[关键词] 诉前司法鉴定;程序;规范
China adopts authority dominant litigation model, which obeys the process thatparties in action must prosecute firstly and do a judicial expertise then, and we callthat judicial expertise during the litigation. However, as a professional activityinvesting evidence, it is improper to put judicial expertise ahead of litigation,otherwise, that will push back the party's expectation for the result of litigation,aggravate the tension between the both parties and also waste the judicial resources.
Under the circumstances in which lots of cases sprout out, and social contradictionsget more complete, it is more clear and obvious for the disadvantages of the modelfirstly prosecuting and then dong judicial expertise. To deal with the situation, Beijingxicheng district people's court and Shanghai xuhui district people's court start toexplore to start the judicial expertise before the litigation in practice. Because of thelack of relevant laws, the situation lacking standardization and unification starts tooccur in this exploration to reform existing judicial system from bottom up, and iteven contradicts with existing laws in some situations. It's just because of the variousproblems that it is necessary to do further researching about the model starting thejudicial expertise ahead of the litigation. To enhance the function of judicial expertisebefore litigation, my article chooses some courts, which has started the practice ofjudicial expertise and achieved good effect, as samples to assess the judicial effects inpractice. During the process, my article learn some lessons from German's civilprocedural laws, and also do some researching on the construction of Chinese judicialexpertise before litigation. Generally speaking, my article wants to do discussionprimarily on the promotion and application of this model in practice, express myopinions about the sequencing of judicial expertise before litigation.
My article can be divided into five sections, including introduction, overview ofjudicial expertise before litigation, survey on the practice of judicial expertise beforelitigation, the sequencing of judicial expertise and the conclusion.
The introduction mainly describes the basis and meaning choosing this topic todiscuss, literature review and main research methods of my article.
The first chapter is mainly about overview of judicial expertise before litigation,and introduces the basic theories of judicial expertise before litigation. Firstly myarticle introduces the concept and nature of judicial expertise. There are differentviewpoints about the question whether it can be contained in ranges of judicialexpertise for courts to delegate expertise to other organizations in practice. My articledescribes the concept of judicial expertise, based on the viewpoint that it should becontained in ranges of judicial expertise for courts to delegate expertise to otherorganizations in practice. The second chapter compares the judicial expertise beforelitigation and relevant concepts, and discusses the advantages of this model. Myarticle chooses two different expertise models in practice to study, including judicialexpertise entrusted by parties and judicial expertise during litigation. The articleintroduces the similarities and differences among judicial expertise before litigation,the judicial expertise entrusted by parties and the judicial expertise during litigation,and thinks the judicial expertise before litigation has more advantages over othermodels, which highlights the advantages of the judicial expertise before litigation.
The second chapter, which is divided into three sections, researches the effects ofjudicial expertise before litigation in practice. The first section introduces theexperiences of this model, and then the second study the practical effects of the model,and finally the third section discusses the problems of the model in practice. In thefirst section, the article introduces how the judicial expertise before litigation is donein practice, based on the researching on the experiences of Beijing xicheng districtpeople's court and Shanghai xuhui district people's court. The second sectionsummarizes the successful experiences in practice. Firstly, judicial expertise beforelitigation could enhance the efficiency of litigation and solve the disputation of parties,and the model can cut down the lawsuit time. Secondly this model can decrease theburden of parties. Thirdly, the model can ease the tension between parties. In the thirdsection, the article summarize the existing problems of the model in practice,including the unclear jurisdiction, the violation of parties' right of action, the lack ofprotection for opposite party, the not uniform effects of conclusion of judicialappraisal before litigation, settlement agreement's having not legal force, and theunclear subject burdening appraisal cost.
The third chapter divided into three sections discusses sequencing of judicialexpertise before litigation. The first section also can be divided into two parts, and thefirst part summarize three different model in practice of judicial expertise, includingthe type entrusted by court, the type with the court as agency, and the type with courtas consultant. Then, I explain why the type entrusted by court should be the typefitting China from the aspects of Chinese judicial situation and comparative law.
The second section mainly discusses sequencing of judicial expertise beforelitigation, after we confirm China should choose this model. At first, I think theenumerative method should turn into inductive method when the court decided whatcases can suit the judicial expertise before litigation, because enumerative methodcan't meet the needs of different cases. In addition, my article discusses thepreconditions applying judicial expertise before litigation, including the court'shaving jurisdiction, the party's filing application, and the issues needed to beidentified being relevant with the cases. After discussing the cases suiting judicialexpertise before litigation and precondition, the third parts discusses the specific ruleof the model. The rules include:1.the court interpretates the rules in reviewing.2.theparty files an application, and the court accepts and examinates the application.3.thejudge announces the opposite party.4.the party submit the expertise materials, andaccept cross examination.5.the party and court go through expertise's formalities.
Besides the scientific and reasonable rules, some supporting measures must beindispensable. The third section mainly introduces some supporting measures,includes: 1. the competent department should be defined, and I think the organizationof prosecution court should be reformed, and the special administration belonging toprosecution court and supervising judicial expertise before litigation should built. 2.
The opposite party's right should be protected during the judicial expertise beforelitigation, and should be given right to know and right to participate. 3. Theconclusion of judicial appraisal should be directly regarded as evidence to be used inaction. 4. The system that contacts settlement agreements and the judicialconfirmation process should be built. 5. The principle that the expertise's cost firstly isburdened and finally is burdened by subject liability should be confirmed.
The conclusion introduces the main contents of this article, and express that it isnecessary to continue the research on the judicial expertise before litigation.
【Key words】 Pre-trial forensic;routinization ;criterion
目 录
第一章 诉前司法鉴定概述
第一节 诉前司法鉴定的涵义
第二节 诉前司法鉴定的意义
第三节 诉前司法鉴定的原则
第二章 诉前司法鉴定的实践考察
第一节 诉前司法鉴定的实践考察
第二节 诉前司法鉴定的实践效果
第三节 诉前司法鉴定的实践问题
第三章 诉前司法鉴定的程序化构建
第一节 诉前司法鉴定的模式
第二节 诉前司法鉴定的程序构建
第三节 诉前法院委托司法鉴定的配套措施
结 语
后 记