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来源:未知 作者:陈赛楠
发布于:2016-12-14 共2451字


  摘 要
  1 前 言
  1.1 选题依据
  1.1.1 当前我国青少年体质持续 25 年下降的状况令人担忧
  1.1.2 改进和提高青少年身体素质,是我国学校体育当前面临的主要任务
  1.1.3 身体运动功能训练不但应用于运动训练领域,可以提高运动员身体素质,而且有可能
  1.2 选题目的与意义
  1.2.1 选题目的
  1.2.2 选题意义
  1.3 研究的创新点和难点
  1.3.1 研究的创新点
  1.3.2 研究的难点
  2 文献综述
  2.1 相关核心概念的界定
  2.1.1 体质
  2.1.2 身体素质
  2.2 关于身体运动功能训练的研究
  2.2.1 身体运动功能训练概念的界定
  2.2.2 身体运动功能训练的起源、形成与发展及应用领域
  2.2.3 身体运动功能训练方法和手段的研究
  2.2.4 身体运动功能训练动作筛选的研究
  3 研究对象与方法
  3.1 研究对象
  3.2 研究方法
  3.2.1 实验法
  3.2.2 文献资料法
  3.2.3 专家访谈法
  3.2.4 问卷调查法
  3.2.5 数理统计法
  4 研究结果和讨论
  4.1 小学生身体运动功能训练手段的构建
  4.1.1 构建小学生身体运动功能训练手段的依据
  4.1.2 构建小学生身体运动功能训练手段内容的原则
  4.1.3 小学生身体运动功能训练手段体系内容的拟定
  4.1.4 小学生身体运动功能训练手段内容总体构建
  4.2 身体运动功能训练改善小学生身体素质实验结果
  4.2.1 身体运动功能训练后实验对象力量素质对比情况分析
  4.2.2 身体运动功能训练后实验对象速度素质对比情况分析
  4.2.3 身体运动功能训练后实验对象耐力素质对比情况分析
  4.2.4 身体运动功能训练后实验对象灵敏素质对比情况分析
  4.2.5 身体运动功能训练后实验对象柔韧素质对比情况分析
  4.3 身体运动功能训练后学生主观感受调查分析
  5 结论与建议
  5.1 结论
  5.2 建议
  致 谢

  摘 要
  本文以北京市昌平区回龙观第二小学四年级 1 班和 4 班 60 名学生作为实验对象。在实验前将实验对象随机分为实验组和对照组,经 T 检验,两组无显着性差异。在此基础上,实验组需要经过 8 周的身体运动功能训练,对照组正常上课,两组强度保持一样。8 周结束后再次对各项指标进行测试,对实验前后两组的成绩用 SpSS19 进行组内与组间的统计学分析。
  研究结论:8 周实验结束后,比较测试身体素质的五项指标发现,实验组和对照组的成绩均有所上升,经 T 检验发现,实验组实验前后的多个指标(除去 50米跑)有较显着的差异,而对照组成绩虽有所提高,经 T 检验发现,实验前后没有较为显着的差异。
  关键词: 小学生; 身体运动功能训练; 身体素质
  In recent years, in many athletic sports, the coaches of the sportstraining of the body is very seriously. More important, it is consideredas one of the main elements of the athletes training by many expertsFrom the present situation, this theory has been used for many projectsin competitive sports training practice But the research on the basicphysical quality of human body is relatively poor Therefore, this paperfrom the reality of primary and secondary school students' physicalquality of the body movement function training is applied to the practiceof primary and secondary school students' physical quality, analysis withbody movement function training for improving youth fitness and after thestudy, and provide references for the future movement of the body functiontraining application in elementary school physical education class.
  This paper takes four grade 1 classes and 60 students from secondprimary school in Changping District, Huilongguan as the experimentalobject. The subjects were randomly divided into the experimental groupand the control group before the experiment, and the T test showed nosignificant difference between the two groups On this basis, theexperimental group after 8 weeks of physical exercise training, the normalclass of the control group, the same as the intensity of the two groups.
  After the end of the 8 week, the indexes were tested again, and the resultsof the two groups were statistically analyzed between the SpSS19 groupand the group.
  Conclusion: after 8 weeks of the experiment, comparing with the testthe physical quality of the five indicators found, the experimental groupand the control group, the scores are on the rise, was found by t test,the experimental group before and after the multiple index (remove the50 meter run) has significant differences, and the control performanceis improved and found by t test, before and after the experiment, noobvious differences.
  The physical training function is very obvious in improving thestudents' physical quality It is considered as an effective way toimprove the physical quality of students, and it plays an important rolein improving students' interest and preventing students' sports injuryeffectively.
  Keywords: primary school students; physical training; physicalquality