,部门的人员数量和职能也在不断扩充和完善。从建立事业部之初的一个组、十余人,发展到现在部门所辖小组 4 个、员工 57 人;部门所负责的工作也由当初简单的维修索赔、技术支持与市场监控,发展到现在的售后服务索赔审批与管理、三包与质量问题召回、维修技术支持、市场监控、质量问题信息通报、经销商售后管理、经销商售后技术人员认证、售后技术培训等多方位工作。





  Changchun FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Company was established in 1991,and is a large automobile joint venture operated by China FAW Group, GermanyVolkswagen Automotive Company, Audi Automobile Stock Corporation and ChinaVolkswagen Automobile Company, with 60%, 10%, 10% and 10% shareholdingproportion respectively. The customer service department studied in this paper is acore department of Audi Sales Division in FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Company.

  As the company grows faster, the business of Audi Sales Division continues toexpand, and the staff of customer service department is being improved and enlarged.

  At the very beginning, this department has only one team with ten colleagues. Butnow, it turns out to be a large department with four teams, 57 employees. The jobs ofthe department have also changed a lot. Earlier the main jobs are only repair, warranty,technical support and field monitoring. Now the staff is responsible for a largeamount of customer service business, such as the warranty audit and management,Sanbao policy, recall action, technical support for repair methods, field monitoring,reporting of quality problems, dealership management, certification of dealers andtechnical trainings, etc.

  Since establishment the Audi Sales Division and the customer servicedepartment developed rapidly. As the competition of local automobile market isgrowing, the car park and car models are increasing, the customer service is beingrefined, and the standard of customer service satisfaction is growing, it is necessary toenlarge the customer service staff and strengthen its technical capacity. The supportmethods in the past like supporting in person, collective consultation and supportingone to one can not meet the growing market; and the training models in the past likepassive lectures, full uniform and serve directly after listening can not keep up withthe current pace of technology development, either. Thus, it is very important toestablish a set of clear, directional and guiding training system.

  Based on the analysis of training organization, assessment methods andcapability division in the past, summed up the drawbacks and defects, and based onthe extensive technical training management model, which allows a randomenrollment, an assessment only for trainee ? day and is without evaluation for trainingeffect and personnel quality, a stepwise capability building model for technician wasdesigned in this paper. First, staff responsibilities and technical capacity are defined.

  Thereby, a staff capacity model is established. The positions and working years ofcolleagues will be also considered in this model. Second, the capability of eachcolleague will be evaluated through self- and department evaluation. Differenttrainings will be held for different levels. Third, a training system will be establishedespecially for this department. Trainings will be organized according to this systemand the system is to be continually evaluated and optimized. Finally, trainingatmosphere will be created and the organization process for trainings will beoptimized, so that trainings can be carried out more efficiently and smoothly.

  Meanwhile, through development of new training programs, complete equipment andfinancial guarantee, the trainings can be organized continually and sustainably, so thata unity of responsibility - training – capability – level - performance is achieved.

  Key words:Human Resource Management, Training Management, Training for Technicians

    目 录

  摘 要


  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究意义

  1.3 研究方法与内容

  第 2 章 售后技术部培训体系存在的问题及成因分析

  2.1 售后技术部近期培训体系概述

  2.2 售后技术部现行培训考核方式的弊端

  2.3 售后技术部现行员工能力水平划分方法的缺欠

  2.4 售后技术部现行培训与绩效低关联度原因分析

  第 3 章 一汽大众奥迪售后技术部新培训体系设计

  3.1 以岗位职责为基础的能力模型

  3.2 以员工能力为核心的评价方法

  3.3 以提升能力为目标的阶梯式培训体系

  3.4 以绩效为依据的培训评价指标

  第 4 章 一汽大众奥迪售后技术部培训体系的保障措施

  4.1 售后技术部培训文化氛围建设

  4.2 售后技术部培训组织流程再造

  4.3 售后技术部培训课程资源开发

  4.4 售后技术部培训所需硬件保障

  结 论


  致 谢
