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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-31 共3698字


  摘 要




  第一章 陈述研究背景、研究目的和研究意义,介绍行动导向教学法在国内外的研究概况和本论文的创新点。

  第二章 阐述了行动导向教学法的概念、行动导向法的基本特征、行动导向法和传统教学方法的区别及其应用环境要求。

  第三章 通过问卷调查的方式,对我校实施行动导向法之前的教学情况进行了调查分析,指出了实施行动导向法的必要性。

  第四章 基于行动导向法,详细介绍了中职电工电子类课程教学模式的建立,以及行动导向法常用的几种方法和在实际当中使用的案例。

  第五章 与第三章呼应,再次通过问卷调查方法,对实施行动导向法之后的教学效果调查分析,验证了行动导向法使用的效果,并且对其中还存在的问题进行了反思。

  第六章 结论部分。



  Action-oriented pedagogy originated in Germany, is a new trend in recent years,vocational education theory, known as one of the world's advanced vocational educationmethods. Core action-oriented method is to learn the process and work processes organiccombination of student-centered, teacher guide, student ability and overall quality of trainingkey target, cultivate students' interest in practical activities to allow students active learningand develop lifelong learning habits. Teaching activities under the action-oriented method ofproduction and attention to solve real-life problems, while training students to solve practicalproblems and thinking skills overall quality. So students can quickly adapt to futureprofessional environment and meet corporate demand for skilled personnel.

  Electrical Electronic Course is an extension of junior high school physics,vocationalschool power-related majors indispensable basic course,is the basis for other electricityspecialized courses to learn,is the theoretical basis of skill operations.But for vocationalstudents,Electric & Electronic Course content complicated,high require ability.Vocationalschool students have been very weak knowledge base,study habits are not formed, and thepassage of time on the electrical and electronic courses producer,teaching statusworrying.Therefore, only electrical and electronic courses on teaching philosophy teacherchange, improve teaching methods in order to improve the quality of teaching and training forthe community of qualified technical personnel.

  In this paper, the first action of the domestic and foreign oriented teaching and itsapplications in terms of data collection, collation, connotation, of action oriented teachingmode analysis from the theoretical understanding. Secondly, the design of the questionnaireand interviews, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the author's School of electrical andelectronic professional teachers and students, the analysis of the current situation of electricaland electronic teaching and the existence main question, constructs the teaching mode ofaction oriented method, the action oriented method is applied to the actual teaching to go to.

  Finally, the application effect is still using the questionnaire survey way to verify the actualaction oriented method, and find out the existing problems, the causes of the problems,proposes the corresponding improvement strategy.

  The first chapter states the purpose and significance of research background, research,and respectively introduces the line overview of research on dynamic oriented teachingmethod at home and abroad and the innovation point of the thesis.

  The second chapter elaborated in detail the difference between related concepts, actionoriented teaching method, and the basic characteristics of traditional teaching methods, andthe application of environmental requirements.

  The third chapter is through the questionnaire survey way, teaching situation prior to theimplementation of action oriented method to our school conducted a survey analysis, pointedout the necessity of implementing action oriented method.

  The fourth chapter based on action oriented method, introduced in detail theestablishment of teaching mode of electrical and electronic courses in secondary vocationalschools, and several methods of action oriented method and used in the actual practice of case.

  The fifth chapter and the third chapter echoes, through the questionnaire, investigationand analysis of the implementation of action oriented method was used to verify the teachingeffect, the effect of action oriented method, and the reflections on the problems still exist.

  The sixth chapter is the conclusion part.

  KEY WORDS: Action-oriented Pedagogy, Secondary Vocational School, Electrical andElectronic Teaching

  目 录


  第一章 导论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究目的和意义

  1.2.1 研究目的

  1.2.2 研究意义

  1.3 文献综述

  1.3.1 国外研究概况

  1.3.2 国内研究概况

  1.3.3 国内外研究的述评和启示

  1.4 研究方法

  1.5 论文创新点

  第二章 行动导向法的理论概述

  2.1 相关概念

  2.2 行动导向法的基本特征

  2.2.1 教学目标特征是以能力为本位

  2.2.2 教学内容特征是以任务为导向

  2.2.3 教学方法特征是“知行合一”

  2.2.4 教学评价特征是多维性和综合性

  2.3 行动导向法与传统教学方法的区别

  2.3.1 教学形式的区别

  2.3.2 学习内容的区别

  2.3.3 教学目标的区别

  2.3.4 传递方式的区别

  2.3.5 教师作用的区别

  2.3.6 考核评价的区别

  2.4 行动导向法的应用环境要求

  2.4.1 培训支持

  2.4.2 教材支持

  2.4.3 课程管理支持

  2.4.4 激励政策支持

  2.4.5 实习基地支持

  第三章 电工电子类课程教学现状调查

  3.1 调查方案设计

  3.1.1 调查目的和方法

  3.1.2 调查问卷的设计

  3.2 调查统计结果及原因分析

  3.2.1 关于教师教学态度等的调查分析

  3.2.2 学生学习习惯和学习态度等的调查分析

  3.3 中职电工电子类课程教学中引入行动导向法的必要性

  第四章 行动导向法的应用策略

  4.1 行动导向教学法下的中职电工电子类课程教学模式的建立

  4.1.1 确定以能力为本位的学习目标

  4.1.2 编排以职业为导向的课程内容

  4.1.3 创建以工作为范本的学习情境

  4.1.4 设计以学生为中心的教学过程

  4.1.5 制定以学生为主体的评价方案

  4.2 行动导向法下的中职电工电子类课程中的应用与实践

  4.2.1 行动导向法的几种常用方法概述

  4.2.2 行动导向法在电工电子类课程中案例设计与实践

  第五章 教学效果调查分析

  5.1 行动导向法实施后教师调查问卷分析

  5.1.1 采用情况

  5.1.2 组织形式

  5.1.3 学生态度

  5.1.4 教学效果

  5.1.5 考核评价

  5.1.6 发展状况

  5.2 行动导向法实施后学生调查问卷分析

  5.2.1 了解情况

  5.2.2 学习兴趣

  5.2.3 组织形式

  5.2.4 互动程度

  5.2.5 学习效果

  5.2.6 考试评价

  5.3 存在的问题及思考

  5.3.1 学生的不适应

  5.3.2 教师的不适应

  5.3.3 教材存在弊端

  5.3.4 教学设施

  5.3.5 评价机制的建立

  第六章 结论


  致 谢
