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来源:首都经济贸易大学 作者:王月美
发布于:2019-02-28 共2798字


  本文共六章,第一章绪论对本文选题背景、研究方法及创新点等方面进行探讨;第二章结合儿童福利公共产品和外部性的特点,分析其由政府供给的必要性。第三章分析了我国儿童福利财政供给的现状,重点从需求与供给角度,分析了我国儿童教育、医疗、生活保障三个方面的福利水平,存在的供需矛盾,指出儿童福利保障存在的问题。第四章对国外儿童福利供给主体和供给形式两方面进行分析,认为供给主体多元化,津贴多样性等方面的经验值得我们借鉴。第五章运用实证分析的方法,通过构建 LESLIE 模型,在预测我国不同年龄儿童人口数量的基础上,提出针对不同年龄儿童的相应福利政策。

  The healthy growth of children is related to the future of the country and the fate of thenation. It is also related to the happiness of millions of families. Child welfare is an importantpart of social welfare. It is a key indicator of improvement of people's livelihood and socialconstruction. It is also a child’s most basic right. Behind it is the responsibility of thegovernment, society and guardians. Fully safeguarding children's welfare has become theconsensus of the entire society. The government as the helm of public services, shoulders themain supply responsibility for children's welfare. However, in the supply process, thegovernment often has problems such as insufficient protection and unbalanced resourceallocation. Problems such as the accidental death of abandoned infants, leftover children andchildren’s dropping out of school are still frequent. In order to meet the current urgent needsof children's welfare, to make up for government inadequacies in the provision of children'swelfare, and to improve the effectiveness of children's services, it is necessary to analyze thecurrent level of child welfare provision and explore the necessity and feasibility of thegovernment's efforts to improve child welfare provision. Therefore, this article focuses onanalysis and discussion from the following aspects:
  This article is a total of six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction to thebackground, research methods and innovation points of this article. The second chapteranalyzes the necessity of the government supply by combining the characteristics of children'swelfare public products and externalities. The third chapter analyzes the current situation ofthe financial supply of children's welfare in China, that is, the welfare supply level of thegovernment and social organizations in three aspects of children's education, medicaltreatment and life security. From the perspective of demand and supply, the contradiction ofsupply and demand of children's welfare services in China is analyzed, and the problems ofchild welfare and protection are put forward. The fourth chapter analyzes the two aspects ofthe supply body and the supply form of children welfare in foreign countries, and the diversityof its subjects and the diversity of subsidies are worth learning from. The fifth chapter makesan empirical analysis on the supply and service of children's welfare education, constructs theLESLIE model, calculates the number of children in different ages in the future, analyzes thecurrent supply situation of children's education in different stages in China, and the trend ofthe supply of children's welfare education in the future. The sixth chapter puts forward somesuggestions to improve the welfare of children in China.
  Key Words: Children's welfare; fisical supply; fisical security
  第 1 章 引言.

  1.1 研究背景、目的及意义
  1.1.1 研究背景
  1.1.2 研究目的及意义
  1.2 文献综述
  1.2.1 国内文献综述
  1.2.2 国外研究现状
  1.3 研究思路及方法
  1.3.1 研究思路
  1.3.2 研究方法
  1.4 创新与不足
  1.4.1 创新之处
  1.4.2 不足之处
  第 2 章 儿童福利财政供给相关理论分析
  2.1 儿童福利基本内涵
  2.2 公共财政与儿童福利财政相关理论
  2.2.1 公共财政与公共物品理论
  2.2.2 儿童准公共品属性的界定
  2.3 外部性与儿童福利财政相关理论
  2.3.1 外部性理论
  2.3.2 儿童福利具有正外部性
  第 3 章 我国儿童福利财政供给现状及问题分析.
  3.1 我国儿童人口及福利政策现状
  3.1.1 我国儿童人口现状
  3.1.2 我国儿童福利供给主体及政策
  3.2 儿童福利财政供给现状
  3.2.1 儿童教育各阶段投入水平
  3.2.2 儿童福利医疗财政供给水平
  3.2.3 儿童福利生活保障财政供给
  3.3 儿童类社会组织服务供给分析
  3.3.1 政府购买服务供给分析
  3.3.2 公益组织服务供给水平
  3.4 我国儿童福利财政供给存在的问题
  3.4.1 政府责任不明确 社会力量动员不足
  3.4.2 财政供给范围有限 覆盖人群不足
  3.4.3 福利金额增长缓慢 保障措施力度有限
  第 4 章 国内外儿童福利财政供给的经验
  4.1 儿童福利供给责任主体借鉴
  4.2 儿童福利供给形式借鉴
  4.2.1 儿童津贴形式
  4.2.2 税收抵免形式
  4.3 儿童福利示范项目区经验借鉴
  4.4 我国儿童福利经验借鉴
  第 5 章 基于 LESLIE 模型对儿童福利财政供给预测分析.
  5.1 儿童人口预测模型 LESLIE
  5.2 儿童人口变化的计算机模拟
  5.2.1 儿童人口模拟
  5.2.2 预测结果分析
  第 6 章 完善儿童福利财政供给政策建议 .
  6.1 完善政策思路 列入财政预算
  6.2 明确政府责任 创新合作形式
  6.3 提高福利金额 加大保障力度
  6.4 扩大福利范围 实现全面保障
  6.5 丰富福利形式 试行财税政策
原文出处:王月美. 我国儿童福利财政供给及保障政策研究[D]. 首都经济贸易大学 2018