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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-05-18 共3119字


  摘 要






  关键词: 居民消费 生命周期模型 新型农村社会养老保险


  As an important reform of rural endowment insurance in China, the new type ofrural social endowment insurance can not only help to promote the social securitysystem, but also influence the consumption of the people. Therefore, it is necessary tostudy this effect to make sure the reform to be more effectively.

  Firstly, literature about the relation between social security and householdconsumption was studied, and different views were collected and classified. About theeffect of pension on household consumption, scholars have three views, being thatendowment insurance promoted consumption, suppressed consumption and unknown.

  Secondly, the concepts involved and the theoretical basis are defined and analyzed,especially the consumption theory development as well as the factors affectinghousehold consumption. Thus, the theoretical basis is established. Again, theconsumer model is established on the basis of the theoretical model for the specialcase of the new rural social pension insurance. The impact of the new rural socialpension insurance may have on consumer discussion is discussed theoretically.

  According to the life cycle hypothesis, although the new rural social pensioninsurance ultimately increases the policyholders lifetime earnings, but taking intoaccount the specific circumstances of policy measures and residents of our country,the impact on the overall income of the residents and consumption is uncertain in theshort term, which leads to the final consumer decision-making uncertainty. Finally,through an empirical model, the empirical test based on macro data of cities, didn'tgive determined results. The main reason is that different parts of the data are mixedtogether and it is difficult to obtain effective screening. Then through the introductionof control variables thought to the model and the conclusion is made: the new type ofrural social endowment insurance can promote the consumption.

  Obtained from the research methods and data, this paper further explore theconsumer behavior model to study consumption influencing factors, so as to betterresponse to actual consumer consumption. The study relied on credit society and ―bigdata‖。 According to the research results, this paper puts forward the endowmentinsurance system conception according to fund management system, make the ruralendowment insurance more adapt to China's specific national conditions.

  Key words: Residents consumption, life cycle model, the new type of rural socialendowment insurance

  目 录

  0 引言

  0.1 选题背景及研究意义

  0.1.1 选题背景

  0.1.2 研究意义

  0.2 文献综述

  0.2.1 国外研究状况

  0.2.2 国内研究状况

  0.3 本文研究思路

  0.4 本文的创新之处

  1 居民消费和社会养老保险

  1.1 居民消费相关概念及情况介绍

  1.1.1 居民消费界定

  1.1.2 居民消费支出水平

  1.1.3 居民消费倾向

  1.2 居民消费状况对比介绍

  1.2.1 发达国家和地区居民消费状况

  1.2.2 中国居民消费状况

  1.2.3 山东省居民消费状况

  1.3 新型农村社会养老保险

  1.3.1 我国农村养老保险制度

  1.3.2 新型农村社会养老保险试点

  1.3.3 山东省新型农村养老保险试点情况

  2 养老保险对居民消费影响的理论基础

  2.1 居民消费决定理论的发展

  2.2 凯恩斯的居民消费理论

  2.3 持久收入假说

  2.4 生命周期假说

  2.5 预防性储蓄理论

  2.6 行为生命周期假说与养老保险

  3 养老保险对消费影响的理论分析

  3.1 居民消费的影响因素

  3.1.1 居民消费行为介绍

  3.1.2 影响我省居民消费的因素

  3.2 养老保险制度改革对农村居民家庭账户的影响

  3.2.1 新农保对于农村居民家庭账户的影响

  3.2.2 城乡居民社会养老保险

  3.3 基于生命周期的居民消费模型

  3.4 对理论模型结果的分析和延伸

  4 新农保对居民消费影响的实证分析

  4.1 基于各市数据的分析

  4.1.1 样本的基本情况

  4.1.2 模型设定

  4.1.3 实证分析及解释

  4.2 基于控制变量法模型的分析

  4.2.1 样本的基本情况

  4.2.2 计量模型构建

  4.2.3 实证分析及结果解释

  4.3 基于各市数据的再分析

  4.3.1 样本情况及模型选取

  4.3.2 实证分析

  5 研究结论及思考

  5.1 研究结论

  5.2 对于研究的思考

  5.2.1 对研究结果的思考

  5.2.2 对于研究方法的思考


