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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-09-11 共2690字


  摘 要


  所谓秘密侦查,是指为揭露和证实犯罪,侦查机关依照法律规定,对于性质和罪名严重、危害性极强、影响重大的复杂、疑难案件,经过严格的申请和批准程序,在不暴露侦查人员身份、意图、实施中的手段内容及过程、结果的前提下,针对犯罪嫌疑人或与案件相关的第三人所采取的一种侦查行为。它包括的主要要素有:主题 ,即由侦查权的侦查机关;对象,即犯罪嫌疑人和与犯罪案件有关的第三人;运行方式,主要指其行为的运行方式;适用范围,即其应当严格控制在性质和罪行严重、危害性极强、影响重大的复杂疑难案件的范围之下;目的,在于揭露和证实犯罪。秘密侦查的概念最终落定在侦查行为上。究其原因,在于秘密侦查的研究始于法学语境之下概念的确立,但发展却表现着行为的属性。秘密侦查的研究着眼于其法治化,而法治化的一个重要方面就是要具有成体系的法律制度,在此即秘密侦查制度。





  In the course of the study of social science, ontology is a theory foundation tosupport. It includes the core concept of the theory beyond a single perspective (orcontext) the accurate generalization, essential elements, strict dialysis personalityanalysis grasp and logical starting point of theory ultimately settled. In this paper, thesecret investigation of the ontology, the ontology is the content of the theoreticaldeduction.

  The so-called secret investigation, is to expose and confirm the crime, theinvestigation organ in accordance with the law, the nature of crime, and serious harmis extremely strong, impact, complex, difficult cases, through the strict applicationand approval procedures, without exposure to identity, intentions, investigators in theimplementation process, the content and means of next, an investigation by thecriminal suspect or the relevant to the case of third people. The main factors whichinclude the theme, namely: the power of investigation the investigation organ; object,namely, criminal suspects and third people with criminal cases; operation mode,operation mode mainly refers to the behavior of the scope of application, namely the;should strictly control the complex and difficult cases, serious in nature and crime isvery harmful, significant under; objective, is to expose and confirm the crime. Theconcept of secret investigation eventually settled in the investigation behavior. Thereason is that, the establishment of secret investigation in the law under the context ofthe concept, but the development is a behavioral attribute. The research of secretinvestigation focus on the rule of law, and an important aspect of the rule of law is tohave a system of legal system, this is the secret investigation system.

  As a kind of different from the general investigation of the “last resort”, appearedthe secret investigation is a kind of inhibition, blow, deterrence “good evil crime ofnew period and social control mode under the background of transition from”. Knownas the “secret” two words to this kind of measures to bring a sense of mystery, anddeceptive adding factors to these measures brought legal disputes on. Different fromthe statutory mandatory measures, it showed in the practice process transparent andsecure in the implementation of the secret investigation is more able to adapt toagainst covert, intelligent, organized crime. Specifically, the characteristics of secretinvestigation include concealment, specific, technical, proactive, risk, persistent,vulnerability of the seven characteristics.

  The legalization of secret investigation is not only a theoretical problem is rich incontent, the practice topic but also a urgent, secret investigation as a subject of studycan not only enrich the theory, but also can provide theoretical support for thelegislation. Therefore, based on the ontology as the secret investigation, secretinvestigation on the concept, object, objective, procedure, time limit are discussed, inorder to promote the awareness of this system of our country of procedural law, andthe law of legislation as soon as possible.

  Keywords: Secret Investigation; Ontology; the Secret of Criminal Investigation; theState of Secret

  目 录



  目 录…… Ⅳ

  导 论……1

  第一章 秘密侦查的本体论初探……2

  第一节 本体论与社会科学研究中的本体论……2

  第二节 秘密侦查的本体论……3

  第二章 不同语境背景下的秘密侦查…… 4

  第一节 法学语境下秘密侦查的概念…… 4

  第二节 社会制度语境下的秘密侦查……12

  第三章 秘密侦查的本质剖析和特性研究……18

  第一节 侦查中的“秘密”与秘密侦查……18

  第二节 秘密侦查的内核--秘密状态……24

  结 语……34

