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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2014-12-13 共2162字



  纺织工业曾经是中国近代工业的主体,上海是中国机器纺织制造业的发祥地.上海纺织工业的全盛发展时期在上世纪 70、80 年代,发展成为了超大生产规模、生产品种门类齐全的产业.但到 80 年代后期,当中国经济体制开始从计划经济向市场经济转型,以"低技术含量"、"劳动密集型"和"低附加值"为特点的的中国纺织工业面临严峻挑战.

  创建于 1921 年的原上海第十七棉纺织总厂(以下简称"十七棉")作为一家纺织老厂,在上海的城市功能发生变革时期为了在国际化大都市谋求生存和发展,在产业格局和思路上进行了强度较大的调整:集中压缩了初级加工能力、技术含量低的初级产品、装备水平差的陈旧设备、赢利水平低的业务,在向江苏大丰纺织园区保留和转移了有可持续性的生产部门和业务后,将其在杨树浦路 2866 号东外滩的厂区进行转型改造,打造成与时尚发展理念相适应的时尚创意产业园区,拓展了一条以创意园区为载体、时尚活动为平台的,将时尚产业与现代纺织业及服务业紧密结合的发展之路,以此与上海这座国际大都市的现代纺织服务业理念相匹配,推动产业重心由制造端向后续服务价值链延伸,实现纺织产业由制造业向现代服务业转型.


  关键词: 纺织制造产业;时尚产业;转型战略


  Textile industry used to be the main body of Chinese modern industry,and Shanghaiis the birthplace of China textile machinery manufacturing. From 70s to 80s of the 20thcentury, Shanghai textile industry has entered its peak time and become an importantindustry as it developed a large production scale and a variety of categories. But after thelate 80s, Chinese economic system shifted from planned economy to market economy, andthe textile industry faced severe challenges as it featured "low-tech", "labor intensive" and"low added value" features.

  Founded in 1921, the 17th Cotton Textile Factory(hereinafter as the "the 17thCotton")has also experienced the change in Shanghai's economic function. In order to seekthe space to survive and develop, the 17th Cotton had to adopt intensity change in theindustry pattern and the train of thought. It has to make efforts to concentrate on cuttingprimary processing capacity and low-tech equipment of primary products, the oldequipment, low level of profitability of the industry, and meanwhile to preserve andtransfer those sustainable productions and businesses. In order to match image of theinternational metropolis of modern textile industry and to make correspondence to theconcept of fashion development, the factory, which was located on 2866 Yangshupu Road,the East Bund Area, was expanded to be a fashion creative park for the carrier, fashionactivities and as a platform of the fashion industry. To promote industry from merelymanufacturing to the follow-up service value chain extension.

  This paper is based on an analysis of the textile industry and makes use of the theoryof strategic transformation, enterprise core competence analysis method and thereorganization of value chain management theory in its analysis. It introduces the concretescheme of transformation, the method of resources allocation, and innovative applications.

  The conclusion of this paper not only is helpful to the domestic textile factory, but also canbe referenced by other state-owned manufacturing industry on how to take transformationsteps.

  Keywords: Textile manufacturing industry; Fashion industry; Transformation strategy




  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究内容

  1.3 研究的思路

  1.4 论文结构

  第 2 章 相关理论综述

  2.1 企业战略转型理论

  2.2 企业核心能力理论

  2.3 价值链定义与价值链重组

  2.4 创新理论

  2.5 本章总结

  第 3 章 国内纺织行业和上海第十七棉纺织总厂的概况

  3.1 国内纺织行业状况

  3.2 十七棉背景简介

  3.3 十七棉的经营问题聚焦

  3.4 十七棉原有价值链分析

  3.5 十七棉的紧缩战略选择

  3.6 企业的区域转移决策

  第 4 章 十七棉在产业转型中制造部分的保留

  4.1 产业转型目标的确立

  4.2 转型后保留下来的产业部分状况

  4.3 大丰纺织产业园区展望

  第 5 章 十七棉时尚产业园区的转型实施与考量过程

  5.1 向时尚产业园区的转型实施

  5.2 中国走时尚商业路线的可行性

  5.3 十七棉内部资源与核心竞争力的识别过程

  5.4 价值链的重组

  5.4.1 新价值独特性识别过程

  5.4.2 时尚产业园区重组后的新价值链

  5.5 以创新方式改变思维模式

  5.6 时尚创意园区概念的确立

  5.7 企业走时尚路线的产业优化组合的判断

  第 6 章 结论及展望

