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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-07-21 共2650字


  中 文 摘 要



  关键词: 夫妻共同财产制 夫妻个人财产制 夫妻约定财产制 完善建议


  Marital property system is the adjustment of the property relations of husband andwife in marriage law,which is a very important legal system. It is the legal systemabout the couple of the property before and after marriage property ownership,management, use, income, debt settlement, clearing and disposing of property when themarriage is dissolved in many aspects such as content. As an indispensable content ofmarriage law, since the founding of new China, China's marital property system hasbeen revised many times, by the common system first, to the statutory matrimonialproperty system, legislation mode to matrimonial property system, matrimonial personalproperty system and promissory property system combined, China's marital propertysystem experienced a process of gradual improvement, but at present our maritalproperty system still has contractual marital property system lacks publicity procedures,lack of agreement to change the procedures and provisions on inheritance or donation ofproperty and the unreasonable problem, still need to be further modified and improved.

  This paper introduces in the foundation of the basic characteristics and types ofmarital property system, to our country present conjugal property system were analyzed,and pointed out that the existence of marital property system in China, and then putsforward perfecting our marital property system suggestion. This paper is divided intothe following parts: the first part, introduction. Mainly on the marital property system ofour country history strictly and research status are introduced; the second part, themarital property system. This part is the concept, characteristics and types of maritalproperty system is introduced; the third part is the marital property system in China,including China's new “marriage law” of marital property system in China to perfect theelaboration of the marital property system in our country the statutory matrimonialproperty system, contractual marital property system and the specific the content ofindividual property characteristics, summarizes and comments; the fourth part is thesummary and analysis of flaws and defects on the marital property system in China, themarital property system of our country in the lack of publicity procedures, lack ofagreement change program about inheritance or gift from the property provisions arenot reasonable; the last part is the core of this paper, namely the perfect marital propertysystem of our country, this part from the general point of view, the joint property ofhusband and wife identification and management angle, contractual marital propertysystem and special system and then puts forward some marital property system of ourcountry perfect proposal.

  Keywords: the Marital Property System, the Legal Property System, PublicationProcedure

  目 录

  中文摘要…… 1

  英文摘要…… 2

  引 言……3

  一、夫妻财产制度概述…… 2

  (一)夫妻财产制度的概念…… 2

  (二)夫妻财产制度的特点…… 2

  (三)夫妻财产制度的主要类型…… 3

  二、我国现行的夫妻财产制度…… 6

  (一)新《婚姻法》对我国夫妻财产制度的完善…… 6

  1.明确了法定夫妻共同财产的范围…… 6

  2.确立了夫妻约定财产制度…… 6

  3.规定了夫妻个人特有财产制度…… 6

  4.体现了保护弱者的立法理念,更好的反映了司法本质…… 7

  (二)我国的法定夫妻财产制度…… 7

  (三)我国的约定夫妻财产制度…… 8

  三、我国夫妻财产制度的不足…… 13

  (一)约定夫妻财产制缺乏公示程序…… 13

  (二)夫妻财产制度缺乏协议变更程序…… 13

  (三)关于继承或赠与所得财产的规定不合理…… 13

  (四)缺少对法定财产制排除的非常情形的规定…… 13

  (五)对几个夫妻财产制度问题的见解…… 15

  四、完善我国夫妻财产制度的建议…… 18

  (一)增加夫妻财产方面的通则性规定…… 18

  (二)增加夫妻共同财产与个人财产的认定和管理的规定…… 18

  (三)进一步健全夫妻约定财产制…… 20

  (四)以夫妻财产分割为基础的可期待利益共有制度的构建…… 21

  (五)增设非常法定财产制…… 22

  (六)进一步完善特殊财产的归属制度…… 23

  结 语…… 25

  参考文献…… ……26

  致 谢……28
