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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-01-23 共2789字



  2008 年 5 月 1 日我国正式颁布实施了《劳动争议调解仲裁法》(下称《调解仲裁法》),该法结合我国目前劳动争议及其处理机制的特点,引入民商事仲裁的“一裁终局”制度,目的就是为了更快速、有效的解决劳动争议,维护劳动者的正当利益。但是劳动争议一裁终局制度在实践运行中,暴露出诸多法理及操作上的缺陷,严重阻碍了该制度的实施以及仲裁功能的体现。《劳动争议司法解释(三)》以及《劳动争议司法解释(四)》分别于 2010 年 9 月 14 日和 2013 年 2 月 1 日施行,但这两部司法解释只是部分解决了《调解仲裁法》中关于一裁终局制度中存在的问题,并未从根本上完善劳动争议一裁终局制度。






  《Law of the People's Republic of China on Labor-dispute Mediation and Arbitration》was carry out on May 1, 2008. This law has combined the character of the labor disputeand Labor dispute processing mechanism, and bring the arbitration system in civil andcommercial matters in order to resolve the labor dispute faster and more effective. But thissystem exist some legal principle and operational questions in practical, and even hider thepurpose of this Law.< Judicial interpretation(three)>and <judicial interpretation(four)>have carry out on September 14, 2010 and on February 1, 2013. This means the labordispute was constantly improving, but has not settle the question as usual.

  The first chapter mainly introduces definition and characteristic of both laborarbitration and commercial arbitration and shows the differences between them, forexample, the subject, the scope and the relationship between them. At last, we canconclude that our labor arbitration is not the true single and final arbitration.

  The second chapter mainly lists the two views of the domestic scholars and expertshave on carrying out the single and final arbitration in solving labor disputes. The approverthinks that it is beneficial for preventing some employer from delaying time of maliciouslitigation, and can short the time of protections for workers. Instead, the opposite viewsthat it is not real single and final arbitration and it is defective whether in theory and inpractice. The action between the employer and the employee is unequal. And actually, ithad not reduced the quantities of the litigations. Finally summed up the system of singleand final arbitration didn't set up the system of the original idea, and added to a certainextent “new disease”.

  The third chapter of this paper is mainly based on the analysis of the two chapters, weshould reform our labor arbitration. And introduces the labor arbitration in America andFrance . We can learn more from them. First of all,we should set up a mechanisms, inwhich employee and employer have right to choose the proper way they think, to deal withthe dispute by arbitration or litigation. And if they choose the arbitration, the arbitration iseffective to them, they also can not to choose litigation to solve the disputes. Secondly, weshould consummate the supervision of the existing arbitration, include internal and external.

  And the third we should consummate the articles of laws which the arbitration committeeor court apply.

  Key words: labor dispute, labor arbitration, single and final arbitration system,perfect

    目 录

  引 言……1








  1. 适用案件种类的特定性……5

  2. 适用主体的特定性……6

  3. 启动方式的特定性……6

  4. 与诉讼关系的区别性……6



  1. 我国劳动争议一裁终局制度的赞成说……8

  2. 我国劳动争议一裁终局制度的反对说……9


  1. 用人单位与劳动者诉权的不平等……10

  2. 减少诉讼的功能没有实现……13

  3. 终局裁决缺少监督机制……15

  4. 现行规定过于原则不具有可操作性……16



  1. “或裁或审、各自终局”制度的理论依据……18

  2. “或裁或审、各自终局”制度的现实需要……20


  1. 完善外部监督……21

  2. 完善内部监督和实现行业自律……22


  结 语……24


  致 谢……27
